Chapter 50. Hadrian

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Why the hell she isn’t picking up her phone? I called Donna.
“Where’s she?” I asked as I leaned my head against my office chair.
She didn’t spoke for a moment.
“She went to the hospital but… she didn’t returned.”
I sit up straight.
What does that mean?
“Dammit!” I said as I rushed straight out of my office to the car. God… I hope she’s fine. She should be fine. I should have picked up the phone when she called me. But I was attending that fucking meeting. I gripped the steering wheel. Mia cara should be fine.
I drove to Maria’s bakery. She must be there. She goes there when she’s bored.
I ran to her bakery.
“Maria!” I shouted.
She turned around from the counter. Customers looked at me.
“What happened?” she asked.
“Where’s Mia cara?” I panicked.
“I don’t know. She didn’t came here.” She said panicking too.
“Is she at Alicia’s?”
“At her father’s?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Then where did she went?” I was getting anxious now.
“I don’t know…” she said.
I rushed out of the bakery and to my parents home. She must be there because Olive come to meet them. She should be there.
I drove fast.
I rushed inside our house. I looked around. Mom was there. She rushed towards me.
“What happened? Is everything alright?”
“Is Mia cara here?”
My heart beat stopped.
Where the fuck is she? This house was my last hope.
My dad and Vincent rushed towards me.
“Dad, she’s not anywhere. I can’t find her.” I said as he made me sit on the couch.
“Don’t worry. She’ll be fine.”
“I have a feeling that she’s in trouble. She needs me.” My head falls in my hands. I feel so miserable. I feel just like how I felt when I first met her. When I thought that I’d lost her. A tear rolled down my cheek.
Mom hugged me as she sit beside me.
“I don’t want to lose her. She’s my everything. Please… do something.” I whispered as Vincent pat my shoulder.
“Bro, I’ll do something. I’m gonna call the police.”
Just then my phone rang.
An unknown number.
“Hadrian?” Her sob escaped her mouth as she pronounced my name.
My whole world fall apart as I heard her sob.

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