Chapter 5. Emilia

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That was something.
Something I felt when he was looking at me. I thought while driving home after work.
Uncle Martin and his wife would be home by now.
I arrived home exactly at seven o’clock. There were two cars outside the house. I didn’t knew someone else was coming with them. Cold air was sending chills down my spine. I opened the door and go straight to my room to get ready. I changed and  rushed downstairs.
“Hey, Mom.” Mom was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
“hey, Emy. Did you meet them?”
“I’m just going…Mom did someone else come with them?”
“Yeah. It’s their son.” She said while smiling.
“Oh…what’s his name?”
“Go and ask by yourself.” She said while preparing the dishes.
“Alright.” I went to the dinning area.
And what I saw next made me stop in my tracks. It was him. What was he doing here? Is he their son? My God.
I greet them. I greet him. He was staring and smiling at me the whole time.
When we were eating dinner. I saw him from the corner of my eyes and he was still looking at me. I think mom noticed this too.
After dinner mom said, “Why don’t you two go in the garden to talk?”
And I knew what she was thinking.
“Mom, there's no nee—”
He cut me off by saying “okay. Let’s go.”
We were silently walking in the garden. When he suddenly held my hand. I was shocked.
“What the hel—"
“I think I feel... something for you.”
His confession caught me off guard.
“What do you mean? We’ve just met a couple of hours ago and you’re saying you feel something for me?” I was so shocked at his straightforwardness.
He inhale some air and said, “My mum think we’re dating.”
My mouth fall open.
“Why would your mom think we’re dating?” I asked again.
“You ask too much questions, Honey." He said while looking in my eyes. And I rolled them in response. His eyes were of the dull grey shade.
This person haven’t even known me for twenty four hours, yet he is acting like I’m his girlfriend or something.
“Don’t do that again.” He said while looking in my eyes.
“Do what?” I asked confused.
“Don’t roll your eyes on me”. He said demanding.
“Why?” I asked him again without knowing he just told me that I ask too much questions.
“Because.. they turn me on when you do that.”
I’m speechless. This man is insane.
“Then don’t look at me. I would always roll them. It’s my habit and who gave you the permission to call me honey?” I asked.
“It just suits on you. You're so sweet like honey. Your name should be honey.”
I again roll my eyes on him unintentionally. He noticed that too. He licked his lips and looked down while smiling. When he looked up he said “Do you want to go out with me someday?”
I hesitated. “Maybe.” I said looking at our living room window. Mom was watching us. She was grinning ear to ear, knowing that her daughter has finally meet the man of her dreams.
“When?” he asked me while ruffling his blond brown hair. I like his hair.
“Tomorrow is my off. If you say then we’ll go tomorrow.” I said.
“Not tomorrow. Tomorrow I’m going to pick up my brother from the airport. Tuesday would be great.”
“Wait, you have a brother? I thought you were an only child.” I said shocked.
“Oh. I forgot to tell you about my family background. I have an older brother Hadrian who is 6 months older than me, and a sister who is 2 years younger than both of us. And I know what you’re wondering. Me and Hadrian don’t have the same mother. His mother died when he was 15. Not to be rude, but our father cheated on his mother. And he hates our father. Sometimes. He does love me and our sister. He likes mum too but he'll never accept her as his mother.” He said.
I don’t know why but this name seems familiar.
“What does he do, your brother?” I asked him.
“He’s in military. He always wanted to go in military. He didn’t have any interest in our family business." He said.
“But Hadrian has his own business here, but he is gone for his military training for now.” He added.
“Why didn’t your sister come to our house tonight? And what’s her name?” I asked curiously.
“Her name is Olivia but we call her Olive. And she has a boutique to run. She’s a fashion designer. She didn't come because, she's married." He said smiling.
“That's a lot of information to take in.” I said truly surprised.
“You didn’t tell me what you do?” He asked me.
“I’m a doctor.” I said.
“That’s impressive to see a young beautiful doctor.” He said while looking at my lips. And I knew immediately what he was thinking. I was blushing hard by the way he was looking at me.
“I’ll ask a lot of questions about you when we’ll meet on Tuesday.” He said winking at me.
“So, are you asking me for a date?” I asked knowingly.
“Yes. I’m asking you for a date. I’ll ask again. Would you like to come with me a date, Honey?”
He's such a flirt.
“I’d love to.” I said smiling and blushing.
Mom come to tell us that they’re going. And I was relieved. If he would had stayed one more minute he would have kissed me.
He’s making me feel butterflies in my stomach on our first meeting I wonder what will happen on the coming days?
They left. He said he’ll meet me next Tuesday. I said Ok.
I was smiling the whole time he was talking to me.
It was then when I realize he didn’t tell me why his mother thinks we’re dating.

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