Part 27

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(Reader POV)

Monday Morning

You strolled into the office trying to avoid eye contact with your coworkers as you tried to hide the large hickey on you the side of your neck. The singer had left a mark on you before leaving your house the previous day after binge watching movies all day and eating junk food. After several hours the two of you had Evan's party planned out now. You were anxiously waiting for Paul to give you the contract to seal the deal of your relationship. You strolled into his office, seeing him on the phone with a pissed off look on his face until he made eye contact with you.

Paul looked you up and down in the black dress you were wearing and saw his frown instantly change into a smile. He patted his lap and then crooked his finger for you to come to him, but you laughed and went to your desk looking over the meeting list the band had for the week. The singer hung up the phone and walked over to the door, locking it quickly before he made his way to you. You looked him up and down, recognizing a pink shirt under his navy blue suit making desire pull at you. He removed his jacket and then rolled up his sleeves before he bent down and kissed you.

"Good morning," Paul whispered

"Good morning back, so we just need to meet with the caterer tonight with Evan to discuss food options. Does 4 work for you?" You replied

Paul brushed back the hair on your shoulder and kissed the bare skin until he made his way up to the hickey on the side of your neck. You pushed him away and waited for his answer. The singer let out a sigh before walking back to his desk and grabbing his cell phone. You watched him quickly type something before putting it back in his pocket.

"I'm checking to see if he's free tonight. Don't forget you owe me dinner to discuss the contract and that makes it date three," paul replied

"Yeah, because me cooking you dinner counts as a date," you said

Paul slid down to his knees in front of you and placed a kiss on each of your thighs, taking your breath away for a moment. He winked at you as he pushed you back in the chair and hooked his fingers into your panties, pulling them down to your ankles. You let out a shaky breath again and watched the singer lift your legs over his shoulder as he blew hot air against your pussy. He let out a low chuckle as your hands went to his hair, pulling it roughly.

"What are you doing?" You asked breathlessly

"I'm craving something sweet for breakfast and you have just the cure. Now lean back and close your eyes. I promise you're gonna love this as much as I do," Paul replied

You did as you were told and closed your eyes as you felt the singer's tongue slide against your clit before his entire mouth covers it, nibbling it softly. He moved his tongue lower, lapping up your juices as Paul twisted it in and out of you, applying firm and long licks. You felt your legs tremble on either side of his head and you quietly moaned out his name as he applied a finger inside of you, pumping it in and out of you slowly.

"Fuck Paul" you hissed

"Cum for me baby, let me taste more of you," Paul whispered

That was all the encouragement you needed as you cried out and came as Paul licked up the mess he had created. He pulled away and wiped his chin, winking at you as you struggled to catch your breath. The singer grabbed you and pulled you into a deep kiss, giving you a taste of yourself before he pulled away and adjusted his pants. A knock sounded at the door as the office phone rang.

"You answer the phone and I'll get the door," paul said as he walked toward the door

"Mr. Stanley's office, this is y/n how may I help you?" You asked

"Hi, I'm looking for my dad. He just sent me a text about a catering meeting." Evan said.

You looked up to see Paul and Doc having a heated argument before the singer walked out and slammed the door behind the two of them, making you jump. Shaking your head, you turned back to the phone, giving Paul's son the information for the meeting while you wondered what had triggered the singer's reaction to seeing his long-time manager. The sound of your text tone pulled your attention away from the telephone as you grabbed it and saw the message was from Paul.

"That was fun. Now clean yourself up and get to conference room A in fifteen minutes."

You quickly hung up the phone and grabbed the closet notebook, running out the door toward the restroom and cleaning up before walking into the meeting room to find all four members of the band staring at you with half smiles on their faces. Paul motioned for you to take a seat next to him as you saw Doc stand up to take his place at the front of the room.

"So we have a concert on Saturday after Paul's little party," Doc began

You watched Paul's knuckles turn white as he squeezed his pen. He gave the clear sign that the morning session would not continue after you returned to your office. You just wondered how much trouble you were going to be in for not telling your boss and boyfriend that the schedule had changed.

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