Part 26

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(Reader POV)

You waited for Paul outside the restaurant as you heard the two men yelling back and forth at each other before the singer came storming around the corner and took your hand. You looked over your shoulder to see the bassist standing there with his arms crossed in front of his chest with the same pissed off look drawn across his face. The singer opened the car door for you before walking over to his side and slamming the door shut. You grabbed his hand and held it in yours, drawing small circles over the top of his hand. Paul let out a shaky breath before leaning over and kissing your lips firmly.

"I'm guessing he's pretty mad we were together. Maybe this isn't such a good idea and you should take me home," you said.

"He's just mad because I got you and he didn't. He's worried you will break my heart mainly. After my divorce, it took a while for me to become human again. Please don't let him scare you off. If it will make you feel better though, I can take you home and you can start working on the party stuff," Paul replied.

"What about the contract? Are you giving up now because of Gene?" You asked, feeling suddenly scared.

"Oh, baby girl, that man is going to make me just try harder to keep you, not throw you away. Here's your first assignment, though. Go home and study up about doms and subs, plus your hard limits and your likes. We will discuss them Monday night over dinner at my place. Deal?" Paul asked.

"Yes, sir," you replied

"Good girl," Paul said before leaning over and kissing you again in the lips

"How about you watch that movie at my house tonight though and we discuss Evans party" you asked

"Excellent idea," Paul replied, putting the car in drive and speeding out of the parking lot.

You laughed and grabbed his hand, holding it the entire way back to your apartment.


15 minutes later

The two of you walked up the stairs to your second-floor apartment immediately greeted by your puppy at the front door. Budrow spun in circles and barked until you picked him up, making Paul chuckle slightly at the two of you. The singer held his hand out for the dog to smell before petting him, making the black and white puppy's back leg kick in excitement.

"He likes you, it seems." You replied, as you put the dog back on the ground.

"He's got good taste just like his momma," Paul replied, pulling you to him

You smiled as his mouth was inches closer to yours. He grabbed your ass and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He places small delicate kisses on your neck as he carried you down the hallway toward your bedroom, taking you by surprise by how strong he was. You wrapped your hands in his hair as he continued his small track of kisses until he reached your mouth. The two of you kissed briefly as he walked you into your bedroom and sat you on the bed.

"This probably isn't the best room to work in," you said

"There's a tv, a comfortable bed and all we need is a pad of paper and a pen to go over ideas then we can nap," Paul replied

"Is napping all you had in mind?" You asked as you sat up on the bed.

"You love making this hard for me, don't you?" He replied.

"Maybe just a little," you said, as you leaned up and kissed his lips

He sighed and pushed you gently to the bed, making you chuckle. You wrapped your arms around Paul's neck and pulled him down on top of you. The singer grinned like a kid in the candy store, making you laugh harder. Paul took his nose and ran it down your face as he held your hands above your head. You opened your legs and wrapped them around his waist, pulling him down closer.

"You are a brat. I can see it already. I'm going to have so much fun with you," Paul whispered as he looked down at you.

"Oh, you have no idea Mr.Stanley. Now kiss me dammit," you whispered back.

"Yes ma'am" Paul said as he inched his mouth closer to yours

You closed the gap between the two of you and captured the singer's lips with yours, kissing him softly. Paul moaned against your lips, driving you crazy and you pulled against his hands to get him to release them so you could wrap your arms around him, but he shook his head no at you. He smiled as you growled at him and kissed your lips again before moving to your neck, kissing and bitting his way down to your chest.

"Tell me to stop, baby girl," he said, as he pulled away with a worried look in his face

"I don't know if I want you to," you replied

"Damnit baby girl, I have rules and you're making me break every damn one of them in two days. You're going to be the death of me," Paul said before kissing you again.

He released your hands, and you ran them through his hair as you held him close to you. The two of your tongues moving against each other as you felt Paul's erection pressing against your core. The two of you battled back and forth for a few minutes until you broke the kiss, struggling to catch your breath. Paul rolled over on to his back and pulled you to him, laying your head on his chest.

"Maybe we should go in the other room and talk about Evan's party now," you said quietly

"No, we can do it right here. I got my phone with the notes already. Just go grab a pen and paper really, quick," he replied.

"Yes, sir," you replied

You yelled as he smacked your ass and rushed into the other room, grabbing the notepad and pen by your laptop. Running back into the room, you found the singer sitting up and undoing the buttons on his vest. You smiled and threw the pad of paper down before climbing back on the bed. He pulled out his phone and cleared his throat.

"So everything needs to be white and black, like all the decorations," he said

"Okay and food?" You asked.

"We were thinking just snack foods, but I'll have to see what my boy wants. There's also the gift I'm thinking a nice watch," Paul replied.

You nodded your head and jotted down everything the singer threw out at you.The two of you sat back for the next couple of hours, tossing back-and-forth ideas until your eyes grew heavy. Paul held open his arms and pulled you to lie next to him. He brushed the hair away from your ear and kissed the tender spot right below it as you drifted off to sleep, feeling his arms protectively wrapped around you.

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