Part 40

99 4 1

TW: Child Loss

A few days later,

You were asleep in the singer's bed when you felt a sudden wetness in between your legs and a pain in your stomach you couldn't even describe. Pulling the covers off of your torso, you looked down seeing the blood soaking through your panties. Tears streamed down your face, and you quickly turned and started shaking Paul to wake him up. The guitarist rubbed his eyes and then looked down at you and without a word lifted you out of the bed and down the two flights of stairs to the car.

"I'm so sorry, baby, but we are going to get this taken care of. I'm gonna get you to the hospital." Paul whispered.

"How could this happen? I was so careful, we were so careful and now my baby is gone," You cried..

"I know baby, sometimes this just happens without any reason. I still love you, sweetheart, and I will be by your side every step of the way," the singer said.

He sat you down in the passenger seat before buckling you up and closing the door. You closed your eyes as the pain coursed through your body. You looked out the window to see Paul talking to Evan for a few seconds before he ran back to the car, pulling a white t-shirt over his head. The two of you drove in silence to the hospital, neither knowing exactly what to say to the other about the current situation the two of you were facing. Both of you had seemed to agree about moving forward together and now you were losing the child the two of you had made together.

"Rest baby, we will be there in about twenty minutes, okay? You can hold my hand if you want no pressure," Paul said, holding his hand out to you.

You took his hand and closed your eyes hoping that all of this could be a bad dream that you would wake up from in a couple of hours from, but your conscious was telling you this was the new nightmare you would have to face and it possible that it could end you and the guitarist forever.


(Paul POV)

Three Hours Later

Paul sat in the waiting room of the hospital sipping a cup of coffee as he waited for the doctor to come out and give him some kind of update about you. His nerves were shot from the entire experience and he just wanted to do something to make both you and him feel better after the terrible morning the two of you had. He checked his cell phone for the tenth time in an hour, seeing the dozen of text from his only offspring.

"Mr Stanley?" A childish voice called.

"Please call me Paul. Are you my girlfriend's doctor?" he asked, standing up

The doctor nodded his head and extended his hand out to the singer, which Paul reluctantly shook. The two men walked down the hallway to your room and the guitarist could feel the butterflies dancing in his stomach as he listened to the doctor explain your situation and the chances of you being able to carry children in the future. The only thing on the older man's mind was seeing you and making sure everything was okay with you. Everything would come together for the two of you. The singer knew it. He just had to convince you not to leave him after this painful event.

"So how is she before I go in there and see for myself?" Paul asked.

"She experienced a miscarriage, Mr. Stanley. But she will make a full recovery and you can try again if you choose to do so in 2 weeks. Miss Y/L/N needs lots of love and support right now. Thats the best advice I can give you." The doctor said before walking away.

Paul ran a hand through his hair and down his face, feeling the slight stubble from his five o'clock shadow. He took a deep breath and slid the glass door open to find you laying in bed with your hands covering your face as your body quivered. The singer dimmed the light and then walked over to the bed and climbed inside it, wrapping his arms around your body as you turned your head and cried into his shoulder. The guitarist could feel his own tears streaming down his face as you clang to him.

"Cry baby, just let it all out. I'm here for you and always will be." Paul whispered into your ear.

"Why would you be? I'm nothing but damaged goods and ive proven I'm no good at keeping around at work too," You cried..

"Y/N, I love you and want to be with you. Things like this happen all the time and it's no one's fault. Not yours or mine. It just wasn't supposed to happen to us yet. I still want you to move in with me and we can try again if you want, but this whole situation is up to you okay?" paul asked.

"I love you too Paul, thank you for everything," You whispered

"I'm going to go check in with the doctor and see when I can take you home. We can go to your place and pack a bag for you and the dog before I go grab some paints from the warehouse." He rambled off.

You put your finger to the singer's lips, making him smile before pushing him down to the bed. He held his arms open and allowed you to lie down on his chest, making his arms instantly wrap around you tightly. The two of you set like this for a few moments before Paul moved to get out of bed. You put your hand up and pushed him back to the bed, making him let out a chuckle.

"Just hold me and kiss me for now, please? I just need to feel loved right now," you whispered, as you kissed his lips.

"Ill do anything you want, sweetheart, just to see that smile again," Paul replied before kissing you again

He held your chin in between his thumb and forefinger as the singer kissed you. They exchanged sweet kisses between the two of you, and Paul could feel the sparks flying between the two of you, driving him crazy. He had to remember that you were still in pain and that sex in the hospital was a quick way to land in the papers. Breaking the kiss and making him grin as you groaned about the broken connection. Paul turned to his side and looked at you for a few moments, seeing the light blush pass across your cheeks.

"Why you blushing?" He asked.

"Just love how you kiss me, it's like I'm the only one that matters," You said with a yawn

"You are the only one that matters. Now lay down and go to sleep. We are probably going to be here a while baby girl and you need your strength," paul said, kissing the top of your head..

You laid your head down on the singer's chest and he ran his arm up and down your side until heavy breathing filled the room from the two of you as you drifted off into your own separate dream worlds. 

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