Part 18

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(Paul POV)

Paul drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he sat outside his ex-wife's house, waiting for his son. He had planned the entire menus for the two of you for the date before the singer had realized there was barely anything in the house that could be considered edible. The singer pulled out his cell phone and checked for any more text messages from you when the sound of shouting caught his attention. Slowly, he pulled his sunglasses off of his face to see his son and ex-wife arguing back and forth in the front yard. Paul sighed as he opened the door to his Corvette and walked toward his son, wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulder.

"What the hell is going on?" Paul asked

"She's mad that I'm leaving with you for a few hours to help you with shopping. I keep trying to tell her I need to spend as much time with everyone as I can. You won't be just a phone call away in a few weeks, but of course she's playing the victim." Evan replied.

"You had him last night after he snuck off to your house. I never got a phone call to confirm that I was okay with it! What happened to open communication, Paul?" Pam asked.

"Why am I being dragged into this? He called you last night. Now if he had to leave a message because you didn't answer the phone, well, that's not really my problem. I don't think Evan should have to beg to go spend time with his father or his friends. The boy is going to be away for four years, maybe more." The singer replied.

"Ill be back in two hours tops, okay mom, then we can go grab a bite to eat and talk just you and me," Evan said, with a small sigh

Paul tried to hide a smile as he watched his only son stand and make the same facial expression as his father. Pam rolled her eyes and walked toward Evan, wrapping her arms around their son, pulling him in for a tight hug. The singer ran a hand through his hair and grinned at the two as Evan pulled away first, wiping tears away from his eyes. Paul wrapped his arm around his son and lead him to the car, trying to keep himself from laughing at the interaction. The two men jumped into the car and put on their seatbelt before they both reached for their sunglasses.

"So you want to tell me what this is all about, besides getting me away from my crazy mother? Also, what's with the goofy smile?" Evan asked.

"I need your help to set up for a date," Paul replied, as he started the car and pulled away from the curb.

"You finally asked the new chick out at work? Way to go, pops," Evan replied, as he patted his dad's shoulder.

"How did you know about her?" Paul asked, as he glanced over at his son.

"Well, you've mentioned her twice, and Aunt Sharon mentioned to mom the other day that there was a new young girl straight out of college working for you now. To quote my aunt, you were all over her like a dog in heat," Evan replied.

"Hey! Watch your mouth! Dont ever let me hear you talking about a woman like that. I don't want you acting like your uncle Gene. Do I make myself clear?" Paul asked, as he came to a stop at a red light.

"Yes Sir, I'm sorry, now tell me more about this girl! It's been a long time since you've been on a date. Are you nervous?" Evan asked.

"Great, now I get to play twenty questions with you." The singer replied as he turned toward the grocery store.


(Reader POV)

That Night

You pulled your car up to the long gate in front of Paul's driveway and entered the code he had given you earlier in the day. The butterflies were growing in your stomach in anticipation of what could take place tonight after the knee buckling kiss the two of you had shared just hours before. You watched the gate slowly open and let out another deep breath as you put the car in drive and proceeded up the long driveway. The house was beyond anything you had seen before, and you had to force your mouth closed as you pulled the car to a stop behind a beautiful red Corvette.

"Okay, Y/N, get yourself together. You can do this. He is just a regular person, just like you. The only difference is he lives in a mansion and you don't," You mumbled to yourself

You checked your appearance in the rearview mirror one last time before you grabbed your bag and exited the car. The sound of your phone made you jump slightly, and you quickly reached into your bed to pull it out. Shaking your head at the sight of your best friend's name across the screen, you opened the message and tried not to laugh.

"Have fun tonight but don't do anything I wouldn't do," the text read.

You turned the power off to the device and shoved it back in your purse, knowing your best friend had the best intentions even if she didn't always show it. You walked up the steps to the front door and looked down at your t-shirt and jeans one last time, thankful Megan had told you to keep it simple since it was only dinner and a movie at the singer's house. Just as you went to raise your hand to knock on the door, it swung open, revealing a younger version of Paul standing in front of you. The boy smiled just the same as the singer and held the door open for you to enter.

"You must be Y/N, wait right here and I'll go get my pops," The boy replied

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