Part 35

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(Paul POV)

"How did this happen?" Paul asked as he handed the test back to you

"You, the great Paul Stanley, took my virginity and knocked me up at the same time. That's how it happened. What do you want to do?" You asked.

"What do you mean I'm gonna do the right thing and marry you, then raise our son or daughter together? Did you think I was telling you to handle it yourself or that I was done with you? I love you and I'll love this baby just as much as I do my son now." Paul said as he reached for your hand

You took a seat on Paul's lap and kissed his lips, taking his breath away for a moment. He brushed the tears off of your face before he kissed you again. It had turned his world upside down in less than an hour and now he had you and a new baby to think of on top of a band performance that night. The two of you pulled away from each other and you laid your head on Paul's shoulder as he ran his hand across your stomach.

"Are your bags packed?" Paul asked after a couple of minutes

"No, but it will take me just a few minutes to do so. Thank you for being so understanding, and I love you too." You replied

Paul swatted your ass as you walked past him and chuckled as you yelped. He waited until you walked into your room before pulling out his phone. He quickly dialed Eric's number before stepping out into the hallway. Before the drummer got a hello out, the singer burst into tears.

"Dude, what the fuck happens?" Eric asked.

"I fucked up dude, she's pregnant," Paul sobbed into the phone

"Oh, my god dude, you've been together for almost two months. How did this happen?" The drummer asked

"I don't have time to explain the birds and the bees to you man I need your help to play a proposal," Paul sighed into the phone

"Wait, a second. Let's talk this out first. Don't jump the gun," Eric said..

Paul leaned against the wall and listened to his best friend try to reason with the older man for a few minutes. The sound of the front door opening caused the singer to jump and hang up the phone, seeing you standing there with your suitcase and dog. Tears still streaming down both of your faces as the singer clasped you.

"Y/N, I dont know what's going to happen but I promise I will be with you and this baby every step of the way. If you want to get married, then that's what Ill do. Ill be the best husband I can be and we can get to know each other more, as we wait to find out about this little one." Paul whispered into your ear,,

"Lets just see how living together goes first. I'm sorry I've been avoiding you so much. Ive just been so scared you are going to hurt me and Ill end up all alone." You whispered back

Paul kissed your lips and shook his head, trying to wash away all of his and your doubts at once. You grabbed his shirt and deepen the kiss, holding on to him tightly. After a few minutes, the two of you pulled away, and the singer took your hand, leading you down the stairs of the apartment to the awaiting limo. He held the door open for you and allowed you to slide inside before taking his place beside you.

"So we have three hours to get to know each other a little better besides in the physical form," Paul said

"Fine. What do you want to know?" You asked..

"Everything and start at the beginning love and don't leave anything out," The singer said rolling up the privacy glass.

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