Chapter 3. Emilia

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“So why did you call me?" I ask Ethan.
“I wanted to know something... has she asked about me?"
“Who she?" I ask knowingly.
“You know who I’m talking about. I’m talking about my dear Alicia."
A smile formed on my lips.
“Oh, actually yes. I believe her exact words were “what can I do to get him leave me alone?" I said while getting in the car.
“Really?” He sound like he’s sad.
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later. I’m going somewhere.”
I hung up. Alicia and Ethan have such a cute relationship. I have to tell Alicia about this conversation. I thought while driving.
Alicia and Mia were already sitting in the café booth when I arrived.
“Hey guys.” I hugged them both.
“Hi, Emy.” Alicia said while tearing up.
“What did he do this time? He called me to ask about you but I played along.” I said.
“I caught him with a girl last night.” Said Alicia.
“And he was kissing her.” Mia added.
“So what did you do then?” I asked Alicia.
“I didn’t knew what to do I just started crying there.”
“You what? Alicia are you serious?” me and Mia both said at the same time.
“Yeah. And you’d be surprised to hear what happened after that.”
“Tell us.”
“He asked me to marry him.” Alicia said while blushing.
“OH. MY. GOD”. We both said it at the same time. We were dancing like a maniac. But what Alicia said after stopped our dance.
“But I refused to marry him.” Alicia said while looking outside the window.
“You Did What?” I asked.
“I’m still mad at him. About that girl. Even though he said she was forcing herself on him.”
“Come on. We’ve got plans for your wedding. Just fix the date already.” Me and Mia we both were excited about Alicia. She always wanted to marry Ethan. They were perfect for each other.
After sometime I left the café only to bump in some stranger on my way out.
“I’m sorry.” I said while looking at my phone on my patient's documents. But he didn’t answer. I looked up and he was staring at me.

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