Chapter 51. Emilia

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“You’ve add to much pepper you dumbass!” Eikko shouted at Jason. I laughed. They’re actually funny and nice.
“Little lady?” Jason shouted from the kitchen.
“Yeah?” I shouted back.
“How much pepper you told us to put?”
“2 pinches.”
“Oh shit. I’ve added 2 tablespoons.”
We laugh.
“Wait I can fix this.” Eric said as he flip the steak on the fry pan.
“What the hell you’ve done!!!” Eikko shouted as he ran out of the kitchen.
“What happened?” I asked him.
He gulped. “The fire. He burned the half of the kitchen.”
The other two ran out of the kitchen.
“Shit!!!! Now what are we supposed to do? In 15 minutes the whole house will be on fire.” Jason shouted.
“Let’s go from here.” Eikko said as he started to untie the ropes around me.
“Wait!!!” Eric said as he pulled out his phone.
“I’ll ask boss about this.”
“Put it on speaker.” Jason said.
The boss picked up the call.
Eric told him that the house is on fire. But what the boss said next sent shivers down my spine.
“Leave her there. After all, we wanted to kill her. I don’t really wanted to kill her by my hands. So it’s better that she’ll be dying from something other than me. And don’t forget to lock the front door.” He said as he hung up.
They all looked at me.
I gulped.
“We’re sorry.” They all said as they left the house leaving me alone.
God… what the actual fuck?
“Noooooo!!! Take me with youuuu!!” I shouted at them.
I looked around. The fire was spreading. I started panicking. They even took away my phone. What am I supposed to do now? I tried to untie the rope around me. But it didn’t. Tears were falling down my cheeks.
Is this really the end? I looked down at my tiny baby bump.
“Baby, I have a feeling daddy’s gonna save us.” I smiled as I looked around.
There were pieces of broken wine bottle near my feet. I picked up the piece with effort. I used it to untie the rope. But In the process of doing it, I hurt my wrist. God… it hurts.
I closed my eyes tightly as I tried to untie the rope again. And I succeed. I hurriedly freed myself from the chair.
Smoke and fire was everywhere now. It was becoming hard to breath.
I ran towards the front door. It was locked. Horror filled my eyes. What am I supposed to do now. I coughed.
I looked around.
There was a phone. It was one of theirs phone. I picked it up. The battery was low. I dialed his number. My hands were shaking so bad. I press the phone to my ear.
He picked up on the first call.
“Hadrian?” A sob escaped my mouth.
“Mia cara? Is that you? Where are you? How are you? What happened?wha—”
“I’m not fine, Hadrian.” I said as I tried to unlock the door.
“Where are you?” he was panicked.
“I don’t remember the address.” I sobbed.
“Don’t worry. I’m gonna save you. I’m coming.” He sounded like he hurried from there. “I’ll go with you.” A voice said from the other side of the phone. It was Vincent’s voice.
“Yes, My love?” he sounded like he might cry anytime.
“It’s becoming hard to breathe.”
“Why?” he sounded confused.
“The fire…” I breathed. “The fire is everywhere.”
“Fire?” he sounded panicked as he drove the car fast. I could tell that by the sound of the car.
“Yeah.. The fire is spreading everywhere.” I coughed as I sit down in a corner of the house.
“God… I’m coming. Breath. Don’t stop breathing. And talk to me. Don’t stop talking.” He sounded desperate.
“I’m trying to… Hadrian?”
“Yes, My love?” he sounded like he might cry again.
“You’re driving fast, right? Don’t… drive fast. I don’t want you to drive fast.” I coughed again.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I don’t want to lose you. I want to reach you so bad that I want to just fly and come to you.”
I laughed.
“Hadrian?” I breathed.
“Yes, My love?”
“The battery of this phone is low. It might die anytime. Or I might di—”
“NO! Don’t say it. Please.” Now I can tell he’s crying.
I smiled.
“Yes, My love?”
“I… I love you. And I love our baby..” I coughed “ I’m sorry that… that I couldn’t give you this happiness. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything. I never thought it would end this way..”
“NO!! This is not our ending. This can’t be our ending. I wouldn’t let this be our ending. Just wait a few more minutes.”
I smiled.
I can’t talk anymore.
It’s becoming so hard to breath in this fire and smoke.
“Mia cara?” he said.
“Don’t stop. Talk to me.”
“It’s …It’s so hard to breath.”
“I’ll talk to you then, you have to listen. Okay?” he sounded so desperate.
“I love you. I’m so fucking obsessed with you. I crave you. I’m addicted to you. You’re the one addiction I can’t live without. After my mother died I never thought I’ll be able to feel happiness again. But when I got you I felt the happiness. You’re my happiness. Before I met you, I felt that I couldn’t love anyone, that nobody would be able to fill the void in my heart, but all that changed when I met you, you broke my barriers, you opened me up, you made me whole, you touched my soul, you made me come alive. You’re my everything.” He sighed.
I smiled. I breathed and felt dizzy.
“You’re… my everything… too.” with that the phone fell from my hands.
I coughed.
“Mia cara? Are you listening me? Answer me!” the phone was on speaker so I could hear him. I tried to speak but words didn’t come out.
My vision started to blur.
I caressed my baby bump.
“I’m sorry, mommy couldn’t bring you into this world.” I whispered.
I tried to stand up.
I did stand up with effort. But I fall.
When the front door burst open.
His arms catch me. He hugged me as his own tears were falling. He picked me up. I smiled. But everything went black after that.

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