Part 16

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(Reader POV)

Later That Week

You had settled into your first full week of working with the singer, learning more on the job than you had in your entire four years of college. You sat at your desk going over meeting notes when the office door opened and Paul came walking through with a smile on his face. It had been over four days since Eric had played twenty questions with you for the guitarist, yet Paul had not asked you on the date that the drummer had mentioned on your second date. The singer walked over to your desk and took a seat on the edge, pulling your attention away from your notes to give the man your full attention.

"So, how do you feel about your first week?" He asked.

"Well, after the first day, I say things have gotten better. I have spilled nothing on you and I feel like I've been doing a good job with keeping up with your shenanigans with the band," You replied.

"I appreciate not having to change shirts an hour after leaving the house. I also agree that you've done a fantastic job." Paul said, with a slight chuckle

You looked at the guitarist and smiled, feeling slightly relieved that he didn't have any complaints to add. The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before you felt self-conscious and turned back to your computer. Paul put his hand on your shoulder, sending a shiver down your spine, as you turned your head to look back up at him. The singer took in a deep breath and ran his free hand through his black hair.

"Do you want my answer about that date Eric mentioned on Tuesday?" You asked.

"How do you know that's what I was going to ask you?" Paul countered.

"I know after your compliment that you aren't here to fire me, so that's the only other thing that has been the elephant in the room, so to speak." You replied,

Paul let out a deep laugh and moved his hand away from your shoulder, making you feel a sense of pride at how confident you had become. The singer went to stand up from his spot but you stopped him by grabbing his hand, feeling him shutter slightly under your touch, just as you had to his. He looked at you with an eyebrow raised, clearly amused by your sudden confidence. You leaned across your desk and grabbed your water, taking a sip from the bottle, as you tried to think of what to say next to the man.

"So, are you going to answer my question or not?" You asked.

"Yes, of course I want to know," Paul replied

"Well, you kinda have to ask your question before I give you the answer. Otherwise it's just office gossip which I hear Mr. Singer is quite good at," You said.

"You are going to be trouble. I can already feel it," Paul replied as he shook his head

"You have no idea, sir" You said, standing up from your chair

You moved away from your desk and went to sit on one couch, feeling the guitarist's eyes on you the entire time. Draping your arm over the back of the couch, you turned and looked at Paul, seeing his mouth hanging open and his pupils enlarged. You knew his thoughts were going to the same place yours were, and you were trying to keep up the same confidence as you crooked your finger at him, beckoning him over. He jumped up from his chair and jogged over to the couch, jumping over the back of it. The two of you laughed as the singer landed beside you with a thump and his hair falling in his face.

"Mister Smooth," You said, as you shook your head at him trying to control your laughter

"Oh, you have no idea, Y/N," Paul replied, brushing the hair out of his eyes

Paul moved closer to you and grabbed your hand, running his calloused fingers over the top of it. You shuddered and looked at him, hoping the singer would either ask you whatever question he had on his mind or make a move before your confidence flew out the window. He moved his hand away from yours and brushed a piece of hair out of your face, moving it behind your ear. You closed your eyes and leaned into the touch, feeling the guitarist's breath next to your face.

"Before we get carried away and someone walks in on us, I want you to go out to dinner and a movie with me tonight, unless you have plans." Paul whispered.

"Lucky for you I have no plans this weekend and would love to go on a date with you," You whispered back as you grabbed his chin.

"Does seven work for you?" He asked as he moved his face closer to yours.

You nodded your head, unable to compute any words as Paul's lips touched yours. You sighed against his lips and kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grabbed you and pulled you on to his lap, holding you close to his body, as he continued to kiss you, antagonizing slowly. The two of you battled back and forth, trying to dominate the kiss for a few moments. You pulled away from Paul just as there was a knock on the door. The singer jumped up from his spot and adjusted his clothes before walking toward the door and opening it.

"What the hell do you want?" Paul asked, as he opened the door revealing Gene

"Nice to see you to friend, I was coming to see if you wanted to grab dinner," Gene asked, as he entered the room

"Mr. Stanley, if you need nothing else from me, I'm going to call it a week," You replied, moving back to your desk and grabbing your bag.

"Um no Y/N, you are free to go. I will see you on Monday," Paul said, holding the door open for you.

You waved goodbye to both men and walked out the door feeling both nervous about the date and that the bassist almost caught the two of you locked together. You walked toward the elevator just as your phone vibrated in your pocket, making you jump slightly. Pulling the device out of your pants pocket, you moved to the stand against the wall and unlocked it. You felt the butterflies build in your stomach as you read the message from Paul, giving you direction to his house and the code to his gate. You quickly typed a reply to the man, before clicking over to your best friend's number and pressing call.

"Hey, you will not believe what happened today! I'm going to need your help with something," You said, as soon as Megan's voice came across the line.

"Does it require me coming out there to hide a body?" Megan asked.

"No, but after four years, it involves a date with a very hot man," you replied.

You pulled the phone away just as Megan screamed in excitement into your ear. You laughed and moved away from the wall, walking toward the elevator as you listened to your friend hit you with a million questions. Megan finally took a breath and gave you a chance to think about the night. 

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