Part 43

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Monday Morning

(Paul POV)

The singer sat behind his desk looking over the text messages you had been sent over the weekend, feeling his stomach twist up in knots. He didn't know who was involved, but all signs pointed to his bandmate. Paul knew that Gene didn't like the fact that the two of you had gotten close to one another and now you had suffered a miscarriage on top of everything else that had happened in the two short months the two of you had been together. Paul threw his phone down and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes, as his office door opened and Tommy and Eric came walking through with sad looks on their faces.

"It was so much nicer seeing Y/N in here. She made it feel more homey," Eric said.

"She will be back Eric, She's home recovering," Tommy replied

"I dont know about that Tommy, Someones been threatening her over the past week. Sending her all these messages and photos of us together. Hey Tommy, you are going with computer stuff. Do you think you could track where the number is from?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, give me about two days and I can give you an answer on the IP address," Tommy said, taking the phone away from the singer

"Hey, that's my personal phone. Why don't you take Y/N?" Paul asked.

"Fine, call her up here and the four of us can have lunch," Eric said

Paul looked up and snatched the phone away from the drummer and waved the two out of his office. The two men waved goodbye and closed the door behind him. The singer went to pick up his phone to call you just as your number appeared on the screen. He answered it, hearing you screaming at someone in the background. He grabbed his suit jacket and ran out the door, yelling for Eric and Tommy to follow him as he ran to the elevator, praying silently that he would be able to get to you in time.


(Reader POV)

You were unpacking one of your boxes when the front door slammed open and two men in ski mask walked in, one holding a pistol in his hand. YOu picked up your phone and quickly punched paul speed dial number, waiting for him to answer as you hid beside the bed. Tears streamed down your face as you silently prayed that your boyfriend would save you. Paul's voice came across the line as the bedroom door flew open and the two men stepped in. You let out a scream as one of the men grabbed you by the hair.

"Please don't do this. I dont know what you want but if you let me call my boyfriend, he will pay you whatever you want to leave us alone." You cried.

"Shut up, bitch! Mr. Simmons paid us to take care of you. Now I bet you would have listened when you were told to stay away." The man said, pulling you across the floor.

Budrow cried and barked as the two men worked to tie your hands and feet together before putting a black pillow case over your face. The next thing you remembered, bats started to hit your body as you sobbed for Paul praying he would find you before these two men killed you. You closed your eyes and welcomed the unconscious as the bat struck you in the head one last time. 

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