Part 12

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(Reader POV)

You sat at an outside table of the neighborhood Starbucks waiting for Eric to return with the order. The two of you had remained semi quiet during the walk to the coffee shop, except for the drummer popping off little jokes about the different members of the band. You still had the overwhelming feeling that working with the band, especially for Paul, was a bad idea. The singer seemed to have a short fuse and had too high of standards to reach. The sound of footsteps coming up from behind you pulled you quickly from your thoughts as you looked up to see Eric looking at you with a frown.

"Okay, you seemed happy when I left you here. Let me guess, you are an overthinker?" Eric said, holding out your coffee cup.

"I can be especially when it comes to something major like I don't know how I'm going to make ends meet every week," You replied, taking the cup from the man

"Okay, first, we all worry about our money, even big rock stars. Second, didn't Paul make you promise to give him two weeks before quitting? If he hated you like you think he does, don't you think he would have let you go yesterday?" The drummer asked.

"Probably not, but he was so angry this morning, and all I did was ask to clock in early to get started at Evan's graduation party. He just snapped right in front of Doc too," You replied.

"It was Doc, not you, Y/N. There was a meeting that our singer blew off because he's a stubborn asshole. This party he has you working on, it's his top priority because to Paul's family means everything. His divorce sent him to a dark place but that little boy, well young man, kept him going." Eric said, wiping his eyes slightly.

You took a swig of your coffee and looked at the drummer, seeing a tear escape his eye, making you slightly uncomfortable. You thought over Eric's words about the meeting and pulled your phone out, checking to see if there was something you had forgotten to remind Paul about before the two of you had parted ways. Eric reached across the table and grabbed your phone, sitting the device next to his coffee cup. He shook his head at you before taking a small sip of his own coffee.

"The meeting was set up later in the day. We all got a call. Well Tommy, Paul and myself got a call at six pm. Now, do you want to know how to deal with Paul or what?" Eric asked, just as your cell phone rang.

"I mean, he kinda wanted me to figure him out on my own. I just need to know what not to do to piss him off." You said.

"That's kinda hard, considering his mood changes quicker than the wind blows." The drummer replied, silencing your phone.

"Especially when Gene was around. I thought the two of them were going to kill each other yesterday. I hate to see what you and Tommy go through on tour with them." You said.

"We usually split them up or run," Eric said with a laugh.

You chuckled at the comment and looked around the area, noticing another guy walking toward the two of you with black shaggy hair, almost like Paul's, but with an enormous smile plastered on his face. He walked behind the drummer and smacked him upside the head, just as Eric went to take a drink of his coffee. You covered your mouth, trying to stop a loud snort from escaping your lips. Eric turned around and smacked the man in the stomach.

"Tommy, you motherfucker!" Eric said

"Eric Singer, there is a lady in front of you! Watch your mouth." Tommy replied, taking a seat beside you.

"Y/N, meet our lead guitarist, Tommy Thayer. Tommy, this is Y/N Paul's new assistant," the drummer replied, grabbing a napkin and wiping his face.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I've heard a lot of great things about you this morning. That's kinda why I'm here," the guitarist replied..

"Ugh, He can't wait an hour!" The drummer exclaimed.

"Paul?" You asked.

"Yeah, but first little drummer boy, I need to have a chat with you first," Tommy replied, pointing to the exit

You watched both men scoot back in their chairs and walk to the exit, whispering quietly to each other with the occasional glance from Eric back in your direction. The sound of your phone vibrating against the table grabbed your attention. You glanced up once more at the two men before grabbing your device and flipping it over. Feeling the anxiety build in your chest as you read one of the text messages across the screen from a number not yet saved on your phone.

'Please come back to the office and talk to me,' -PS

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