Part 3

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The two of you stepped off the elevator and found Gene and the band's manager, Doc McGee. You saw the bassist player looking you up and down, licking his lips at the sight of you. You knew Gene was a well-known man whore, anything with a pulse and a pussy between their legs. He was ready to fuck. The bassist let out a cat whistle, making you cringe, and looked down at your feet. Paul put his hand on your shoulder, Before walking toward his bandmate.

"Already starting with sexual harassment this morning, Gene. Getting one of our restaurants and banned off a news station wasn't good enough?" Paul asked.

"Hey if there's a beautiful woman in front of me. Which is a good choice hiring a younger one this time to be at red carpet events," Gene smirked.

"This isn't like the last one. Y/N I apologize for my bandmate's behavior. He is still sixteen in his pea size brain. Let me introduce you to our manager, Doc McGee," the singer replied, pointing at the shorter man.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sure you are going to be the referee between me and Mr. Stanley here. This man won't budge on certain things," Doc replied.

"Nice to meet you as well. I'm happy to help in any way I can," You told him with a small smile..

"Okay, enough about how much of a dick I am, and Gene being a whore. Can we please get in the car and get these interviews done?" the singer asked.

Doc waved both men to the door and walked out, with you following behind Paul not wanting to be anywhere close to Gene, uncomfortable that he would try to cross a line that would get you in trouble with the singer or human resources. You saw Paul turn around and look at you, then stop in his tracks to look at you.

"Take a breath before you get in the van, okay? Gene flusters or pisses people off. That. That's just what he likes to do. You're going to do great as long as you keep up with me." Paul stated.

"Yes, sir," You replied, letting out a deep sigh

"Please stick with Mr. Stanley," He said, looking at you oddly.


Later That Day

You sat next to Doc in the radio station lobby, staring through the glass at the bassist and guitarist. Paul looked beyond annoyed by Gene's antics. From listening to interviews of the band in the past, they always asked the same questions that it was almost robotic when Paul responded. Doc tapped on your shoulder brings you out of the daze. Turning to him, the older man softly smiled at you.

"You seem to keep up with Paul well. How are you feeling about the job?" Doc asked.

"Well, besides pissing him off before clocking in. I was running late and spilled my coffee all over his white dress shirt." You replied with a sigh.

"That's why he has a closet full of clothes. Paul acts like he isn't a messy person, but he is. Just prepare yourself to carry extra stuff with you. He will decide on a spur of a moment he wants to change." he replied.

"Yeah, I had to run to the clothing store for him. I'll make a note of that." You replied, scribbling it in a notebook.

"I'm going to need your help with something, though. I hate to put you in the lion's den on your first day, but that's what an assistant is for," Doc replied with a chuckle.

"What is it you need done, and why can't you ask Paul?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The band has a gig the same night that Paul and his ex-wife are throwing Evan a graduation party. I need him just to push the party back a day or two," He replied.

You looked at him with an arched eyebrow and shook your head, knowing everyone that worked close to Paul was trying to test you. Grabbing the pen off, you jotted down the manager's request and let out a deep sigh. Hearing a door to open, you looked up from the paper, seeing a very pissed off Paul and Gene grinning from ear to ear.

"Stop doing that bullshit. You are not a wrestler trying to hype up your fans. We have the fans we have because of what WE AS A BAND bring on stage." Paul said, sounding stressed.

"Better than sounding like a robot," Gene replied, putting his sunglasses on.

"Y/N, how many more of these do we have? Are there any of them Bozo can do by himself?" Paul snapped.

"Um, there is left at a news station that they banned Gene from. After that interview, you are free for the day, except for a meeting with Doc," You replied.

"If that meeting with you is what I think it is, my answer is still not, and that's final!" Paul said sternly.

Paul walked out the door and climbed into the back of the van. You looked at Doc in fear that it would be another mark against you. Gene wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked toward the van. You tried to shrug it off of you, looking at Doc for help.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. Paul can be an asshole about anything to do with Evan. Paul is about family first and money second, which I find idiotic. How about you let me take you out for a nice dinner to celebrate your first day?" the bassist asked.

You stopped in front of the van and pulled away from him. Looking at the ground, thinking of the best way to decline his request. When two large hands landed on your shoulder, making you feel a spark race through your body.

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