Chapter 35. Emilia

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Finally! I’ll go to work today. I thought as I changed into my work clothes. I usually wear high waisted pants or jeans with shirts.
I was covering the hickey he gave me last night with concealer, when he entered the room.
He was wearing his watch as he looked at me in the mirror. His devilish grin appeared on his face.
He’s coming towards me. Why is he coming towards me?
“Don’t cover my bite marks or I might have to add something more obvious.” He said and I turned around.
“Are you serious?, What my patients would think when they’ll see it?” I asked as I took my purse.
“They’ll think that you had a great time with your husband last night.”
I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my purse.
“I’m going.” I said as I took a step. But he grab my arm.
He looked down at my chest and start to button my shirt up. The three buttons of my shirt were opened showing my chest.
I looked at him with disbelief. “I can’t breath with my shirt all buttoned up.”
“One open button is enough for you to breath.” He said.
I made an annoying face.
He was tying his tie when he stopped and looked at me. His evil grin appeared again.
“Tie it.” He said as he leaned in and put his both hands on my each side of the dressing table. Locking me in his arms.
“Why should I do it?” I raised my eyebrow.
“Because you’re my wife.” He said as he leaned in more until we were just two inches away.
Ughhh. I want to kill him by wrapping this tie around his neck. Wait… I can do it. I smirked.
“Why not?” I said as I started to tie his tie. I looked in his emerald green eyes and I think he knew what I was thinking. I tight the tie on his neck.
“Not too tight, Mia cara. Do you want to kill your husband?” he asked.
I giggled and loosened his tie.
“Actually, yes. I want to kill you.”
“What pleasure it would be to die from your delicate hands.” He said as he took my hand and kissed it. I pulled my hand back.
“I’m going.” I said.
“I’ll drop you there.” He said as he took his phone from the side table.
“I’ll not go with you.” I said as I folded my arms on my chest.
“I’m waiting outside.” He completely ignored me and got out of the room.
God, He’s so annoying.
I took my things and got out.
He dropped me at the hospital.
“Do you want me to pick you up after?” he asked as I got out.
“No. I’ll come with the driver.” I said.
He nodded as he got out of the car.
“Where are you going?” I asked confused.
“What is the name of the doctor who treated you after the accident?”
“Dr. Conrad. Why are you asking?”
Dr. Conrad was in his fifties now. He treated my just like his daughter.
“I wanted to talk to him.” He said as he walked beside me.
“Okay. I’ll go with you.” I said as I slid my arm in his.
“I wanted to talk to him in private.”
I made an annoyed face.
When we were inside the ward he entered Dr. Conrad’s office.
I can’t just stand here peacefully when he’s talking about me to the doctor. I pressed my ear to the door and tried to hear what they’re talking about. And to my surprise Their voices were clear.
“So, what exactly are you saying?” Hadrian asked.
“Dr. Emilia had suffered from anterograde amnesia. This type of amnesia causes victims to lose their memories but they can recover them easily within one or two years if they’ll see the same persons or things again. But in your case, it’s been six years since she last saw you. And I don’t think so that she’ll be able to recover those memories now.”
There was silence after that.
“Alright. Thank you for your time.” He said and before I could even process that he was coming out he opened the door and I fall on him.
Hadrian catches me and looked surprised.
Dr. Conrad was in shock. I looked at Dr. Conrad and laughed nervously.
“Umm… Hi. Good morning, doctor. I was just walking by… and I thought I should greet you.” I said as I stood up and balanced my position.
“Good morning.” He paused and looked at Hadrian. “I don’t think she’ll recover those memories now but she can make more with you as your wife now.” He smiled at us.
We got out of there then.
“You were eavesdropping?” he asked as we walked.
“Yeah. I was curious.” I said with honesty.
“You’re always so curious.” He said as he kissed the tip of my nose. I blushed and looked around to make sure no one was watching us.
“You should go now.”
He nodded.
“Bye and take care, sweetheart.” He said as he smiled and winked at me.
I blushed. “Bye.”
After he left, I got busy into work real quick.

God, why isn’t the driver coming? It’s been an hour and he still hadn’t come. I can’t wait anymore. I took out my phone and booked a cab. After ten minutes it came.
I sighed as I sat inside.
“Hello, Mam. How was your day?” the cab driver asked. He looked in his forties.
“It was great. But now I’m tired.” I said as I rest my head.
He smiled. “I used to be tired too when I used to work in this hospital.”
“Wait, you worked in this hospital?” I asked.
“Yeah, long time ago when I was a teenager my mom had cancer and I thought I should help her by working here and then the……”
He talked and talked. I was bored now.
The cab was on the highway now. There wasn’t much traffic on the road. But there was a fancy black car who was in front of the cab. It was slow. I sighed angrily.
“Press the horn!” I said to the cab driver.
He nodded and pressed it. But it was still slow.
The tunnel on the road come in view. When the cab entered it the black car stopped. The cab slowed. What’s happening? All four doors of the car open at once and four men got out of it wearing all black and holding guns. Their face was covered with masks. They were coming towards the cab.
Panic flooded over me. My heart beat quickened with fear. My hands were trembling.
“DO SOMETHING! I DON’T WANNA DIE!!! I shouted at the cab driver.
He looked panicked too.
“WHAT SHOULD I DO, MAM?” he shouted back in panic.
“OKAY MAM, I’LL… I’LL STRIKE THE CAR!” he said as he sped up the car and hit the black car doors. All the men jumped to the side. The cab driver didn’t stopped after that.
I sighed with relief.
“Mam, I saved your life.” He said proudly as we got out of the tunnel.
“Thank you. Thank you so much. I’ll pay you extra for that.” I said with honesty. My hands were still shaking and my heart was pounding. Who were these people? They didn’t looked like thieves to me. Why do I feel like they were after me on purpose?
After he dropped me home, I come inside straight into the bedroom.
I could have died. They could have shot me. Tears started to form in my eyes. God… I’m so scared.
With shaking hands I subconsciously dialed Hadrian’s number. He picked up on first ring.
“Hello?” he said.
A lump formed in my throat and I didn’t respond.
“Are you ok, Mia cara?” he asked with concern in his voice.
“When are you coming home?” I asked as a sob escaped my mouth. I put a hand on mouth to stop myself from sobbing.
“Why are you crying? What happened? Are you okay? Where are you? Do you hear me?” he asked like he’s running.
“I’m at home.” I said as the tears started to fall.
“I’m coming.” He said as he hung up.
After ten minutes the bedroom door burst opened and he breathed heavily. He run towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I let myself cry in his embrace.
“Shh. It’s okay. I’m here.” He said rubbing his hand on my back trying to calm me down.
After some minutes I finally calmed down.
“Now tell me what happened.” He asked as he cupped my face.
“Nothing serious.” I said.
“Nothing serious?God, Your hands are shaking.” He said as he held my cold hands in his warm hands and rub them to warm me.
I told him about what happened. He was silent.
“They had guns?”
I nodded.
“It’s all my fault. I should have picked you up.” He said as he kissed my hands.
“No. It’s not your fault.”
“We’re going to Italy tomorrow.”
I nodded.
"You're safe now. Don't worry. I'm with you. I won't let anything happen to you." he said as he kissed my forehead.
I nodded and subconsciously rest my head on his chest.

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