Chapter 19. Emilia

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“So you are saying that he is a psycho?” Mia asked.
“Yeah, Exactly.” I said while drinking my morning coffee.
We were sitting in the hospital café. We usually talk here because I don’t really have time to go somewhere else. In my break time we sit here and gossip. Mia’s bakery is just a few blocks away from here so she doesn’t get any problem getting here and Alicia’s a makeup artist and works at a salon. She's usually free so she come here whenever she wants.
“Emy, you should have told us about him when we were there at the party.” Alicia complained.
“I thought he was just mistaken but now he’s not leaving me alone. He thinks I’m his Mia cara or whatsoever.” I said.
“But he looked completely normal to me. And handsome too. I saw him from the back when he was going inside. Didn't got to see his handsome face.” Mia said while smiling and eating the croissant.
“What is his name?” Alicia asked.
“Hadrian.” I said simply.
Mia chocked.
When I look up from the phone they both were looking at me like I’ve told them some very serious news.
“Impossible.” Said Alicia, shocked.
“What? Do you guys know him?” I asked them seriously.
You know him too, Emy.” Mia said.
“What do yo-"
"Good morning, Ladies."
We all looked at the owner of the voice.
“Hey”, said Vincent while coming closer to our booth.
What is he doing here? Did he heard our conversation?
“Hi. How are you?” I asked nervously.
“Good, now that I saw you. Hope I’m not disturbing you guys.” He said while looking between us. Probably wondering why we stopped talking.
“Oh, No. No. We were just leaving. Right Mia?" Alicia said while eyeing Mia who was just eating another croissant.
“Oh yeah. Let’s go. Have fun, love birds.” Mia said to both of us.
Alicia hugged me and whisper in my ear, “We’ll talk about this later, Emy.” She said seriously.
I nod.
They both left.
“What are you doing here? You should be in your office right now.”
“I was just hanging around.” He said casually.
“Who just hangs around in hospitals?” I asked smilingly.
“Fine, I was here to take you on a short date.” He said while taking my hand in his and placing a kiss on my knuckles.
“Oh I see. But I should go to ask for leave first.” I said while standing up from my seat.
“I’ll come with you.” He said.
We were walking to my office when my coworker said “Congratulations on your engagement”.
“Thank you.” Said Vincent.
“How do they know that I’m your fiancé? He said while leaning against my office chair while I collect my things.
“Because they never saw me with a man before. You’re the first. And my engagement news spread like fire. So they probably wonder you’re my fiancé.” I said.
He smiled.
Did he smiled because I was not with any man before or because I called him my fiancé?
“Where will you take me?” I asked.
“Where ever you want, honey.” He said flirtingly.
I smiled and rolled my eyes.
“Have someone ever told you how good you are at flirting?” I asked while we walked out of the hospital.
He smiled. “No, you’re the first one.”
At the end, we decided to go in the new restaurant that opened just a few weeks ago. He wanted to try its food.
We arrived at the restaurant.
“The food is surprisingly delicious.” Said Vincent while taking a bite.
“Yeah…Vincent, I want to ask you something."
He nodded.
"Is your brother Italian?” I asked curiously.
“hmm… his mother was Italian and he spent most of his life in Italy. In fact he was born there.”
Oh… I guessed it right.
“How’s your relationship with him?” I asked trying not to sound suspicious.
“We share almost everything. When we were younger, he used to tell me about his love life. He was madly in love with that girl but he never told me her name. But I think It didn’t work.” He said.
They have different mothers but still they have a strong bond.
“What didn’t work?” I asked.
“His relationship with that girl. Maybe something happened. He doesn’t talk to me about her now. Whenever I ask him he doesn’t respond."
Oh… why I’m even interested in his life.
I’ll try my best to avoid contact with him.
I don’t want him to attack me, like he did last time.
“Emilia?” he said.
“Yes?” I said.
“There is a business event on this coming Thursday. Many people would come. And of course your family have to attend it. And also invite your friends on my behalf.”
We spent the evening talking and going here and there.
We were sitting in the park and seeing kids play.
“So… did you enjoyed?” Vincent asked as he brushed a strand of hair from my forehead.
“Obviously.” I smiled as I lean my head on his shoulder.
He kissed my forehead. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life.”
I smiled.
Just then his phone rang.
“Yes, Mom?” he paused.
“Yeah, she’s with me. I’m coming.” He hung up.
“What happened?” I asked puzzled.
“Olivia just came home with my newborn niece. And mum wants you to meet them.”
I beamed.
“Oh my god. Why didn’t you told me before that she was in hospital? I would had helped her.”
“I didn’t wanted to trouble you.” He said as we got up from the bench.
I smiled.
As we got in the car he coughed.
“Are you alright?” I said as I put my hand on his back.
“Maybe.” He leaned back. He was taking deep breaths.
“Vincent? What’s happening?” I was so concerned.
“Can you give me inhaler? It’s in the storage compartment.” He said as he coughed.
I immediately took out the inhaler for him.
“You have asthma?” I said as I gave him inhaler.
“Kind of. I have problem breathing. Nothing serious. Don’t worry.”
He leaned back. He closed his eyes. He put his hand on center console. I see him as he was breathing.
I intertwined my fingers with his to reassure him.
He opened his eyes.
He smiled at me.
“Why are you so perfect in every way?”
I shrugged smiling back.
He reach over to me and kissed my cheek.
“I’m falling for you.”
Butterflies were dancing in my stomach.
“Don’t speak too much. Are you feeling better now?” I asked him as he squeezed my hand.
“So much better now that you’ve treated me.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Let’s go then. I can’t wait to meet Olivia and your niece.”
We drove to his family mansion.
When I entered Olivia’s room there was a little cute baby girl clinging to her.
“Oh my God. She’s so cute and healthy baby, congratulations.” I said as I hugged Olivia.
I was beaming. So was Olivia and Vincent. And I noticed he was there too.
He was leaning against the dressing table, his arms folded on his chest. Those emerald green eyes fixed on me.
“Emilia you should hold her.” Olivia said as she started to shift.
“No. I can’t. She’s so delicate. I’m afraid I’ll hurt her.”
“You’re a doctor, Emilia. And one day you have to hold your baby too. So, you can get training from now on.” She said while giving me her cute baby.
I blushed. I kissed her forehead as I hold her in my arms.
“I’m an oncologist not a gynecologist, though. I rarely hold a baby that’s why I’m afraid. she looks just like you. What did you named her?”
“Hadrian named her Lucy.”
I smiled. My gazed accidentally went in his direction and he was smiling.
It’s rare for him to smile. His smile is handsome. What is he thinking?
What the heck Emilia? You’re engaged.
I looked away.
Vincent went in his dad’s office to talk about something.
I was with Olivia and Hadrian was gone somewhere.
We were talking when maid came and told me that auntie Agnes was calling me.
Oh god I don’t even know where she is. I was thinking where to go when I found Hadrian talking on his phone and looking at the opposite direction.
I hate to go to him and ask for help.
When he noticed my presence he turned around.
“I’ll talk to you later.” He said as he hung up.
He raised his eyebrow. “Do you need me?”
“Unfortunately, yes. Can you tell me where auntie Agnes is?” I asked as I looked around.
“What can I get in return?” he asked as he took a step closer. I took a step back.
“What do you want?” I asked nervously.
“I don’t think you’ll be able to provide me what I want.” He said as he gazed at my lips.
And I immediately knew what he was thinking.
“You’re such a pervert.” I said as I was about to go.
He smirked. “She’s in the kitchen. It’s on the left side.”
“Thank you.” I said sarcastically.
And I ran from there without looking back.
She was calling me to have dinner with them but I was already full.
When I searched for Vincent to ask him to drop me home. He was in his room. I’ve actually never seen his room. There was mostly cream colored interior. His handsome pictures everywhere on the wall. There was a picture of someone on his side table that wasn’t Vincent. It seemed like a girl. When I got close to that pic to see it, Vincent sway me around.
I smiled.
“What are you doing here, honey?" He asked as he caress my cheek.
“I was here to ask you to drop me home.” I said as he kissed my forehead.
“What will you give me in return?” he asked as he leaned in.
These two brothers always want anything in return.
“What do you want?” I asked knowingly.
“Have you ever been kissed before?” he asked as he smiled and looked at my lips.
My heart beat quickened. He’s asking me about my first kiss. How should I tell him that his pervert jerk brother stole it. I was thinking when I’ve noticed that Hadrian just passed by the room. The door was opened. He was now coming to see what is going on here. I think I should do it. I have to show him that he doesn’t own me.
I pulled Vincent towards me with his tie because he was tall, the same height as Hadrian. I kissed him on the lips. Vincent blinked in surprise. And eventually held me by the waist and one hand holding my face. He kissed me back. It was a gentle yet a romantic kiss. The kiss that filled my heart with warmness. My eyes were closed but I could sense Hadrian’s burning gaze on me. My mind drifted back to when Hadrian kissed me. Why the hell I’m even thinking about him? I remember those words from him that whenever I’ll kiss someone, I’ll think about him. I can’t help but open my eyes and from the corner of my eyes I could see that the rage was radiating from him. He’s ridiculous. He left from there after that. I pulled away from the kiss.
“You’ve got the kiss.” I said smiling.
“One more, please “ He said as he kissed me again. He trail the kisses on my face everywhere and now he was on my neck. I was breathing heavily.
“Vincent?” I said.
“Yes, Honey?”
“I think we should stop. I’m getting late.”
“You can stay here with me tonight. Now that I’ve kissed you I can’t get enough of you.”
I chuckled. “We aren’t married yet.”
“Then marry me.” He said as he kissed me one last time.
“I will.” I said as we got out of the bedroom holding hands.
When I was saying goodbyes to everyone, Hadrian was staring hard at me while leaning against the wall. But I ignored him as always.
Vincent then dropped me home.
And as I said before, I don’t want that jerk to attack me again so when Vincent dropped me I ran straight to home until I was in my room.
I sat on the bed and took deep breaths.
Today I had so much fun with Vincent. I blush harder when an old couple in the restaurant said that we both look cute as a couple. They even asked if we’re husband and wife. Vincent said to them “almost”.
The whole day I was stuck with our conversation from the morning.
How The hell Alicia and Mia knows that I know that jerk.
God, it’s so confusing.
My head was aching so I took the shower.
After shower I sat with my parents a bit and then back to my room again.
I lay down on the bed and was about to fall asleep when my phone rang.
An unknown number.
Who Is it? Vincent? Maybe.
I pick it up. “Hello?” I said in a sleepy voice.
“Why the fuck did you kissed him?” Said a deep voice.
“Do I know you?” I asked confused, about to hang up.
“As I stated in our last meeting, Yes.” He said.
When I realized it’s that jerk again, I was about to hang up when he said.
“Don’t you dare hang up on me, Mia cara.” He said.
"How did you got my number?” I asked while sitting up in bed.
“I have my ways.” He said. And believe me I could feel his smirk through the phone even if I can’t see it.
I was silent. Why does he think that he owns me.
“Tell me why the fuck you kissed him?” There was a hint of anger in his voice.
I was so pissed. “He’s my Fiancé and I can kiss him whenever I want. Who are you to intrude?"
He was silent then I heard him say, “I’m your Goddammit lover!”
“For God’s sake! I don’t even remember you. Why don’t you just leave me alone? You’re so annoying. I guess I have to tell Vincent about you. You even stole my first kiss and I’ll never forgive you for that.” I said angrily.
“It was your wish to have your first kiss with me.” He said satisfied.
“Aren’t you afraid of what would happen if I’ll tell Vincent about you?” I asked.
“No. I’m not afraid to touch things that are mine.” He said.
“listen. I really don’t know you. Believe me. For God’s sake. Don’t make me hate you.” I said as calmly as I can.
“You know me. If you don’t believe me then ask your friends. I believe their names are Alicia and Maria.” He said.
No one calls Mia by her real name. Everyone calls her Mia because they think her actual name is Mia. What the hell is happening. My life is twisting so much right now.
I was in shock I didn’t even said anything to him.
“You’re speechless? I have more proof. Call me anytime and I’ll show you. Until then, you should rest. And also there is a little surprise for you tomorrow. Buonanotte, Mia cara.” With that he hang up.
What surprise?
Again Italian speaking .
I immediately searched what it means. I don’t know why I’m even searching it. I guess I’m just interested.
It says, “Goodnight, Mia cara.”
I will ask Alicia and Mia about this.
On Thursday. He’ll be there too.
I’ll avoid contact with him. For sure.

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