Chapter 16. Hadrian

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I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry before. I came in my room and Slammed the door.
What the actual fuck was that?
How can she FUCKING get engage to someone other than me.
I looked in the mirror.
My eyes were bloodshot.
My hair was messy.
I looked like a mess.
I pushed all the things on the dressing table and they fell on the floor.
I broke the mirror.
I broke everything that came in my way.
I was now sitting on the floor. Beside my bed.
My head fell in my hands.
How can you do this to me, Mia cara?
Why was she acting like she doesn’t know me?
Everything is fucked up.
My hands were bleeding so bad.
But it wasn’t my hands that hurts.
It was my heart.
It hurts so bad. Damn.
Someone knocked on the door.
“Come.” I said.
My head fall on my bed behind. I closed my eyes.
“Oh my dear… boy what have you done?”
It was donna. Donna’s been working for our family for a long time. She worked for my grandparents first and now for my dad.  She knows me more than my own dad.
She has a classic name. In Italian it means lady.
“What made you so upset, Hotshot?” She asked with concerned while taking out the first aid kit from drawer.
She calls me that because she thinks I’m always angry and hot headed. It’s ridiculous. She’s been calling me that since I was five.
“Nothing.” I said looking up at the ceiling.
She sat with me on the floor and start wiping my wound.
“There are many things that can make you upset and ‘Nothing’ is none of them.” She said while applying bandage.
I smiled at her silly joke.
“You remember that girl I love? I found out that she got engaged today.” I said while looking at the wound.
“oh… that’s really sad. Oh wait. You said today? Are you talking about Emilia?” Donna asked shocked.
I used to talk about her all the time at home to everyone, but I never told them her name. And today she is the first person to find out her name.
I really wish I should have said her name to them, so that today it wouldn’t had happened. No one ever dared to take what’s mine. If only Vincent knew.
“Yeah, Emilia.” I said while kissing her furiously in my head. Damn. I came here with so many plans with her. I thought I’ll gave her, her first kiss.
Oh...Her first kiss.
Did Vincent stole it or not?
He must not.
“So, that’s why you’re angry. Do you think she betrayed you?” She asked while standing up. And making me stand up too.
Donna made me sit on the bed.
“No.” I said flatly.
“Then what do you think happened while you were gone?” she asked.
“I don’t know.” I said emotionlessly.
“Have you eaten anything yet?” she asked me.
“No. I’ve lost my appetite. I’m tired. I’m going to sleep.”
With that I lay down on the bed.
Donna cleaned the mess that I made. After cleaning she left my room.
I wasn’t able to sleep.
I stand up. I went to my bedroom window. I saw Mia cara.
She was having fun with her friends.
She noticed my stare on her.
She looked up at me.
I smiled at her.
She didn’t smiled back.
She made a confusing face.
Her mom come for her to leave.
She looked at me one last time.
Then, She left.
I was watching her the whole time she was here.
I really need to find out what the heck happened here while I was gone.
I dialed Ian’s number.
He picked up.
“hey, what’s up?” Ian said.
“Tell me what the fuck happened while I was gone?” I ask him angrily.
“Bro, what’re you talking about?” Ian asked clearly confused.
It was loud on Ian’s side. He must be in club.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” I said to him.
“You talking about Emilia?”
“yeah.” I said biting the inside of my cheek.
“Nothing happened. She’s fine. I looked after her while you were gone.” He said.
But something in his tone is telling me he’s hiding something.
“Then why is she acting like she doesn’t know me. She got engaged today and you’re telling me nothing happened.” I said while looking out of the window. At the decorations.
“With who?” He asked.
“With my fucking brother”. I said gritting my teeth.
“Hadrian, I seriously don’t know what happened. But I think I might know something.” He said.
“Speak.” I said.
“When Emilia dropped you off on the airport she got hit by a car. I thought that was some minor accident. They took her to the hospital. She lost some of her memories. But in the last few years she recovered all of them. I thought she remembered you. But maybe…” he became silent.
“That much had happened and you didn’t tell me? She forget me, Ian. SHE FUCKING FORGET ME.”
I was raising my voice now.
“Calm down. I really thought she remembered you. It’s not my fault.”
I ran down to the garage. I start the car. I reverse it.
“Where are you going now?” Ian asked.
“To her.” With that I hung up.

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