Part 23

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The two of you walked hand in hand through the parking lot to the mall entrance, as a dozen people walked past you pulling out their camera phones to snap a photo of the legendary singer. You gripped his hand tighter, feeling your nerves get the best of you. It wasn't every day that you were out in public with one of the four members of KISS and you realized that if you were going to keep dating Paul, fame and fans was something you were going to have to get used to.

"You okay?" Paul asked as he held the door open for you.

"Oh yeah! Why?" You asked as you walked in.

"You had a death grip on my hand when those fans were snapping pictures and talking to me" he replied

Oh I'm sorry. I just get nervous around a lot of people. I forget sometimes that you're a bad ass rock star." You said , turning to face him.

He smiled and took your hand brushing his lips across your cheek. The goosebumps arose on your arms and you attempted to hide your blush as you heard the guitarist chuckle. Paul pulled you beside him leading you past the food court. You looked around noticing the stores getting more and more expensive with each one the two of you walked past making your nerves build high. The singer walked you into a fancy clothing store and you pulled him to a stop, seeing the look of concern on his face.

"This place is way out of my price range. If we are gonna shop we should probably go the other way so I don't have to get a loan to afford a dress," you said.

"Don't be silly. You're my girl now, or at least I hope you are. You deserve the best stuff, so get used to me spoiling you." Paul replied, attempting to grab your hand.

"Paul, it's our second date," you said

"As your boss, then I'm ordering you to let the band buy you a new outfit. You can wear it to other engagements, deal?" Paul asked.

"Fine, deal!" you replied with a sigh

Paul let out a small chuckle and grabbed your hand, pulling you through the large department store. Your stomach did flip-flops as you saw all the expensive dresses and other outfits lining the clothing rack. The singer pulled you to a stop infront of another woman and held out his hand to her, shaking it gently. You rolled your eyes slightly as you watched the woman blush at the contact with the guitarist, making you feel somewhat jealous at the small engagement.

"I was wondering if you could help my girlfriend here, y/n, find the perfect outfit for a party I'm going to be throwing in a couple of weeks?" Paul asked.

"Certainly Sir, any particular color or style?" The woman asked.

"Something red," Paul replied before turning to you

"I'll meet you at the dressing room in ten minutes. I'm going to go grab a few things to try on myself. Do you understand?" The singer asked.

"Yes, sir," you replied, following behind the woman


15 minutes later

"This is no use! Nothing will meet his standards. I really don't want Paul to see all of these!" You replied as you motioned at your scars on your arms.

"Ma'am, you look stunning in this dress. If we show Mr Stanley, I'm not sure there will be much left to it," the woman replied.

You looked down at the dress again and felt your face turn red in embarrassment at the woman's comment, knowing she wasn't wrong at all since the two of you had been all over each other at a given moment. The woman patted your shoulder before exiting the dressing room, giving the singer a quick glimpse at you in the red dress. You smiled as the two of you made eye contact before the door shut. Slowly counting to five as you waited for the door to swing back open. Just as you got to the number four, someone knocked lightly on the door before clearing their throat.

"Come in," you replied with a small chuckle

You moved to the chair in the room and crossed your legs as Paul entered. He looked at you and shook his head. The singer walked over and kneeled in front of you leaning forward to kiss your lips. You pushed him back after a few moments and remembered the sales clerk's words.

"This is the one," he said

"You haven't seen any other ones yet so how do you know?" You asked.

"This is the one I want to see on my bedroom floor the night of the party," Paul whispered

"Oh you think you're gonna get lucky then, huh?" You replied.

"I have a four date rule so by then it will be the final date before I truly make you mine" he whispered before kissing your lips gently

Paul stood up and wink at you before he walked out of the room, leaving you speechless

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