Chapter 52. Hadrian

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I picked her up and ran to the car.
“Drive the car to the hospital. Fast.” I said to Vincent.
He did.
I caressed her cheek. Her tears were fresh. She looked so pale. I kissed her forehead. I squeezed her hands. My thumb instantly went to her pulse. I sighed. Her pulse is slow. But she’s alive. My eyes went to her baby bump.
“Mommy’s strong.” I whispered as I caressed her cheek.
Everything’s gonna be fine.
Everything’s gonna be fine.
She’s gonna be fine.
Our baby’s gonna be fine.
God, I’m going crazy.
I noticed blood on her wrist. It was her blood. God… she’s been through hell.
“You’re going to be okay.” I squealed in fear and sadness. I was so distraught and distressed. I begged that she could hear it in my voice.
We arrive at the hospital.
They laid her on the bed.
I wanted to go I side to her.
They wanted me to wait outside the room.
My body felt numb. But not in a way where I couldn’t feel anything. A numb ache in my chest. My hands were sweaty and my throat felt dry. I paced anxiously and impatiently. My breathing was heavy. God… It was all my fault. I should have picked her call. It’s all my fucking fault.
Vincent made me sit on the chair.
“Calm down, she’s gonna be fine.” He said as he patted my back.
I nodded.
After sometime they allowed me to come in the room to see her. I ran straight to her. Her eyes were closed. I sat on the chair beside her bed. I held her hand. Her wound was cleaned up and the bandage was wrapped around it.
“How’s she?”
“She’s fine. But the smoke has done some damage. The baby is also fine. If you were even a minute late… she wouldn’t have made it.” The doctor said.
I closed my eyes.
“And also, don’t let her take stress from now on.”
I nodded.
“Thank you.” I kissed her hand.
The nurses and doctors were gone now. Only Vincent was there in the room with us.
“You should go home, now.” I said to him.
“No, I want to help—”
“Now.” I glared at him.
He sighed.
“Always that big brother glare. Okay. I’m going. Call me if you need anything.”
I nodded.
Fifteen minutes passed by.
It was midnight now.
I rest my head beside her waist. I closed my eyes.
I was about to fall asleep when I felt her fingers stroking my hair.
I sit up.
I smiled.
She smiled back.
“Thank you for saving us.” She said as she looked into my eyes.
“Thank you for not giving up.” I said as I kissed her hand.
Fifteen more minutes passed and we stare at each other.
“I thought I lost you.” I said.
She smiled.
That smile. The smile I would die for. The smile I would kill for.
“Who were those bastards?” I asked trying to act calm.
“they’ve been following me for months. I never knew that they wanted to kill me. And he got even more excited about killing our baby, Hadrian.” Tears fall down her cheek.
“Shhh, now everything’s fine. Our baby’s fine. Don’t worry.”
She nodded.
“He said you killed his brother when you were in military and that he wanted to take revenge from you.”
My fist clenched.
“It was not me who killed his brother. It was our chief. And his brother was a criminal. But now I want to kill that fucking bastard.” I was angry now.
“No. You won’t kill anyone. Be with me for now.” She squeezed my hand.
I nodded.
“Hadrian?” she smiled.
Damn…. I love how she pronounce my name everytime she wants to talk to me.
“Yes, My love?” I smiled.
“I love you.”
“I love you more than you love me.” I said.
“No, I love you more.” She made a face.
I laugh.
“I love you most.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You love me more than our baby?”
“Yes. I love you the most.”
She sighed.
“But, I want you to love our baby the most.” She said as she squeezed my hands.
“If you say so… okay. I love.. Him.. too.” I smiled not knowing if it’s a boy or a girl
She smiled back.

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