Part 30

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Later That Evening

Paul checked his appearance in the mirror one more time, making sure his vest and t-shirt were nice and neat before running his hand through his hair, seeing the touch of gray coming through his black locks. He was wondering if Eric was right and that he needed to pump the brakes a little on this relationship or if Tommy was right and that he deserved to be happy and you were the one that was going to bring that into his life after five years of loneliness. The doorbell echoed through the hall, catching the singer's attention.

"Guess it's show time," Paul whispered

He hurried to the entryway as he felt the butterflies dance in his stomach. The singer took a deep breath and opened the door, feeling like he was going to pass out at the sight of you in the red dress he had bought you previously. The two of you smiled softly at each as Paul waved you into the house and shut the door behind you, locking it in case of any surprise visitors. You wrapped your arms around the singer's neck, making his smile grow larger than his lips hovered above yours. He brushed his lips against yours as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his body, feeling his dick twitch slightly at the feeling of the goosebumps rising on your arms.

"You look beyond gorgeous in this dress, sweetheart," Paul whispered

"I figured I give you a first look before tomorrow night," You replied, kissing him again

Paul groaned and grabbed your hand, pulling you into the kitchen, hearing you gasp at the sight around the two of you. They lined the table with a black tablecloth with red and white rose petals lining the table around the white long stem candles. The guitarist pulled out a chair for you to take a seat as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of his favorite wine, bringing it back to the table and poured it. The two of you grabbed your glasses and quickly took a drink of the red wine. Paul welcomed the distraction of the sweet wine touching his lips.

"Are you as nervous as I am?" You asked

"Oh, most definitely, sweetheart. It's been five years for me, but we will get to all of that soon. Didn't you say you like baked ziti from that Italian restaurant?" Paul asked.

"You didn't have to order in, I could have cooked for you," You replied

"Oh, no sweetheart, I cooked everything but the chocolate pie that was Eric's doing." The singer replied.

He walked over to the oven and pulled out the dish, bringing it over to the table and taking a seat, watching as you had tears in your eyes looking at the surrounding table. Paul felt the panic strike him and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of your chair bringing you to his lap. The singer ran his thumb across your cheek, wiping away from your face before kissing your lips, feeling you let out a shaky breath. He kissed your forehead and then each of your cheeks again as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Honey, what the matter? Do you not want to be here?" Paul asked.

"I'm just worried I won't be to your liking and you'll end this tomorrow," You replied

"Oh, sweetheart, I adore you, and sex for the first time is always awkward, but practice makes perfect. We will just find a way we both enjoy it. Come grab your wine and we will go sit in front of the fire. I have a feeling we are too nervous to actually eat right now," The singer said, as he kissed your cheek again.

Paul chuckled as you grabbed the bottle of wine and your glass before walking up the stairs toward the bedroom where the singer had set up everything. They lined the room with rose petals and the only light was the glow of the fire. The singer sat down in his wineglass and slipped out of his shoes, as well as undid the buttons of his vest before taking a seat on the floor, patting the spot next to him, smiling as you quickly sat on his lap. Paul wrapped his arms around you and kissed the side of your neck before moving his lips up to your ear. He took your earlobe in between his teeth and pulled slightly, feeling his dick twitch at the soft sigh you let out.

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