Part 38

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(Paul POV)

The singer looked down at the drummer seeing the shocked look on his face and shrugged his shoulders before crossing his arms infront of his chest. Your words spun around in his mind about not being sure if you loved him and he needed a plan to convince you that his feelings were real.

"Let's get rehearsal over with and then you can help me plan something for Y/N that will show her I'm serious about her and this relationship." Paul said

"Paul if your thinking about purposing I don't want any part in that. It's too soon and you don't know her at all." Eric said with a sigh

"No dumb ass I wouldn't marry someone with in a month of knowing someone. I'm crazy in love but not stupid." The singer replied as he walked down the hallway


Two hours later

(Reader POV)

You were laying on the bed of the hotel room watching tv when a knock sounded at the door. Groaning you stood up and stretched before quickly walking over to the door to find a tall blonde haired man standing in a suit in front of you. He pulled out an envelope with your name scribbled acrossed it and handed it to you before walking away without uttering a word.

"Who is this from?" You yelled down the hall

"Open it and find out I'm not supppose to give you any information" the man said

You sighed and closed the door before opening the envelope and seeing Paul's handwriting inside. You smiled and sat down on the bed reading over the card for a few minutes before tears started to stream down your face. You switched of the telvestion and cleared your throat before beginning to read the letter out loud.

Dear Lover,

After our coversattion in the car ive been trying to think of ways to prove that my love for you is real. So lets play a little game. You have one hour to shower and put on that tight little red dress I love so much before my security guard comes back with your next card with your next clue. I want you and the baby to know that you mean the world to me and I hope this night will be the start of showing you that.



You jumped off the bed and quickly ran to the closet getting the dress bag that held your red dress inside of it. Sitting the bag on the bed, you ran into the bathroom and starting the shower blasting the hot water. You looked at your appearance in the mirror trying to figure out what it was that Paul saw in you that made him love so much and so soon. Running your hands down your belly and let out a deep sigh.

"Little one you were a big surprise for me and your daddy, but you were made out of love and we will both love you with every fiber of our being. Your daddy is an amazing man and he is one of the most supportive men ive ever met in my life. I hope you take after him more than me, your mommy is super young but you can count on me to be there for you too." You said before stripping out of your clothes

You stood under the hot water and let it run down your body as your mind began to wonder to the future. You saw Paul pushing a little green eyed boy on a swing as you stood to the side holding a sleeping baby girl in a pink dress in your arms. The singer walked over to you and kissed your cheek as he took your hand looking down at the sparkling diamond ring on your ring finger. Letting out a deep sigh at the thought you quickly began to wash and clean up so you could meet the time limit the singer had set for you


An Hour Later

You were putting on Paul's favorite red lipstick when a knock sounded on the door. Quickly you threw everything back into the back before running back to the door and opening it finding two men standing there with a dozen of red roses and a card. You took them from the gentleman and waved them in to the door. Sitting the vase down you smelt the flowers before tearing open the card.


Tonight is about passion and learning about each other. So jump in the car and meet me at my favorite spot where the brushes are hot. Lets do some exploring of one another in twenty minutes on 9th stree and bay avenue. See you soon my kitten

You felt your face heat up under reading the last of the letter before you grabbed you purse and followed the men out the door to the SUV as climbed in the back of it. You found another gift bag sitting in the passenger seat next to you.

"Is this for me?" You asked

"Yes ma'am, Mr. Stanley asked for you to open it right away" One of the men said

You opened the bag finding paints, a smock, and brushes inside of the bag. You smiled guessing the place the singer was taking you first to start the night off right. 

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