Part 6

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(Paul POV)

Paul stared at the door for a moment and took a deep breath. He had only focused on credentials with hiring a new assistant, the fifth one, in less than six months. However, the singer couldn't deny you were another knockout, but with a brain this time. He shook his head and opened the lid to his laptop, running through his emails, and pulling up the security cameras for the area, knowing he was probably the last person on the band's floor.

He scanned over to see Gene and you at the elevator doors shaking hands, making the guitarist's blood boil. Paul knew the bassist was trying to weasel his way into getting you to date him. One of the many problems that had led to people quitting and the many fights between the two men. The singer leaned back in his chair, glancing around the room spotting your bag laying on the table.

"What better way to interrupt the little deal than bringing this in," Paul mumbled, grabbing the bag.

He jogged toward the elevators, hearing Gene's voice growing louder. Paul turned the corner, seeing you nervously looking up at the bassist and pulling your hand away. The singer cleared his throat, grabbing the two of your attention, trying not to laugh at the small jump that had come from you. Gene turned and rolled his eyes, slipping his sunglasses on. The guitarist waved the bag in front of you, seeing the shocked expression.

"You might want this, Y/N. I wouldn't want to get to my car and realize I don't have my keys, or in your case possibly pepper spray, for any creeps that may follow you into the parking lot," Paul replied.

"Oh, thank you Mr. Stanley," You said, taking the bag from him.

Paul leaned over and swiped his badge, turning to see Gene looking at him with a raised eyebrow. The singer was usually the first one in and the last one out. Just as the doors opened, Paul waved for you to go first before pulling the bassist to the side for a moment. Attempting to keep a level head and not knock the cocky grin off of his best friend's face, Paul took another cleansing breath and then spoke.

"You are crossing lines, Simmons. You signed that agreement after what you did at the news station and the restaurant. I will not lose another person's backspacing because you make them uncomfortable. You can't pressure her to date you, and I heard what you promised her. Cut the shit out, no means no got it?" Paul said.

"I get it you're already developing a crush for her, trying to cock block the one in the band with the balls to go for what they want," Gene replied.

"Mark my words Simmons, if she quits because of you all hell is going to break loose." the singer hissed.

Paul stepped into the elevator, smiling softly as you stood nervously in the corner, twisting your dark hair between your fingers. After a few moments, Gene walked in and swiped his card, hitting the button on the lobby. The singer looked from the bassist to you, waiting to see if his bandmate would do the right thing. Gene cleared his throat and continued to face the doors of the elevator, avoiding any eye contact with you or Paul.

"I'm cancelling the date Y/N. I know you want to learn how to stay on Paul's good side and I've flirted with you, but you need to figure out the dynamic by yourself. It's also disrespectful to my girlfriend and children. My best friend made me clearly aware of that. I apologize if that hurts your feelings." Gene said,

"Oh, you were going to learn all the secrets about me. Wow Y/N, you weren't even going to give me a chance to prove I'm not that big of an asshole? You just go straight to the horse's ass for info," Paul asked.

"That's not exactly how Gene presented the date, but I asked if he could give me some pointers on how to handle situations with you that may be difficult." You replied.

"He is Bi-polar. I've been around him for thirty years and I never know." Gene chuckled.

"I'm not Bi-Polar asshole, just don't like mistakes that could simply avoid. You know, like your forgetfulness with lyrics in concert. Especially to the ones you wrote, leaving three other people to cover you," Paul fired back.

"You two are like brothers. I think maybe I should tell Heather I won't be coming back tomorrow since there has been a fight between the two of you. Since I started, oh let's see, nine hours ago?" You spoke up as the doors opened.

Gene looked back at the two of you before stepping out and walking straight to the front door of the building. Paul stopped and looked at you, taken aback by your comment. He looked at you, watching as you kept your eyes glued to your feet. The singer went to open his mouth, however for the first time in his life, Paul found himself lost for words.

"Hey don't quit just because of the two of us. You will do well here if you can keep that same attitude you showed throughout the day. Give it at least two weeks before you decide if this is the place that is the right fit for you. Besides, today was a Monday, who is in a good mood at the start of the week hmm?" the singer asked, staring at you.

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