Part 44- Final Chapter

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(Paul POV)

Tommy barely got the car into park when the singer burst out of the back seat and ran up his long driveway, feeling his heart sink when he looked at his front door, seeing it splintered on the hinges. He pulled his phone out and started dialing 9-1-1 as his lead guitarist and drummer both wrapped their arms around the singer to steady him. Paul handed Eric his phone as he pushed through the door, seeing the aftermath. Broken furniture and glass laid everywhere with blood splatters lining the floor.

"Y/N? Baby, if your are here, please answer me now!" Paul yelled

"Paul, I don't think she's here, man. Ill go check outside, while Tommy looks upstairs. You go check the bedroom," Eric directed.

"She's not here, she would have been out here by now." the singer said, taking a seat on the floor

Paul's eyes filled with tears and he wrapped his arms around himself, trying to shake off the cold feeling washing over him. He heard the shaking of a collar and looked up, seeing Budrow slowly walking out of the bedroom with an evenlope tied to his collar. The guitarist wiped his eyes and motioned for the dog to come to him, which the pup did reluctantly. The singer pulled the envelope off the dog and quickly tore it open, looking for any answers to your whereabouts. He could feel the anger building inside of him as he read each line of the paper. Paul let out a blood curling scream, and sank down to his knees, as he heard his two bandmates come running toward him.

"What the hell is going on?" Tommy asked

"They are asking for ten million dollars for her safe return in forty-eight hours or they will kill her," Paul sobbed

"Do you think our bassist had anything to do with this?" Eric asked

The three men looked at each other and let out a knowing sigh, as Paul scrambled to his feet and pulled out his phone for a second time calling the police, as his mind went to a thousand different places mainly brining you home safe but what he would do to the bassist if the singer found out the older man was involved in this incident.


(Reader POV)

You woke up on a cold floor in a cement room feeling the pain course through your body. Sitting up, you looked around, seeing there was a metal door in front of you. You ran to the door, feeling the room spinning quickly as your hands landing on the cool metal. Taking a deep breath, you pounded on the door screaming for anyone. It was a couple of minutes before you heard heavy boots coming down a hallway and your heart sank. A familiar face appeared in the little door, making you want to vomit where you stood.

"Get used to this room, sweetheart. As soon as I get him to move on from you, then I will let these two men kill you." The voice said.

"But I don't understand why you are doing this. I never did anything to you, except turn you down," You cried.

"You are just a tramp that should have been fucked and left behind, but my singer gets his heart involved instead of thinking about all the money that could be made. We don't need more love and children. We've aged out of that. We need to think about our wallets and fucking as many young girls like you as we can. He thinks you will make a good wife, but you won't. You will use him just like the last one did and then he got stuck with another brat kid sucking him dry. I'm doing everyone a favor, as usual." The man said.

"Gene, please just let me out. Ill go and get all of my stuff and leave Paul for good. Ill do whatever you want, just let me go free," You cried.

Gene slid the screen closed, and you sank to the floor sobbing as you heard his footsteps take off down the hallway. You cried yourself to sleep as memories of the singer and you started to flood your mind. Crying for Paul and the lost love you felt for him, and the baby you had just lost a week before, plus the dog you had since college. You wondered if Paul would move on quickly or morn you too much to go on. You slept fitfully as the pain took over your body as your heart ached for your singer.

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