Part 42

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(Reader POV)

"You want me to quit?" You asked, confused.

"Yes, just step away and be with me full time. You will be taking care off and if we have a baby one day you two can travel with me," Paul said

"What about moving in with you? Do you still want that?" You replied

"Yes, very much so, but I just can't work with you anymore. It's safer for everyone that way. It keeps Gene out of our business," he replied

"Can I have a couple of days to think about it before I move in?" You asked..

"Ill give you until Monday at nine to make a decision, but while im here, how about we load some boxes," Paul suggested

You nodded your head and walked toward the bedroom and grabbed a box, handing it to the singer. He let out a chuckle and took the box, heading down the stairs with it. The sound of your cell phone ringing caught your attention, and you walked over to the kitchen table, picking it up. The number was an unknown, but your heart skipped a beat as you read the message to yourself.

"Your time is up bitch." the message read

"Who the fuck is this" you typed back before sitting the phone down

You started packing more boxes as the singer came back up the stairs with a concerned look on his face as he looked at you. He walked over and wrapped his arm around you. Your ringtone went off again, and you pulled out of the singer's grasp to go and check it. Letting out a frustrated groan, you showed Paul seeing the anger flash across his face.

"Ill give you 2.5 million dollars to leave the singer," the message read

"Who the fuck is texting this to you that knows you are with me?" paul asked

"The only one that knows is my best friend but she wouldn't do something like this," You said with a sigh

"Lets grab you a bag to stay at my house and you grab the dog. We will figure out everything else on the way to my house," the singer replied.

The two of you worked quickly to pack your stuff up and as you were locking the door, you looked down at your phone seeing another text message from the unknown number. An address with a meeting time was they left all that on the screen. You walked over to your kitchen drawer and grabbed a pen and paper out, scribbling the address down as you heard Paul's footsteps on the stairs. Quickly you put the paper in your jeans pocket as he walked in the door.

"You ready now?" He asked.

"Yup, just gotta get budrow's leash on him and we can go," You said before grabbing the dog.

"Listen Y/N, who ever is texting you this crap. I want you to know that im gonna do everything in my power to keep you safe. Do you trust me?" Paul asked.

"More than I probably should, but I have another question for you: when you are we going to discuss contracts?" You asked as you took his hand and walked out the door..

You laughed as paul let out a deep groan and smacked your ass making you jump. The two of you walked down the stairs, not noticing the blacked out car beside yours taking pictures of every move the two of you made.

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