Part 25

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(Paul POV)

The two of you walked through the restaurant, piling your plates high with food before returning to your table. Paul flashed you a smile before digging into his own food, pleased to be with someone that wasn't afraid to actually eat instead of focusing on their figure. Paul looked up from his food, seeing smiling at him.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He asked

"No, I just figured you were a health nut with the way you look." You replied

"I like to work out in many ways, but I also like to eat in more ways than one," Paul said with a wink

He chuckled as your face turned red with embarrassment and reached across the table to give your hand a light squeeze, making you grin back at the singer. Paul found his mind racing as he thought about the major detail of his life that he needed to tell you. The singer worried you would run for the hills screaming from him after he told you in both his professional and personal life. Paul pushed his plate to the side and quickly took a sip of water. You tilted your head to the side and pushed your own plate away, crossing your arms in front of you on the table.

"Mr. Stanley, you have been acting weird since we left the mall. What is going on?" You asked.

"If you don't stop with that Mr. Stanley stuff while we aren't at work, I will not be able to keep myself from fucking you until our fourth date, missy," Paul replied, pointing his finger at you.

Paul laughed as you slapped his finger away and leaned across the table to kiss him. The singer put his finger to your lips, pushing you back lightly back to your seat. He folded his arms and cleared his throat again, feeling his nerves getting the better of him. You let out another sigh and got up from your side of the booth and slid over next to the guitarist, taking his breath away. The singer leaned forward and kissed the side of your face before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him.

"Okay, so you want to know why I'm so nervous?" Paul asked.

"No, I want it to stay awkward between us for the rest of the day," You replied

"You have such a sassy mouth, do you know that? Okay, so I'm a dom and in my relationships I like my girlfriends to be my submissive. Before you start, it's nothing like that fifty shades bullshit either. I will not beat the shit out of you or anything like that. There is a contract with limits and all that, but I want to know how you feel about that," Paul stammered.

"Well, this is my first try at a relationship, but I'm willing to try just to show me the contract," You replied.

"Wow! Really? It's that simple for you? You've experienced nothing with another man but want to jump on this crazy train with me?" Paul asked.

"I feel like I can trust you so yeah I want to try it but ill do some more research if that will make you happy," You replied

Paul leaned forward and kissed your lips roughly, nipping at your bottom lip slightly as you brought your hands up to his face. The singer was beyond excited that you had agreed so willingly and freely to him. It gave the guitarist good signs that you would make an excellent sub. The two of you pulled apart, and the singer chuckled again, seeing the red tint across your cheeks.

"If you're done eating we can either go see that movie I promised you or we can go back to my house and look over the contract, maybe go for another swim?" Paul asked

"Let's go to your house. A swim sounds nice," you replied

"Need to cool off after this conversation?" Paul asked, pulling out his wallet

"More like need to cool off after that kiss and I'll pay dear," you said

"Yes, ma'am and get used to those kisses because that's only the beginning of what I can do," the singer replied with a wink

"Come on, Romeo," you said as you rolled your eyes and threw money on the table.

"Careful with that eye rolling princess that could get you a spanking," Paul said firmly before taking your hand

The two of you walked out of the restaurant holding hands just as Gene was walking into the restaurant. The bassist looked at the two of you with a huge smile on his face, making the singer tense up. Paul snaked his arm around your hips and pulled you closer. You smiled at Gene, making Paul relax some.

"Hello Mr. Simmons, we were just leaving. We will see you on Monday," you said, taking Paul's hand.

The singer looked at you in shock at your bluntness and smiled softly, finding himself falling in love with you even more. Gene held his hand out to stop the two or you from leaving.

"No, me and Mr. Stanley need to talk for a moment. Will you excuse us?" Gene replied.

"Can this wait Gene?" Paul asked

"Now!" Gene barked

The singer sighed and excused himself, following the bassist outside to the side of the building. Paul felt the anxiety course through his body as he waited for Gene to hit him with his questions.

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