6 ☆ Salty

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Important (Rewritten for Viola)

1. Buy Viola a HalloWiener ticket.

2. Get two similar cowgirl costumes, so we can swap places at the party.

3. Seriously make an attempt in convincing her to join Fashion Design and Illustration.

4. Find out if she like-likes anyone.

5. Figure out a way to make it up to my fans (might need Adele's help).

6. Fluff pillow in case number 5 doesn't go well (it's for sobbing in).

There was silence as Bella and Viola leaned on the car after school, waiting for Cody to arrive

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There was silence as Bella and Viola leaned on the car after school, waiting for Cody to arrive. It was unlike him to be so late. Usually, he was only a few minutes late, but today it was far worse.

Bella glanced at her friend, who was scrolling through her phone. Her chest hurt the whole day, after her and Beau talked, and she wanted nothing more than to talk to her like everything was fine.

She took out her phone, then began texting.

Hey. You don't wanna talk to me openly but we can chat... and before you ignore this, I'm not asking anything personal :)

She tapped on 'Send', and in less than two seconds, Viola's text alert went off. In her peripheral vision, Bella saw her read the text, then glance at her, before typing back a reply.


Just a hi? Well, she was more talkative than that.

Let's discuss Halloween. Wanna scare the hell out of Cody this year?

I doubt there's anything that can scare him

He's my bro and I know he's creeped out by The Grim Reaper even though he doesn't wanna admit it

Really? I honestly expected more from him

Me too. So? Should we scare him?

And risk being hated for the rest of our lives?

Um... yeah. But he'll get over it. Besides he can't hate us. We're too sweet

True :) So you have the costume?

Not yet. But I'll probably go shopping this Saturday

Instead of shopping for a one time thing, why don't I design one extra spooky and use fabric from my weekend fashion class? Ms. Eden wouldn't mind. I'll sew it there too

THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that's way too many exclamation marks!

Bella laughed, then turned to her. "But you'll show me the design so I can have a Halloween fashion show in my head?"

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