Part 31

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(Reader POV)

The Next Morning

You stretched in bed, feeling the soreness course through your body as you listened to Paul snore lightly next to you. Turning on your side, you looked at the singer's back, seeing the scratch marks in the middle of it. You leaned forward and kissed his shoulder blades, feeling him tense for a moment before he relaxed and turned over, wrapping his arms around you. Paul kissed the side of your neck and pulled you closer to him, giving you a full feeling of his morning wood.

"Good morning sweetheart," He said in a husky tone

"Good morning babe" You replied kissing his lips

He let out a low groan before rolling you over onto your back and hovering above you. You looked up into his eyes, seeing his pupils were already blown. The singer ran his hands down your body, stopping at a spot on your chest where his teeth marks were, and ran his finger slowly over it. You flexed your hips up, making the singer look back at you with the boyish grin you fell in love with more and more.

"Get up. I have a list of stuff I have to do today for the party tonight." You whispered.

"I want you, though. Actually, I need you right this minute. I could die if I don't have my way with you right this minute." He whispered back.

"Mr. Stanley you are a beast but there is always tonight," You replied, pushing him off you

"DAD? ARE YOU HERE?" a voice yelled from downstairs as the front slammed

You looked at the singer with wide eyes as you pushed him off of you and wrapped the sheet around your body as Paul reached for his boxers and slipped them on. The guitarist moved toward the door as it swung open and his teenage son walked in with an angry look drawn across his face. Evan looked over his father's shoulder and saw you and spun around, covering his eyes.

"Dad, I told you no party and yet mom says this morning I need to be here at seven for the dinner party? Why don't you ever listen to me?" Evan asked.

"Son, I will not let you go away without a party. You're my only boy and this is a huge milestone in your mother and mines life. Now if you will excuse me, Y/N and I are trying to get ready for the day, so how about you go get coffee started and we will all go over the party plans downstairs?" Paul replied, as he pushed the boy out the door.

"Fine, dad, and good going. She's hot," Evan whispered.

You rolled your eyes as the door shut and started going through your overnight bag searching for something decent to wear. Paul wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you tightly against him, kissing the side of your neck, making you bite your lip to suppress a moan. He flexed his hips into you, brushing his erection against your ass.

"Come, take a shower with me and then we will find you something to wear. I'm sure I have some workout pants and a t-shirt you can wear to go running with us today," Paul said, grabbing your hand.

"Paul, your eighteen-year-old son is downstairs! What if he hears us?" You asked.

"The water will drown out your moans and he knows not to come back up here for at least thirty minutes. You know if you sign this contract with me. I would punish you for disobeying me," Paul replied.

"Fine, Ill take a shower with you but be gentle. I'm still recovering from last night's six rounds," You said, as you took his hand.

"Awe my little kitten is sore. Do you want daddy to just make love to you and not fuck you hard for being a bad girl?" He whispered in your ear.

"Oh my god, how can one statement be so hot?" You said

Paul chuckled and grabbed your hand, pulling you into the bathroom and turning on the shower. You dropped the sheet and walked to the mirror looking at your neck and chest seeing the finger prints and bite marks. You watched from the mirror as the singer pulled off his boxers and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he laid his chin on your shoulder. The two of you held eye contact with each other as Paul blew his hot breath across your skin, making you shudder.

"I love you, Y/N. The other times we had sex, I got too rough. I promise I never want to hurt you." Paul said.

"How do you love me already? Last night was amazing. You detained hurt me. I enjoyed every minute. During every time we did it, but I need to know how after two weeks and twice of making love, how do you love me?" You asked.

"I just do, and I will continue you to show you I do besides just sex. Now come and get in the shower," the singer replied.

You rolled your eyes and kissed the guitarist's lips as he pushed you inside the shower. You tried to focus on the moment instead of the thousands of questions you had for Paul about the situation between the two of you.

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