Part 13

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(Paul POV)

Paul put his cell phone back into his pocket and looked up at the smiling blonde woman in front of him. He had been completely honest with her when he had said you were one of the best assistants. All the bullshit that you had gone through on the first day because of Gene made it clear that the singer had chosen wisely, but there was something else about you that Paul needed to get to know more about and that feeling gnawed at him as he waited for you or Eric to return his text.

"I really didn't think you could be a jerk," Heather said

"Well, I may not show it all the time, but I do have moments I'm not proud of. I just hope she really doesn't quit." Paul replied,

"She seemed more upset that she had let you down in some way, I don't think the yelling bothered her too much but you know just because Doc or your bandmates get under your skin doesn't mean you can talk to the rest of us like crap," She replied.

"Yeah, Yeah, I know, but I can't fix this if she won't talk to me," Paul said, with a sigh

"Just go back to your office and do whatever it is Doc wanted you to do or work on the plans for Evan's party. I'm sure Y/N will gladly jump in and help once they get back. You need a distraction before you drive yourself and everyone else around you crazy," Heather replied, pointing toward the door.

"Short trip," Paul said with a chuckle as he got out of his seat and headed toward the door.

The singer headed toward the elevator just as Eric and you came in through the front door laughing at Tommy. Paul stopped in his tracks and looked at you, feeling butterflies in his stomach just from the sound of your laugh. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and watched the three of you interact for a few moments while his mind raced with thoughts of what he would like to do to you. Paul cleared his throat and shook his head to get rid of the ideas as he walked toward you.

"I see you survived an outing with Eric, Y/N. Are you feeling better now?" The singer asked.

"Why does everyone think a newbie can't survive a day outing with me? It's not like we are on tour right now and we can go drink?" Eric asked

"We've all been around you and know what you are capable of. We don't want Y/N to be influenced just yet by you," Tommy said.

"Eric was a sweetheart. Is there anything I can help you with, Mr. Stanley?" You asked.

Paul looked over at you and saw your cheeks were turning pink in embarrassment, making the guitarist bite his lip slightly so he didn't react to what his other head wanted him to do in the middle of the lobby. You looked from Paul to Eric and then Tommy before your eyes landed back on the ground. Paul felt eyes on him and turned his head slowly to find both his bandmates staring at him with enormous grins on their faces.

"I actually need to talk to these guys about something first. How about you go ahead and catch up on emails upstairs? I'll be up there in a bit and we can talk,'' Paul asked.

"Okay sure, bye guys," You replied, turning on your heels to head toward the elevator.

The singer felt his heart skip a beat as you made eye contact with him from the lift and slowly pushed a piece of hair behind your ear. He smiled softly at you and turned back to face his best friends, seeing both men shaking their heads at the singer. Paul looked back over his shoulder to make sure you were gone before he took a deep breath.

"I need your guys' help with setting up something for Y/N," Paul said

"When would you like to do this Romeo?" Tommy asked

"Do you think it's a good idea to date an employee?" Eric asked.

"Tonight. Eric, to answer your question, we are about to find out if it's a good idea or not." the singer replied.

"Well, we have about five hours to plan this so shall we go to my office and do this?" Tommy asked

"That would be great, Eric. I need you to find out what she likes to eat and all that good stuff. Can you handle that?" Paul asked.

"Make Tommy do it, he's better at this," Eric groaned

"No, you do it. You already made her your friend," Tommy replied.

The singer and guitarist laughed and followed Eric as he whined and complained about being the bitch boy for the band. The three men jumped on the elevator and headed in their own direction to start the planning. Paul felt the nerves build up as he watched Eric walk into the office the singer now shared with you. He hoped the night would go exactly as he wanted, giving the singer a chance to show he was sorry and prove he was a loveable guy for you to plan a future with.


(Reader POV)

"How in the hell does he have this many emails, and it's not even noon yet?" You mumbled to yourself,

You checked the clock, seeing you had only been back fifteen minutes, and wondered how long it would take you to actually get some progress made before the singer got back. Groaning seeing the inbox growing more disorganized by the second, your mind went back to the lobby with Paul and the other two guys. You had noticed a different spark between you and the man that made your own thoughts go to the gutter. Tommy had told you not to worry about Paul being angry with you, but it was a whole different experience.

"This is only going to lead to something bad happening." you said with a small sigh

You grabbed your bag and pulled out your headphones, pairing them to your phone and blasting one of your favorite KISS songs, 'I Just Wanna'. You got up from your chair and walked over to the singer's book shelf grabbing another pen and notepad as you swayed to the music. Dancing to the song as it picked up to the instrumental breakdown, you didn't notice the door opening. You turned to move back toward your desk when two hands landed on your hips, making you jump and scream. As Eric laughed at the two of you, you turned to see Paul holding on to your hips. You held your chest, trying to catch your breath as you felt the goosebumps rise on your arm under the guitarist's touch.

"We could have definitely used her back in '93," Paul said, smiling down at you

"Hell with those moves we should think about adding 'Take It Off' back to the set for this next tour," Eric replied, taking a seat on the couch

"You scared the shit out of me. I thought you would not be back up for a little, so I decided to listen to some music." You replied, pulling away from the singer

"I'm sorry, I have a meeting with Tommy and Doc, kinda needed to grab some paper and a pen. Which I'm very glad I did," the singer replied, winking at you.

"What about Eric?" You asked.

"I came to see how you were before I left for the day. Maybe I can help you a bit," Eric replied.

"If Paul, I mean Mr. Stanley, is okay with that, I need some help to organize this crazy inbox." You said, taking a seat back at your desk.

"Please be my guest. I love to be organized and ready to go at any minute. I'll be back in an hour," Paul said, grabbin g his notepad.

You looked over at him and smiled softly before pulling your headphones out of your ear and putting them back in their case. Eric pulled a chair up and started looking over your computer, as you and the singer kept staring at each other. After a few moments, the drummer cleared his throat, making you and Paul both jump. Paul ran a hand through his hair and walked out the door, not muttering another word toward you or the drummer. Eric looked at you and grinned, reminding you of your best friend back home when she had a secret to tell you.

"What?" You asked.

"So I have a few questions to ask you as a favor for someone. Are you ready?" Eric said.

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