Part 19

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(Paul POV)

The singer checked his appearance in the mirror just as the doorbell rang for a second time. He shook his head as he heard his teenage son go running down the stairs toward the front door. Paul ran his hand through his black hair before exiting his bedroom and heading toward the staircase. He stood at the top of the stairs for a moment as he listened to Evan and you talk.

"You must be Y/N, wait right here and I'll go get my pops," the boy said

"You must be Evan, it's nice to meet you," you replied

"Evan, I'll be right down. Can you please show Y/N the theater room?" Paul called from the top of the stairs.

"Sure pops, then I gotta get back to moms," Evan replied

Paul let out a deep breath and jogged down the steps, seeing you walk behind Evan toward the other room. The singer looked you up and down, taking in your entire outfit. You had on a dark red v neck t-shirt and tight Levi jeans. He felt a familiar twitch below his belt, making him pause for a moment to get his hormones in check before the singer made a fool out of himself. He walked toward the theater room just as Evan was walking out with a huge smile on his face.

"Good luck dad, I'll call you tomorrow," Evan said

The singer wrapped his arms around his son and hugged him briefly before Evan pulled away, walking toward the front door. Paul went through the door frame finding you sitting on one of the overstuffed couches looking as nervous as the guitarist felt. He smiled softly at you before holding his hand out to you.

You stood up and took the singer's hand, allowing him to pull you into an embrace. Paul wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and took in a deep breath, smelling the mix of strawberry shampoo and baby powder perfume. He kissed the side of your face, feeling you instantly relax in his embrace.

"You look beautiful, thank you for coming," Paul whispered into your ear

"You don't look half bad yourself, Mr. Stanley," you replied

"Please, sweetheart, call me Paul. It would be awkward to be on a date and you call me Mr. Stanley like we are at work." The singer said with a small chuckle.

You leaned forward and kissed the singer's lips, taking his breath away for a moment. Paul placed his hands on either side of your face as he returned the kiss. The two of you exchange small yet passionate kisses between each other.

The guitarist felt a spark course through his body as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Paul pulled back slightly and nipped your lips, smiling as he heard a small moan escape your body. The singer broke away from you and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the room.

"I figured we could make our own pizza, with my oven in the backyard. I heard you love Italian food like me," Paul said, as he pulled you through the house.

"You know how to cook? That's amazing," you replied.

"I had to learn how to cook when I became a single dad. Why do you sound so surprised?" Paul asked with a small chuckle.

"I figured you had a personal chef or something," you replied

"Nope, I'm a simple man I'm afraid" the singer said, as he opened the back door

He smiled softly to himself as he heard you gasp at the sight of the backyard. Evan and Paul had spent the afternoon cleaning up the area near the pizza oven. They lined the pathway with candles and rose petals leading up to the small table. Paul wrapped his arm around your waist and led you down the pathway, feeling you shiver slightly. He stopped and turned to see tears in your eyes making him panicked.

"I'm sorry. I thought you would like it," Paul said, as he wiped the tears from your cheek.

"Are you kidding? I've had no one go over the top for a first date before. I love it," you replied.

"Well, sweetheart, if you stick with me, I'll knock your socks off in over one way," he said, with a wink

Paul felt the familiar twitch in his dick as he saw your face flush red with embarrassment from the comment. He imagined how you would be underneath him. The singer shook his head and continued to lead you down the stairs to the table. He pulled the chair out and waved for you to sit down, before the guitarist grabbed the bottle of wine in the ice bucket and poured the two a glass. Paul took a seat across from you and folded his arms in front of him as he stared into your green eyes.

"Are you hungry?" Paul asked as he lifted his wine glass

"Starved actually. Can I help you in any way?" you asked.

"Actually, yeah, you can help me knead the dough for the crust. Come on," He replied as he stood up and offered you his hand.

The two of you walked with your wine glasses in hand to the gigantic building where the pizza oven was housed. Paul opened the small refrigerator and pulled out all the ingredients for the pizza, plus a bag tub of dough. He turned to another cabinet and pulled out a bag of flour, feeling your eyes on him the entire time. Paul turned his head and looked at you, seeing your cheeks flush red again as you quickly took a sip of wine.

"Do you see something you like, dear?" Paul asked, as he walked back to the prep table

"Maybe, Don't you?" You asked.

Paul felt his throat go dry and nodded his head slowly, unable to answer your question. He was loving your sudden boost of confidence. The guitarist grabbed your hand and pulled you to him, feeling the goosebumps rise as he ran his fingers down your forearm. He moved you to stand in front of him as Paul wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tightly to his chest. You sighed contently and waited for the singer to give you direction.

He grinned and moved his lips to the side of your neck, placing small kisses on the exposed skin. You leaned your head back against his shoulder, giving him more access, and the singer tightened his grip around you as he continued his attack. You turned slightly and captured his mouth with yours, as you ran your hands through his hair, pulling it slightly. Paul groaned against your lips, taken by surprise. He swiped his tongue against your lips and immediately you granted him access.

The two of you explored each other's mouth, as Paul tasted the sweetness from the wine. The singer tried to keep his mind out of the gutter and remember it was only the first date, but everything about you was driving him crazy. He wanted to be careful not to scare you away just yet.

"If you keep this up, we will never get dinner made," Paul said, as he broke the kiss

"I'm sorry. I won't kiss you anymore until we eat." You replied.

"Then I better work fast. You go enjoy your glass of wine and watch the master," the singer said..

You kissed the side of his face before taking your wine glass and taking a seat at the bar. Paul quickly went to work throwing flour down on the table and rolling out the dough. He glanced up to see your eyes on him and smiled softly, not used to someone wanting to give him their undivided attention on something as boring as cooking. You gasped as the singer took the dough and threw it up in the air, catching it with his hands each time gracefully. After a few more flips, Paul waved you back over to him as he added the crust to the pizza pan, and added the sauce.

"So I forgot to ask you what you like on your pizza. I have a little of everything and I'm not picky, so you can choose," Paul said..

"Pepperoni and extra cheese please," you replied

"As you wish my dear" The singer said, as he quickly added the ingredients

Paul put the pizza in the oven and cleaned up the mess, noticing you were staring at the pool. He pulled out his cell phone and set the timer on it for forty-five minutes before the singer walked over and wrapped his arms around your waist. He kissed your cheek and then twirled you around to face him.

"The pizza has about forty-five minutes. Fancy a dip in the pool?" Paul asked..

"I don't have a swimsuit," you said as you pulled away

Paul put his finger to your lips and grabbed your hand, pulling you back to the house without saying another word.

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