Part 15

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(Paul POV)

The singer spun around in his chair and checked his phone for the tenth time since he had made the trip from his own office to Tommy's. Paul sighed and leaned forward in his chair, rubbing his eyes, as he felt the anxiety build in his chest. He was in a situation that was out of his control, and it was something Paul hated more than anything in life. The singer has spent his life making sure things went according to his careful planning, and now he was waiting for his bandmate to tell him that the singer would get his wish. Paul spun in the chair again and was instantly stopped by Tommy.

"For fuck's sakes, will you please sit still? You haven't even been in here that long and you're already bouncing off the wall like she said no," Tommy said.

"Sorry, I just haven't had to do this in a very long time with someone like that," Paul replied

"Someone like that? Paul, Y/N is a human being just like you and me, plus it's just dinner and a movie, so it's simple," the guitarist said, as he shrugged his shoulders.

Paul went to open his mouth to respond to his bandmate just as the office door opened and Eric came strolling in. The drummer took a seat across from Tommy and put his feet on the guitarist's desk, making both men look at him and then at each other, rolling their eyes at Eric. Tommy pushed the drummer's feet off of his desk, and reached for the cleaning wipes, as Paul looked at Eric's hands, noticing they were empty.

"Where's your notes?" Paul asked.

"Didn't need to take any, it's all up here," Eric replied, pointing to his head

"Goddamn it, Eric, this is serious! I asked you to do one simple fucking thing for me and what did you do, go down there and goofed off!" The singer yelled,

The singer got out of his chair and started pacing the floor, running his fingers through his black hair. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, trying to get his emotions in check. He glanced to see Eric and Tommy talking instantly, feeling the panic build up in his chest, making him paced again. Paul made it halfway to the door before he felt two hands on his shoulders, leading him back to his chair. The singer turned around to see Tommy pushing him back down before the guitarist rolled his eyes and sat back down at his desk.

"Now Eric, now that Paul has calmed down, hopefully you can explain what you just told me," Tommy said.

"Not until someone apologizes to me. You know, Paul, I don't know what Y/N finds to be so attractive about you. She keeps thinking you have this sweet side to you." Eric replied

"Wait Y/N likes me too?" Paul asked,

"I'm not saying another word until I hear an apology from you, mister!" the drummer said

Paul looked from Eric to Tommy, letting out a deep breath to stop himself from either standing up and punching his bandmate or walking out the door to go talk to you face to face. Tommy cleared his throat and turned in his chair to face the singer, impatiently tapping his fingers on the tabletop. The singer let out a loud groan and then shook his head before turning to Eric, making the younger man grin from ear to ear.

"Hold on before you say it. I want to get my phone and record it because Gene will never believe you, the great Paul Stanley apologized to someone in the band." Eric said as he reached into his jacket.

"Eric!" Tommy warned

"Fine, Go ahead, Paul," The drummer replied with a pout

"I'm sorry, Eric, for insulting you. I appreciate you for going down there and talking to Y/N." Paul said.

"Thank you. Now it's pretty simple. Are you ready?" Eric asked.

"Don't toy with me," The singer said, pointing at the drummer.

"No scary movies, and she likes Mexican and your favorite Italian food." The drummer replied.

"It can't be that easy," Paul said, as he looked at both men

The singer leaned back in his chair and grinned, wondering how he could pop the question to you without making the situation entirely uncomfortable.

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