Chapter 31. Emilia

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Last night before sleeping I set the pillow boundary again. And I told him that if he’ll cross it again then I won’t sleep in this room with him. He said ok. And when I woke up I was surprised to see that he didn’t. But his arm was still around me. I hate him. But I still didn’t pushed his hand away. Because… I’m a nice person.
Today we have to go in a business party again. It was a cocktail party.
A naughty idea came into my mind. I smirked. I’ll show you Hadrian Martin what am I. I will make you regret marrying me.
In the evening Donna gave me a dress saying that Hadrian ordered it for me. I opened the box and saw a golden evening gown that was so beautiful but wasn’t too revealing. I’m not going to wear this. I put it aside and took out a black dress from my closet. It was all black. It was short from inside but it had a long length of net gown that shows both legs and a bit of thighs. It was also strapless and sleeveless. I gulped. I’ve never wore something this revealing before.
Hadrian was waiting for me downstairs. When I was done with the makeup I looked in the full length mirror. God. This dress is too tight and uncomfortable. It was hugging my body curves. I wore black high heels with it. My hair was falling down in waves. But as I was about to go I stopped and looked in the mirror again. A smirked formed on my lips as I pick up the dark red lipstick. I applied it.
I think I’m ready.
Just as I was about to get out of the room Donna come inside.
Horror filled her eyes. “Emilia dear, what are you wearing?”
“I am wearing what I want.” I said as I tug the dress down my thighs. God, it’s so uncomfortable.
“He doesn’t want you to wear too much revealing clothes.”
“I don’t care about what he wants.” I said as I got out. Hadrian was wearing all black like mine.
I descend the stairs with full confidence. Hadrian was on his phone, looking at something. When he saw me, his eyes sparkled. He looked at me up and down. He put his phone in his pocket and stared at me.
I was about four steps away from him when I stand in front of him.
I smiled. “Let’s go.” I said but he didn’t moved. Instead he just stared at me. He licked his lips and slowly started to take steps towards me. I nervously took a step back. He took a step again and I took a step back until my back hit the wall. He put his one hand on the wall and leaned in, his eyes darkened as He whispered with his deep voice on my lips,
“Well.. Where do you think you’re going, Mia cara, wearing that? To seduce someone other than your husband?” He asked as his other hand touched my hair and put a strand of it behind my ears and he doesn’t just stop there. His back hand trail goosebumps in my body as it travels down my neck and then my collar bone and then my shoulder and then my arm and finally my hand as he intertwined his fingers with mine. I tried to jerk my hand away from his grip but he didn’t let me.
“As I said before, it’s my choice what to wear. Not yours.” I said as I bit my lip to stop smiling by seeing his possessiveness.
“Don’t bite your lip.” He demanded.
“I will. It’s my lip.” I said as I bit my lip harder.
He was silent for a moment. He just stared at me biting my lips.
“Don’t bite your lip, Mia cara or you’ll find yourself slammed against the wall with my hands pressed on your throat and me kissing and biting you relentlessly. I’ll not stop. So, unless you want that, don’t bite your fucking lip.”
I blink several times to absorb this. I stopped biting immediately.
“Go and change.” He ordered as he stared at my lips.
“No.” I refused.
“Then I won’t rescue you if something will happen. There will be a lot of hungry wolves there.”
What does it mean?
“I don’t even need you to rescue me.” I said as I walked passed him with my head high.
We sat in the car. The GPS said we’ll reach there in 15 minutes. We were on the road now. Why is he not saying anything? Whatever. I don’t even care. It was chilly outside but because of this tight dress I was feeling so hot. I slid the car windows down. Now, I feel better. We stop at the traffic signal. I felt a stare on me. But it wasn’t of Hadrian’s this time. It was of this old creepy man who was like in his thirties. He was looking at me. I looked at Hadrian and he was staring hard on the road. I looked away. But then the man whistled and without even looking at him Hadrian press the closed button of the car window. He looked pissed. I gulped. God… Now I think I did a Horrible mistake by wearing this. You’re so stupid, Emilia. So stupid.
When we arrived at the event. It was full of strangers dressed in suits and women dressed beautifully. No one is wearing something this much revealing dress like me. I feel so embarrassed. I don’t even know anyone here.
But I didn’t wanted to make a fool of myself. So, I confidently stand beside Hadrian. There were a lots of  cocktail tables there.  it was long standing tables. Where there were no chairs. There were a lots of refreshments too. This place looked fancy.
“Call me if you need anything, I’ll be back in a few minutes..” He said.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“To meet my friends.” He said as he was about to go.
“I can come with you.” I said because I was scared.
He looked at me up and down.
“Not in this position. Stay here. Don’t go anywhere else without telling me, understand? .”
I made an annoying face.
“Understood, Mia cara?” he asked again.
I nodded.
He then went to meet his friends. Now I was completely alone. A waiter come to ask me what to drink.
“Umm… do you have anything light?” I asked. To be honest I’ve never drink before. I prefer water. But here. At a cocktail party, it would be ridiculous to ask for water.
“We have Wine spritzers. It is the lightest drink here.” He said.
“What does it contain?” I asked.
“Start with a wine that has a lower alcohol content and pair it with sparkling water and fresh fruit or a splash of juice to keep the calories at about 100-125 per serving—"
I cut him off.” Yeah. I’ll like to drink that.”
I was now hella bored. I’ve drink two glasses of that drink. It was delicious. Hadrian was nowhere to be seen. Just then the music blast. Couples started to dance on the dance floor. Wait I know this song. I wanted to dance too. But not with Hadrian though.
I was seeing the couples dance when someone lightly tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was a handsome man dressed in grey suit. He had blue eyes.
He smiled. “What is a beautiful woman doing all alone here?” he asked as he stand with me beside the table.
“I’m here with my husband.” I said.
“He doesn’t seem to care about you though.” He said as he looked around.
“No, actually he was with his friends.” I said as I looked around and he wasn’t in sight.
“May I know your name?” he asked.
“I’m Emilia and you?” I asked him.
“I’m Kris.”
I nodded.
“What about you? Who are you here with?” I asked as I drink another sip of my drink.
“My girlfriend. But I don’t know where she is now.”
I smiled. “Same here.”
“Would you like dance to with me?” he asked extending a hand towards me.
God. What should I do? A dance won’t do any harm, right?
I nodded and took his hand.
We started to dance slowly. And move in sync. But, now I was getting uncomfortable when he pulled me close to him.
“You’re beautiful.” Kris said as he spun me around. I smiled uncomfortably.
And then I saw Hadrian. Leaning against a table. Eyes fixed hard on us. A drink in his hand as he took a sip.
Kris moved me so that my back was on his chest. His lips brushed against my neck. God, his dance moves are so bold and intimate. And now his face was on my bare shoulders. Why is he making me so uncomfortable? I just told him that I’m married. I looked at Hadrian and he was smirking by seeing how uncomfortable I was. His words come in my mind like flood. He told me that he won’t rescue me. What the hell am I supposed to do now? Emilia, You are so stupid.
When Kris’s hand goes from my arm to my hand I closed my eyes tightly. Why the hell is he touching me like that? When I looked at Hadrian he was still smirking. He mouthed the words, “ having fun?”
I shook my head and mothed back, “Please, save me.” Just then Hadrian randomly grabbed a girl by waist and started to dance with her. He looked like he was waiting for my sign to ask him for help. When the beat dropped everyone spun their dance partners. When Kris spin around me just then Hadrian spun that girl around. Hadrian pulled me to him and Kris got that girl. Hadrian and I begin to dance in sync. I sighed. That was smooth.
“Thank you.” I said.
“I thought you were having fun with him touching you.” He leaned in and whispered in my ear. He looked pissed.
“No. I wasn’t.” I replied.
“You were. I saw you smiling when he said something.”
“He was telling me that I was beautiful that’s why I smiled.” I said as he spun me around.
When I looked in his eyes he looked annoyed. He didn’t said anything after that.
We danced for a while and then it was closing time.
Hadrian took off his coat and placed it on my naked shoulders. I blushed. He was with me the whole time after that accident of dancing with Kris.
When we got out his friends surrounded him. “So, she’s your wife?” one of them asked.
“Yeah.” He said as he intertwined his fingers with mine.
“She’s gorgeous.” one of them said.
I smiled.
“I know. Now maybe you should give sometime to your wife too. Instead of checking out other’s wives.” Hadrian said sarcastically. He looked pissed.
“Chill, bro. I was just complimenting.” His friend said.
Hadrian ignored him and move towards his other friend who seems to be his best friend.
“Ian, do that project on my behalf. And inform me when you complete it.”
Ian nodded.
After that Hadrian took me out of there. When we sat in the car he closed his eyes and rest his head on the headrest of seat. He really is pissed right now.
“Umm.. Are you okay?” I asked him as I placed my hand on his shoulder.
He didn’t replied.
He drove out of there Really fast. We were on the road now and he was driving really fast that I was scared for my life now.
“Hadrian, slow down.” I looked at him and he was focused on the road.
“Buckle your seat belt.” He said without looking at me. I did as he said because I don’t want to die this soon. .
The whole ride to home was silent. No one spoke anything. He didn’t even looked at me. Why the hell is he behaving like that?
“Are you pissed because I am wearing this dress?”
“No.” he said without looking at me.
“Then why are you pissed?” I asked.
He didn’t respond. I asked again. “Hadrian, why are yo—”
“I don’t like the way they fucking look at you! I don’t like how that man touched you! I don’t like the way you smiled for him! That’s why I’m fucking pissed right now.” He said with clenched jaw. His knuckles turning white on the steering wheel.
I gasped.
“You don’t have to be that possessive. Didn’t you touched me and even kissed me when I was engaged? Then what’s the problem now, when others are doing the same?” Now I was becoming angry.
“That’s because I don’t like to share what’s mine.” He said calming himself down.
“I’m not yours.” I protest.
“You can’t deny that.” He said with his evil grin.
I angrily looked away from him. He’s so annoying.
When we reached home. I got out of the car angrily and started walking towards the door. He was behind me. I was so tired that I just fall on the couch in living room when he said, “Go upstairs and Change, Mia cara.” His voice was hard and uncompromising.
Does he honestly believe that I would do what he said? God, he is so full of himself.
My eyes narrowed, “No, I’ll change whenever I want.”  I said as I took of my heels. My feet are in pain. These high heels just killed me.
He stared at me from head to toe and ran his tongue across his teeth, and before I understood his intention he lift me up in his arms. A breath whooshed out of me as he lift me up.
“Guess, I’ll have to do it for you then.” He said as he carried me to the stairs.
What? Hell no.
My eyes widened. “Okay! Okay, I’ll do it.”
When he didn’t put me down I struggled and try to free myself out of his grip. His arm tightened around me like a vise and I couldn’t move an inch. He carried me upstairs and pushed open the bedroom door and panic flooded me.
“Stop!” I hissed. He didn’t listened.
“I said I’ll do it myself, you pervert!” I shouted.
“Ask me nicely.” He said with his evil grin.
My teeth clenched. " put me down.”
He smirked." More nicely."
I closed my eyes and try to act calm.
" Please, put me down Hadrian darling."
He smirked and dropped me to my feet. His eyes flicked to the closet, in that commanding way of telling me to get there. I changed into my night gown.
When I returned in the room he was already lying on the bed. His eyes were closed. I sat on the other side and applied the lotion on my hands.
Just then he grabbed me and made me laid down. He was on top of me now.
“Don’t touch m—”
“I guess you’ve learned your lesson today of not going out with these types of revealing dresses.” He said as he brushed my hair away from my forehead.
“So, you’re saying that I can’t wear these types of dresses again?” I ask in disbelief.
“You can. But just for me. Not in front of any other man whom I don’t like.” He said as he kissed the tip of my nose. I tried to push him but he didn’t let me.
“Actually, it wasn’t about revealing dress. Kris found me alone and asked me for a dance and I danced with him. I thought he was nice until he started touching me inappropriately.”
“Whatever it was. That place was full of hungry wolves. You should thank me that I saved you.”
“I already said thank you.” I said confusingly.
“I want actions not words, Mia cara.” He said as he leaned in.
“What actions?”
“A thank you kiss.” He whispered in my ear.
I gulped. “Excuse me? Are you kidding me? I… I can’t give you tha—”
“I’m waiting.” He said as he laid down on his side again.
What the hell should I do now? I can’t kiss him. I hate him.
I sit up and looked at him. Come on Emilia, it’s just a simple kiss nothing more. He saved you and you should return his favor. That’s all. It’s not a big deal.
I move slowly towards him and put my hand on his chest. He looked at me with his green eyes. I bent down and press a kiss on his lips. And then I pulled away quickly. It was short but It sent fireworks through my body.
“What was that?” Hadrian asked like he doesn’t know what it was.
“A thank you kiss.” I replied.
“It wasn’t a kiss Mia cara, it was a peck.”
“It’s the same thing.” I said as I laid down and set the pillow boundary.
“It’s not. Do it again.” He said as he put his head on his hand while laying down and looking at me.
I looked at him in disbelief and said, “That’s ridiculous. There’s no way I’m goin—”
“I’m waiting.” He said as he laid down comfortably.
Ughhh. I want to kill him.
God, he’s so annoying. Why is he doing that?
I put a hand on his chest and bent to kiss him again. But when I tried to pull away he shifted on top of me, pressing me against the pillows, his both hands intertwined fingers with mine. He kissed me hard and rough. He bit my lip and I accidentally moaned. He smiled between the kiss. God, what the hell is happening? I tried to push him but he didn’t moved. It was a waste of time to fight with his strength to release me. I was out of breath now. I closed my eyes. He’s taking my breath away. Am I going to die? I hadn’t even lived my life fully. After some seconds he pulled away. His smirk appeared again.
“Now that’s what I call a kiss.”
I pushed him away from me and took deep breaths and said, “You almost killed me.”
He smirked, “If my kissing is killing you, then I wonder what my Fu—”
My eyes widened and Before he could even finish I cut him off, “Shut up.”
He chuckled. “How long would you be able to run from me, Mia cara?
“As long as I can run.” I replied.

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