Part 7

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"Wait, you dumped your cup of coffee all over your boss. The great Paul Stanley?" Megan asked from across the screen.

"I've told you this five times, Megan! Yes, I spilled coffee all over his white dress shirt. Luckily, I didn't get fired when the HR lady took me to his office and he saw me. Though seeing him shirtless was kind of a win in a way." You replied.

You tried not to burst into a fit of laughter at the sight of your friend's expression. It wasn't a simple task to make your best friend go speechless. Grabbing your bowl from the coffee table, you took a quick bite, waiting for your Megan to come up with another round of questions for you. You looked over to the other side of the couch, seeing Budrow kicking his feet as he slept, making you grin.

"The whole day was weird. Paul seems very protective of all women around Gene, which we know from that man's reputation it's probably best that Paul put him in his place. They got into a big argument over me after the last interview. Gene kept asking me out, and I agreed until Paul came around the corner when we were all getting on the elevator. Once the word of sexual harassment got brought up, Gene cancelled the date." You said.

"Are you going to go back? It kinda sounds like Gene is going to cause you to quit before Paul fires you." She asked.

"Oh, I didn't tell you that part, before I went to talk to the human resources lady, Heather, Paul made me promise to give it two weeks, and then decide on staying or not. He is stern about some things, but he seems like a decent guy. He wants help with his son's graduation party." You replied.

"His ex-wife will love that, a twenty-two-year-old hanging around planning their son's party. You know she's going to think you're fucking him, right?" Megan said, raising her eyebrows.

You rolled your eyes at the comment, knowing that would never happen in this lifetime. Paul would never go for someone plain like you. Especially with all the magazine pictures you had seen with the singer having his arms wrapped around a beautiful blonde. After hearing the many arguments from the day, you knew Paul did not mix business with pleasure.

"Shut up, Megan. Anyway, I better get off here. I need to make sure I'm up on time tomorrow and hold my promise to Paul that I would have my coffee drank before he got there. I will call you this weekend, okay?" You said.

"Okay, I love and miss you bestie. Hopefully, you will be home for the holidays," Megan said, suddenly looking teary-eyed.

"I love you too, Goodnight" You replied, logging off the computer.

You had left the east coast and take the job in California wanting to break away from your mom and dad. The two of them had been overbearing since you were their only child, but you knew that going to California to work with the band, especially Paul, would be the opportunity of a lifetime if you didn't get fired. Putting the laptop on the table, you grabbed your dish, carrying it to the kitchen and putting it into the sink.

"Let's go to bed mister, Mom has to make sure she doesn't fuck up again or we will have to go back to live with your grandma and grandpa again." You said.

The young puppy looked at you, moving his head back and forth, with a small whimper escaping his mouth. You chuckled and walked toward the bedroom, hearing small footsteps behind you. Grabbing your phone, you changed the six alarms set on your phone to go off two hours earlier. You wanted enough time to get your usual routine done and to hopefully beat your new boss to work to get started on his request. Picking up the puppy, you put him on the bed before climbing into bed beside him.

"God, please let me have a better day than today. We really don't want to go back and live under mom and dad's roof again," You said, looking up at the ceiling.

Budrow let out a small bark in agreement as you turned to your side and pulled the blanket tightly around you. Feeling your eyes grow heavy, you fell asleep within minutes. Dreams floating in of a party and a mystery person kissing you inside a small bedroom.

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