Chapter 49. Emilia

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Oh God, I’m late for the appointment again.
I sighed as I held my purse and was about to exit the room when my phone rang.
An unknown number.
I picked up.
“Hello?” I said.
No one said anything.
“Who’s there?”
“Hey, little lady.” A heavy voice said.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I’ll tell you later who I am.”
“God, what the hell you want?” I was pissed now.
“I have Lucy.”
“I kidnapped Lucy would be a better line.”
I was in shock now. Lucy should be in kindergarten. What the hell is happening?
“Why do you have Lucy!!?” I sat on the bed to calm myself down.
“You want her back?” he asked.
“Of course I want her back.”
“Then come on the address that I’m sending you.”
“Do you want any money?”
What kind of kidnapper is this that doesn’t want any money?
“And remember little lady, don’t bring any one with you. And most importantly don’t tell Hadrian or anyone about where you’re going.”
How does he know about Hadrian?
“I don’t want any cleverness. Understand?”
My hands were shaking as I hung up.
God… what is happening.
I was scared now.
I dialed Hadrian’s number.
He didn’t picked up. He always pick up my call on first ring. He must be busy. A shaky breath released my lips as I texted him that I’m going with the driver to the hospital.
Donna asked me if i want her to go with me. I said no. She always go with me on the appointments.
“Hadrian would question me.” She said.
“No. I’ll be with Alicia.” I said as I hurried to the driver.
“Okay. Take care.” she said.
I showed the address to the driver. He hesitantly asked me why I’m going there. I told him it’s something important.
When we arrived, I looked around.
It was abandoned house. That looked so old. The street was empty. Like no one come and goes from here.
Two fancy black cars was parked beside the house. The same black car. Three men got out of the house and walked towards me. The same three men I saw when they wanted to attack on me on the highway. I gulped and backed up.
“Mam?” Driver said.
I looked at him.
“We should not stay here. Let’s go.”
“I have to take Lucy first.” I said.
“Go from here.” One man all dressed formally in black said to the driver.
“No. Sir would kill me if I’ll leave madam here.” He said afraid.
“And we will kill you if you won’t leave.” He said as he took out his gun.
A gasp escaped my mouth.
“What the hell do you want? Give me Lucy back.” I shouted at him as he point the gun a the driver.
“We’ll give you Lucy once he’ll leave.”
I looked at the driver. He gulped and nodded.
He start the car and drove away. Now I was left with those 3 men. One of them dragged me inside the house.
“Leave me!!” I shouted.
When I entered the house I looked around.
“Where’s Lucy?” I asked them.
They all laugh.
“You’re so dumb.” One of them said.
“But she’s beautiful.” The second one said as he touched my face. I jerked his hand away.
“We don’t have Lucy. We wanted you. And we lied to you.” The third one said.
“Why did you kidnaped me then!?” I asked as they made me sit on the chair. One of them was tying the rope around me and the chair.
What the hell is happening?
“Our boss would tell you that.” He said.
“Where is he?”
“There.” He said as the door opened. A big sized, fat looking man exit the room. A laugh escaped my mouth.
“What are you laughing at?” The boss asked as he made a face.
“Nothing.” I said trying not to laugh.
“Don’t act so clever, little lady. We’ll kill you.” He said as he sat down on a chair in front of me.
“Oh…. What a surprise.” He said as he looked at my baby bump.
“Now, the pain he’ll experience will be even worse than I expected. When he’ll see his wife and baby dead.” His evil laugh echoed through the empty house. I frowned.
“What do you mean?” I asked confused.
“I mean, Hadrian will experience the pain that I’ve experienced.”
“How do you know him? And what pain?”
“He killed my brother when Hadrian was in military. And now I want to take revenge.”
“No…” I was shocked.
“Now, I will kill you and your baby.”
“No…” I looked at my baby bump. Tears formed in my eyes. I looked at him.
“How can you be so heartless?”
“Just like how your husband is.” He said
“He is not heartless. He has a good heart. He’d never kill anyone without any reason.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Shut up you little lady! You know nothing about him.”
I flinched.
His phone rang. He got up. “I’m going and kill her when I’ll order you to.” He said to three men.
I gulped.
He got out of the house. And I heard the sound of the car engine. I looked at the other 3 men.
“I feel bad for her though.” One of them said.
“Yeah me too.” The other said.
“Do you want to eat anything?” the third one said.
I shook my head.
“Come on. It’s your last moments. We’ll cook for you ourselves.” The first one said as he got into the kitchen. This house is so empty. Like no one was there before them. I looked around.
“Hadrian…we need you.” I whispered as I caressed my belly with my free hand.

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