I wore an emerald green evening gown that was mostly made of net and was sparkling in the lights. It also had a cut to show one leg. I actually liked it. It was elegant but seductive. My hair was falling over my shoulder. I didn’t had any time to make a hairstyle.
We just arrived in the hall where the event was held.
It looked so huge with chandeliers everywhere. The tables were covered with rose petals. It looked like a dream. Everything looks so luxurious.
There were a lot of people. Mom made me greet all of them. Dad was talking to his old friends. It was so nice seeing him having fun.
I was with Alicia, Mia and Olivia the whole time.
Olivia was there so I didn’t get the chance to ask Alicia And Mia about Hadrian.
Hadrian and Vincent were nowhere to be seen.
I was wandering around to see the hall. My heels were clicking on the floor. It was quite in this area. There were two stairwells connected at the end. And at the end he was there. There wasn’t much people there except for him.
I glanced up at him. Our eyes met. He was smoking while staring at me. His stare was making me so uncomfortable. He was wearing a dark blue suit. But he wasn’t wearing a coat. His white shirt cuffs were folded up to his arms. He looked muscular and… hot. What the hell Emilia. He’s your enemy.
He mouthed the words “Am I looking handsome?”
I think he can read my thoughts. He smirked. I immediately looked away.
He’s such a creep. He was now coming towards me. I wanted to run away from him but I don’t want him to think that I’m scared of him. He throw the cigarette away. And now his one hand was in his pocket. He stopped when we were just a few inches away. Without any permission he touched my hair and put a stand of it behind my ear allowing the diamond earings to come in view. I flinched.
“You look exquisite, tonight.”
“I know.” I replied with bravery as I pushed his hand away.
He smirked, “You shouldn’t wear revealing clothes.”
“It’s my choice what to wear and what not to wear.”
“Well, I’m saying it for your safety. If you’ll wear these types of clothes some people may touch you like this.” He said as he brush his fingers on my naked leg. I flinched and pulled back.
“You’re an asshole!!”
“Watch that pretty little mouth of yours, Mia cara… before I fuck it.” He said with a hint of devilish grin in his eyes.
My eyes widened. I ran out of there before he could come near me.
I was talking to Olivia when His mom came towards me.
“Emilia darling, where is Vincent? Have you seen him?” she asked delicately.
“No I haven’t.”
“Then you should go and look for him.” Olivia said while winking.
"I’ll go and look for him.” I said as I left our chatting.
The hall was so huge.
It had so many hallways. Golden things everywhere. It also had rooms.
I entered the last hallway and I saw Vincent.
He was outside a room and was talking to someone.
A girl.
I was about to go there when she took a step closer to Vincent and kissed him.
I was taken aback when Vincent responded by kissing her back. And then she pulled him into the room.
My heart broke at the sight of it.
It shattered into a million pieces.
I feel so betrayed.
He cheated on me.
Tears were blurring my vision.
A lump formed in my throat.
I thought….. I thought he loved me.
My knees felt so week.
I was about to fall down when someone hold me by the waist and turned me.
Him. Again.
“Looks like you’ve seen that.” He said while whipping my tears from my cheek.
“Don’t touch me…. Just….. Don’t.” I broke down. My voice just a whisper .
He embraced me.
Two minutes passed before I realized who’s holding me.
I pushed him away.
“It’s all because of you. If you wouldn’t have come in my life then this wouldn’t had happened. I hate you. I hate you so much! My hate for you runs deeper then your ego.” I was trying not to scream at him.
“You can’t hate me, Mia cara. You aren’t allowed to hate me.” He said furiously. He held my wrist tight. His eyes growing darker. The same feeling lingering on my heart when he first kissed me back then.
He was staring hard.
I looked in his eyes straight from my teary eyes.
He’s so hard to read. How he’s so good at hiding his emotions? Except for anger.
He looks so angry.
“Leave me. You’re hurting me.” I said while trying to free myself from his hold.
“It hurts me too when you behave like I’m a beast.” He said loosening his grip.
“That’s because you are.” I said when I was about to go back to the event. And outside of this suffocated atmosphere.
“You want to know who that girl was?” he asked.
“She was Rachel. Vincent’s ex girlfriend and his first love.” He said calmly with a straight face.
“Then why didn’t he marry her? Why the hell did he got engaged to me? He was playing with my feelings? Wasn’t he?” I said trying not to be panic.
“Calm down, Mia cara. He must have his own reasons.” He said.
“How should I do tha-”
He cut me off by placing his index finger on my lips and turning me to a side.
“Shh,” He said in a low and husky voice as he looked in the hallway. “We don’t wanna get caught, do we?”
My breathing was getting heavy by the closeness of his body to mine.
My head was so close to his chest. So close that I can hear his heartbeat.
His heart was pounding.
Just then I saw Vincent passed by us.
When he was out of sight I immediately pushed him away.
“This has to be the last time you got close to me. I’m someone’s else.”
“You were mine before you became his. And I know exactly how to get back what’s mine.” He said like he owns me.
“Even if I was yours in the past, then it was in the past. But now I’m his. And will be his even if he cheats on me. Because I love him.” I said angrily.
“What did you just said?” he asked while slamming me against the wall with fire in his eyes.
I gulped. “I love him.”
He grabbed me by the throat but he didn’t choked me, he kissed me so hard and deep that I forgot whose air I was breathing. I closed my eyes, Tears blurred my vision.
When he pulled away, the anger in his eyes was clear.
“You can only love me. Only me.” He said as he slowly pulled his hand away from my throat.
“I will only hate you. Just hate you.” I said as I pushed his hand away and stomped off from there.
Oh God.
How can I see Vincent the same way I used to, before he cheated on me.
When I returned Vincent come to me.
I fight the urge of not to broke down again.
“Hey, where were you?” he asked.
He’s drunk.
“I was looking for you.” I said flatly.
“Did you cried?” he said while touching me gently on the cheek.
“No. Why would I?” I said while drinking water.
“Tell me. Did something happened?” he asked concerned.
I lied.
How would I be able to spend my life with someone who is having an affair behind my back.
I collect my courage and ask him.
“Who was that girl?”
He looked at me.
“Who?” he asked.
“The one in the hallway. The one who you were kissing and having fun with.”
He looked at me and then at the crowd.
“Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else.”
“No.” I said straight.
He hesitates.
“She’s my…. Ex girlfriend.” He said.
That was it.
“So… you’re cheating on me?” I asked as calmly as I can.
“No it’s not cheating. I’m just… she… I thought she’ll never return and that I’ll live my life with someone else. But she’s here now and she wants to be with me… I don’t know what to do.” He said all that so fast and nervously.
“Do you love her?” I asked.
No response. Silence.
“Do you love her, Vincent?” I was trembling.
“Yes. Yes, I did love her. But….I can’t lose you either.” He said while cupping my face in his hands.
My heart hurts. So much.
Tears starts to fall.
“But you can’t have two things at once. You have to lose one thing. And maybe it’ll be me.”
“No. I choose you. I want to be with you. I love you.”
I closed my eyes at his sudden confession.
I wanted to hear him say those three words to me so bad and he’s saying them now in this situation.
The situation where I have to let him go.
I feel so broken.
It hurts so bad.
“But Vincent you can’t deny your feelings for her too. And I think she can’t live her life without you. Maybe she’s here because she can’t bear that you’re engaged and she wants you back. Maybe… I should not be the third wheel. I guess our story ends here…” I said while taking my engagement ring off my ring finger.
I take his hand in mine and place the ring in his palm.
“Maybe she deserves this ring.” I said.
Hot tears were spilling like water.
I wipe my tears.
“Emilia… please don’t do this. Please.” He was pleading.
“No Vincent. You should not waste your life with someone you don’t love fully. I wish you a Better life with her. Goodbye.”
Why is it so hard to say Goodbye when your heart still wants to hold on..
Just as I turned to go I saw that everyone was looking at us.
His parents, my parents, my friends, Olivia and Hadrian.
I put a smile on my face and go near his parents.
“Please don’t blame him for all this. It’s not his fault. You should appreciate his choice. And this time… let them be together.” I said.
“I’m going home.” I said while walking out of the hall.
I think I did right.
I’m not heartless.
Love doesn’t always ends with happy endings, sometimes it ends with ‘stay happy forever no matter with me or with anyone else.’
If I knew it’s gonna hurt this much, I wish I never laid my eyes on him.

His Stolen Love
RomantizmThe way he loved her was relentless and unconditionally but how can she forget his love so easily and be with someone else?