Chapter 47. Emilia

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I tried the dress that I chose for Alicia’s wedding. But it was so tight on me now, when I bought it, it was loose. I smiled. That’s because of the baby.
But I still decided to wear that dress.
When I was ready I looked into the mirror. And then I looked at my baby bump. It was so small almost unnoticeable. I wonder if Hadrian has noticed it. I was still looking at my tummy when Hadrian hugged me from behind.
“Why are you smiling non stop?” he asked as he kissed my ear.
I laughed nervously.
“I was smiling by seeing how pretty this dress is.”
He looked in the mirror at my reflection. He smiled.
“You know why maroon is my favourite color?
I frowned.
“No. Why?” I asked.
He smiled. “That’s because when I first saw you in this dress I like that color.”
I smiled but frowned again.
“Wait…you’ve saw me in this dress before? But I’ve never wore it in front of you.”
He placed his chin on my shoulder and his devilish grin appeared.
“I saw you in the boutique. I was coming to meet Olive when I saw you.”
My mouth fall open with surprise.
“So that’s why I was feeling like someone was staring at me.”
He smiled. “Yeah, it was me.”
I smiled when something comes in my mind and I stopped smiling.
I looked at him as I turned around.
“Hadrian… Do you like babies?” I asked.
“Hmm. Yes, I do. But they’re annoying sometimes.” He said as he made a face.
“Do you like Lucy?” I asked.
“I love her. She’s my cute little niece and I can do anything for her.” He said as he smiled.
And I smiled back.
“Let’s go now, we’re getting late.” I said as I wore my heels. God… these heels are high as fuck. I should have known that I may be pregnant when I was buying them. Now, I don’t even have the same colored heels to match with my dress. Feeling uncomfortable, I wore them.
I watched Alicia as she said her vows to Ethan and it instantly reminded me of my wedding. How my heart was so heavy and I felt like I would explode anytime. How I never wanted to marry Hadrian. How I thought I would always hate him. But now here I am, carrying his baby.
There were so many guests. But I knew almost everyone.
I was just about to sit down when someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around and was shocked.
“Adam?” I covered my mouth with surprise.
“Surprise.” He smiled.
I hugged him. After a minute, I pulled away. I was full of questions now.
“God, Adam, I never thought we’ll meet again. How are you?” I asked as I looked at him. He looked handsome now. When I last saw him he looked like a nerd. He was our high school bestfriend. And we split when we all grew up.
“I’m fine.. And look at you. What a beauty. You look such a beautiful lady. Tell me if I have a chance.” He winked.
I was about to tell him that I’m married when Hadrian slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. I looked at him and he was staring at Adam.
“No, you don’t unfortunately. She’s married.”
Adam laughed.
“I’m kidding. I knew she was married. Mia and Alicia already told me not to touch her or you’ll get mad. By the way, nice to meet you, Hadrian.” He smiled as she shook hands with Hadrian.
I lean in and whisper in Hadrian’s ear, “For God’s sake Hadrian, he’s my friend. Don’t act too rough. Now let us talk.” I made a face to tell him that I’m pissed and he smiled.
“Talk then.” He said.
“Alone.” I mouthed.
“I’m not leaving.” He said as he took a sip of his drink. I sighed.
“So, Adam how’s life going? You’re still single or not?”
He laughed.
“I’m engaged.”
“With who?” I asked excitedly.
I was in more shock now.
“Ava? My gosh, it’s unbelievable. We all always thought that you’d never had a chance with her.”
“Who’s Ava?” Hadrian asked Interrupting.
“Our high school Diva.” Mia said as she joined us.
We laughed.
“She was a fashionista. And Adam was a nerd.” I said as we laughed. And just like that we were lost in conversation.
After sometime, It was closing time when guests start to leave. Now, only our families were left and were talking. I nervously looked around. Everyone was here. Adrenaline rushed through my body as I held the mic.
Alicia and Olivia looked towards me with confusion.
“Guys.” Now everyone’s attention was on me.
“I want to tell you all something.”
Mia shouted, “What is it?”
I sigh and smiled.
“I’m pregnant.”
The silence spread like fire. Everyone’s face was in pause. I gulped. Hadrian was staring hard at me.
“You’re what?” he asked as he started walking towards me.
I gulped. “You’re gonna be a daddy.”
In a blink Hadrian kissed me and spin me around. Everyone was cheering and shouting now.
“Finallllyyyy!” My friends shouted.
“We’re gonna be aunties.” Alicia shouted.
“Calm down, guys.” I laughed as everyone smiled and wish me a good future. Mom kissed my forehead. Dad hugged me. Hadrian was smiling non stop while looking at me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy.

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