Chapter 45. Emilia

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I was in my bedroom now. God… I’ve missed this room. I smiled as I looked around. Everything was just like how I left it. I was tying my hair into a bun when My phone rang and I looked at it. Him again. I’m getting irritated now. I declined the call. He sent me a message. I looked at it even if I didn’t wanted to.
“Please just come in the window, I want to see you.”
What? He’s here? I told Alicia not to tell him where I am.
I got up from the bed and looked outside the window. The rain was pouring. He was there. Leaning against his car when he saw me he straightened up. He was Getting socked in rain as he looked at up at me and smiled.
I didn’t smiled back. I looked away.
From the corner of my eyes I saw him taking out his phone. My phone rang. He called me. I looked at him and he was waiting for me to pickup the call. I didn’t. He made a sad face and mouthed the words, “Please.”
He was getting wet and I don’t wanted him to get sick so I pickup the call to tell him to go from there.
He smiled as I press the phone to my ear.
“Go from here.” I said.
“No. I want to talk to you.” He replied.
“There’s nothing left to talk about.”
“I want to talk to you please come down.” He said stubbornly.
“Go from here, you’re getting soaked in rain. You’ll get sick.” I said as I felt the lump in my throat.
He smiled as he said, “Mia cara, I’ll die for you. Getting sick is nothing. Now come down I want to talk to you.”
God… I hate him. He’s acting so normal like he hadn’t done anything wrong.
I hung up and go downstairs. I took the umbrella and breathed deeply to stop myself from crying. I opened the front door and got out of the house and walked towards him. He ran towards me and immediately hugged me. I hold the umbrella above us.
“Go from here.” I said as I lightly pushed him away.
He cupped my face.
“I’ll go with you. Let’s go to our home.” He said as he took my hand in his and started to walk towards his car.
“I’m not going with you.” I said as tears started to fall on my cheeks.
He turned around and wiped my tears his thumb.
“Don’t cry.” He breathed “It shreds me when you cry.”
I pull away from him.
“Why did you do this to me? Didn’t you knew how much I loved you? How can you do this to me?” I said as a sob escaped my mouth.
“I haven’t done anything, Mia cara. It’s just a misunderstan—” he tried to come towards me. I walked backwards.
“So you’re saying you didn’t cheat? Then what about the photos? Weren’t they real?”
“Listen to me—”
“Answer me! Are they real or not?” I asked as I looked in his emerald green eyes, his eyelashes soaked in water.
He took a deep breath.
“They’re real but—.” He said as he reached for my hand.
I closed my eyes.
“Then… I guess it ends here.” I said as I pushed his hand away.
“No. You can’t end it that easily. You can’t just end it when I got you with so much efforts and pain. Just listen to what I have to say. Please.” He said as I turn around to leave.
He grab my wrist and turn me around.
“Leave me alone.” I said.
“You can’t leave me. I won’t let you fucking leave me.” He said furiously as I jerked my hand away from his.
“Don’t come after me.” I said as I walked faster to the street.
“Where are you going?” he said as he followed me.
“Away from you.”
“Just listen to my explanation, Mia cara. Please, for the sake of my love.” He said as he chased me.
I turned around and looked at him in disbelief.
“What love are you talking about? You never loved m—"
I was so busy arguing with him that I didn’t even saw that a fancy black car was coming towards me. The same fancy black car from that incident. And before I could even process it he moved me out of the road wile running towards me. My umbrella fell away. Now we both were getting wet in rain.
A breath whooshed out of my mouth as he hugged me tightly. He was angry now.
“Do you have a fucking death wish?” he said as he looked into my eyes furiously.
I was so shocked to even say anything. I looked at the road and then at him. God… I could have died.
“Yes.” I said as I looked in his eyes with tears.
“Don’t say that.” He said as his facial expressions softened and cupped my face and rest his forehead against mine.
“You’ve hurt me, Hadrian. You’ve hurt my heart so much.” I said as I closed my eyes.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’ll never do that again, I love you. I love you so much.” He paused. “Look at me.”
I didn’t.
“Please, look at me, Mia cara.”
I did.
“The pictures you saw were four years old. Someone took them when I was in Italy. I was at the club. And I was drunk. I was missing you at that time so I drank so much. I don’t know how that girl come to me and how I ended up kissing her. I never intended to love anyone else other than you nor I ever will. Believe me. That is the truth.” He said as he leaned in.
I released the breath I was holding.
“There was no one before you and there will be no one after you. I only love you and I’m only yours…just yours.”
His lips met mine in a desperate kiss. His hands tightened around my waist and ran one up my back, pressing me harder against his chest. His lips were wet with rain and tasted like alcohol that makes my head swim. He’s been drinking alcohol. Heat rushed through my limbs, bringing it with a flood of emotions and after several thunderous heart beats the shock melted away and I kissed him back. My lips mold to his, holding on for dear life and trying to keep up with the frantic mingling of breath and hands as he take control of my mouth. My hands were in his hair. “I hate you.” I breathed into his mouth. “And I love you so much.” He smiled as he kissed me harder like… like he only loves me.

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