Chapter 48. Emilia

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I’m dying. God… I don’t know if I want to scream or if I want to laugh. But right now I want to eat something. I looked at the clock. It was midnight. I sighed and looked at Hadrian. He was sleeping so peacefully. But I want to eat something. I smiled.
“Hadrian?” I whispered.
He didn’t moved.
“Hadrian!” I spoke a little louder.
He didn’t moved.
“Hadrian!! ” I speak louder.
He sit up straight. He looked around panicking.
“What? Are you okay? What happened?” he asked as he held my hands.
I laughed.
“Nothing happened.”
He sighed.
“What do you want then?” he asked as he kissed my forehead.
“I’m craving something weird.” I said.
“I want pickles with chocolate ice cream.” I smiled excitedly as I sit up.
He made a face that tells me he’s feeling disgust.
I laughed.
“You’re not gonna eat this. Are you?” he asked.
“I will. Now make it for me.” I said as I pouted.
“That would taste disgusting, Mia cara.” He said as he stood up.
“It would not. Our baby’s craving it.” I said as I stood up too.
“I’m gonna make it. You sit here.” He said.
“No. I’m coming with you.”
He sighed.
We entered the kitchen. He turn on the lights. I sit up on the kitchen counter and he took out ice-cream and pickles from the fridge.
He set them up on the counter as he took out a pickle and dip it in the ice cream.
He made a face. I laugh.
I open my mouth as he fed me that.
I munched.
“How’s it?” he asked curiously.
“It’s so good.” I smiled.
“You should try it.” I said as I took the pickle ice cream from him and try to fed him but he didn’t let me.
“No! I’m not gonna eat that.”
“Please. I swear it tastes amazing.” I said as I forcefully made him eat that.
I laughed as he munched that.
He smiled.
“It’s alright.”
“I told you s—Ahh..!” I looked down at my baby bump.
“What happened? You okay?” Hadrian asked concerned.
“I felt the baby kick.” I smiled excitedly as I placed his hand on my stomach.
“Would the baby kick again?” he asked as he wait for the kick.
“Yeah, he will.” I said and then the baby kicked again. Hadrian smiled as he kissed me.
“He’s happy.” I said to him.
He frowned.
I nodded.
“How do you know it’s a boy?” he asked.
“I have a feeling.” I shrugged.

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