Part 41

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Two Days Later

(Paul POV)

The singer sat behind his desk looking at baby pictures of Evan as tears rolled down his face as thought over the last two days of dealing with you in the hospital and the loss of the baby. I had scared Paul to be a father again after eighteen years, but with you being his partner, he knew it was something he would be able to handle. A knock sounded at the guitarist's door, making him jump, and quickly wiped the tears away from his face.

"Come in!" He barked

Eric and Tommy came strolling in with a sad smile on both of their faces, making the singers skin crawl. He ran his hand through his black hair and watched as the two men took a seat in front of his desk. Paul brought his index finger to his temple and waited for the other two men to say something. After what seemed like twenty minutes, Eric spoke first

"We just wanted to say we are sorry about your loss. I can't imagine what you're going through if there's anything you need," Eric said

"Yeah actually, I need you guys to help me pack up y/N apartment and get her moved in with me. She gets out of the hospital later today. I just gotta get through the meeting that Gene is insisting we have." Paul replied

"We don't think you should go to that meeting. It's just going to set you off when you hear what Gene has on his mind," Tommy said

"What's that, another tour or something else?" The singer asked

"He wants you to fire y/n," Eric said softly

"He wants me to do what?!" Paul yelled, standing up

"Calm down, Paul. We don't agree with him. We think the two of you are great together but they are gonna come down here in an hour and try to convince you of all this," Tommy replied

Paul reached a crossed the desk and grabbed the phone, punching in your hospital room number listening to the ringing for a few minutes before a smile pulled at his lip as he heard your voice come across the line. He waved for the two men to leave the room before he spoke again.

"Hey baby, have you talked to the doctor yet? Can you come home today?" Paul asked

"Yeah, they are releasing me in twenty minutes. Can you come get me or should I call a cab?" you asked.

"Don't you dare. I'm leaving the office now. Just gotta go tell Gene and doc something and then I am all yours," Paul said before hanging up

He buttoned his suit jacket before grabbing his car keys and sunglasses before heading toward the door as it swung open, revealing Gene. The bassist gave the singer a smug smile before taking a seat on the couch, making Paul growl under his breath. The younger guitarist took a seat in front of the bassist, feeling his anger build up.

"You know why I'm here, so let's just get it over with. You little play toy needs to find employment elsewhere if you are going to keep seeing her," the bassist said

Paul looked at the older man and ran both of his hands down his face, trying to control his anger. He stood up and walked toward the door before walking out of it and slamming it behind him, leaving the bassist sitting alone in the office. The last thing the singer wanted to deal with was an ultimatum from his band mate over someone he cared for.


(Reader POV)

You were bagging your stuff up when the singer walked into the room looking like he had seen a ghost. He walked over to you and placed his hands on both sides of your face, looking into your green eyes for a long time before kissing your lips, taking you by surprise for a moment before you started kissing him back. Paul grabbed your hand and walked you backwards to one of the chairs in the room and touched you to take a seat. The singer bent down in front of you and the two of you continued to attack each other's mouth for a few more minutes before the guitarist pulled away..

"I know you're recovering but I've been thinking about doing that all day, but now we have to have a serious conversation baby," Paul said

"Are you breaking up with me?" You asked.

"Oh god no, sweetheart. We need to talk about you working with me though." the singer replied.

You folded your arms in front of your chest and watched as Paul began to pace the room, searching for the right words to say to you.

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