Part 9

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(Paul POV)

Paul and Evan walked down the sidewalk toward one of their favorite Italian restaurants. The singer realized this would be one of the last few times he would be able to randomly go to dinner or any other outings with his almost eighteen-year-old son. Evan wrapped his arm around his dad, pulling the singer back into the present.

"Penny for your thoughts, Pops?" Evan asked

"Oh,I was just thinking how we won't be able to do this as often unless I'm in New York. We've been buddies since your birth. It's still a little shocking, that's all." Paul replied, sadly smiling at the boy.

"If you cry, then I'm gonna cry and some idiot with a camera phone will sell the photo to some gossip magazine. Uncle Gene and you will be in a fist fight, and I kinda don't want that at this party you and mom won't take no for an answer on." Evan replied, opening the door to the restaurant.

Paul shook his head at the boy's comment, knowing Evan had more of the singer's traits in him than his mother. When his son didn't want to do something, that was the end of the conversation usually. The hostess smiled at both men as Evan held up two fingers, letting the woman know the number in the group. Paul patted the boy on his back as they followed behind the woman to the booth. The two gave their drink orders, and Paul waited to fire off his questions to his son until the woman disappeared from the table.

"Alright, so what happened with you and your mom? Is it over the party or over you leaving?" Paul asked.

"She doesn't want me to go to New York. According to her, I can't handle life in a big city and she doesn't want me to become someone like you." Evan said.

"Oh, a millionaire musician that was faithful in a marriage, raising an intelligent, wonderful little boy. All the while touring the world with the band. I'm definitely not the role model to follow," the singer chuckled.

"Better than being an overspending, always blaming others for her lack of something like a job. Oh, and don't forget the nagging on EVERYTHING I DO!" Evan snapped.

Paul felt his eyes widen at the outburst from the teenager and glanced around the restaurant. He noticed a few of the patrons looking at the singers booth making his stomach drop. The one thing the singer hated about technology was how quickly someone could get a story and photo online for a gossip magazine. Paul didn't want a headline showing anything about his boy, especially while out with his father. The singer turned back to his son with an eyebrow raised, making the teenager's cheeks flush pink in embarrassment.

"Evan Shane, I'm not making excuses for her. Your mom and I have different styles that we learned to parent from the dynamic we were raised in. We both played a part in the man you are now. Is that why you are adamant to leave, to get some space from her?" Paul asked.

Evan went to open his mouth just as the server arrived with their drinks. The two of them quickly placed their orders with the older man wanting to get back to their conversation before the teen had to make a dreaded phone call to Pam. Paul folded his arms on the table looking Evan in the eye as he waited for the boy to answer his question. Evan ran a hand through his hair to calm his nerves, in the same way Paul had always done.

"I want to experience life without having to run to mommy and daddy every time things get a little too tough. Mom will always see me as a baby. I just want to say I earned everything I have from determination and hard work, not because of what my last name is. That's no disrespect to you, dad. I don't want to be labeled that typical Hollywood brat." Evan replied.

"Wow," Paul chuckled.

"Wow, as in you think I'm disrespectful or wow that's my boy?" Evan asked as the server approached the table.

"What do you think it is? I'm proud of you for having that mindset. Just having me as your father is a double-edged sword. Many people will judge you and think you suck just like they thought I did and many still do," Paul replied, as he picked up his fork.

Evan nodded his head at his father as the two of them dug into their plates of food. Paul telling his son stories from when Paul was a teen, and the trouble he and the band used to cause. After a while, both of them pushed their plates to the side, as a phone rang loudly at the table. Evan reached into his pocket, pulling out his cell and looked down at the screen confused.

"Who is it?" Paul asked, worried

"It's Uncle Gene, wanting to know if I'm with you. Is something wrong?" Evan replied.

"Ignore him, it's none of Gene's business where I'm at. We need to get home so you can call your mother and apologize. I don't care if you stay over, but I want you to talk things out with her. Got it?" the singer asked, throwing money on the table.

"Got it. I can't believe we've been here for three hours. She's going to be pissed that I'm calling her at almost ten." Evan said, walking toward the door.

"When you call, just blame me. Use any excuse you want. Believe me, she will instantly calm down if I'm somehow at fault." Paul replied.

Evan let out a chuckle before walking out the door. Paul checked his watch, seeing the boy had been right about the time. The singer had missed the meeting at the warehouse. He pulled his cell phone out of his jacket pocket and turned it back on, tapping his foot impatiently. Shaking his head at the many phone calls and text messages, mostly from Gene. Paul pressed the voicemail button on the screen and brought the device to his ear. The sound of Gene's demanding tone made the younger man's blood boil.

"Well, tomorrow is going to start off great." Paul mumbled as he hung up the phone and walked out the door.

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