Chapter 14. Hadrian

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Why isn’t she home?
Where is her family gone to?
I’ve already waited a week to meet her.
And she isn’t home now.
I missed Vincent’s engagement party. Dad would be hella mad.
But she is more important for me. I decided to come tomorrow morning to see her.
I get back in the car and drove to the mansion.
Everything was looking so great. The fragrance of flowers were refreshing. I didn’t even meet my sister in law. Vincent have good taste, so she'll be good.
I was so tired after the meetings , I didn’t even get the nap.
When I arrived I head straight to my room.
Just when I was in hallway I saw her.
Mia cara.
What is she doing in here? And why the fuck she is wearing that beautiful heavy dress? Is she my sister in law’s friend? Or sister? Or any relative? My thoughts are killing me right now.
I ran straight to her.
She looked lost.
Like an innocent beautiful deer lost in a jungle of beast.
I covered her eyes with my hands.
She laughed.
God, I've missed this laugh so fucking much.
"Who is it?" She asked.
"It's me, Your love." I whispered in her ear.
She pushed me.
Why did she pushed me?
She never pushed me away from her.
“Who the hell are you? Stop touching me.” She said panicking.
Her sweet voice and those words for me. Doesn’t match.
“Mia cara, this isn’t a nice way of saying hello to your lover. You should greet me with your love.” I said while looking at her up and down. She is looking damn gorgeous.
“You are making me really uncomfortable, Sir. You must be mistaken.” She said confusingly. While backing up.
“You’re joking right?” I asked. While cupping her face.
“I’m not your Mia cara and I am not joking.” She said angrily as she pushed my hands away.
“No. You. Are. My. Mia cara. And don’t FUCKING act like you don’t know me.” I said furiously.
My blood was boiling.
She flinched.
She stopped protesting. Tears were forming in her eyes from the harshness of my voice. She doesn’t like my anger. Oh God, How can I forget that.
“I’m sorry, Mia cara. I just.. I just can’t endure those words that.. you don’t know me.” I said while taking her small, soft hands in mine.
“You’re crazy. You’re a maniac. Let me go, you jerk.” She said while trying to run away.
That’s when I noticed the ring in her hands.
In her ring finger.
The ring finger that was only made for my ring.
My eyes were bloodshot from anger.
My face was turning red.
She was terrified of me.
Mia cara was never terrified of me.
“What’s this?” I asked her calmly. Trying to control my FUCKING emotions.
“What do you mean what’s this. Obviously that is a ring. And I’m not your Mia cara. I’m Vincent’s fiancée. Try to understand it. And stop touching me.” She said feeling irritated.
That was when my whole world shattered.
I’m Vincent’s fiancée .
I was losing control when Vincent came inside.

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