Part 24

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(Reader POV)

"So, how about some dinner? I know this nice little Mexican spot or we could do Chinese if you would like," Paul asked as he held your hand

"Chinese buffet sounds great, but you have to let me treat you this time. You made a fabulous meal at your house last night. Then we will go to the movies," you replied.

"Oh, you're one of those people that think women should pay too. Very interesting, but you have yourself a deal," the singer replied.

The two of you walked hand in hand through the mall, stopping and looking in the window at various stores. You spotted a photo booth and smiled to yourself as you pulled the singer toward the booth. Paul let out a chuckle and opened the curtain to the small booth, pushing you inside. He took a seat and pulled you to his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled as the light flashed.

"I'm glad you agreed to come with me today and last night. This has been the best two days of my life." Paul whispered as he lifted your chin up

The singer brushed his lips against yours as the light flashed again, snapping another photo of the two of you. You pulled away and ran your hand down the side of his face, feeling the stubble that danced across his chin and upper lip. He leaned in and kissed you again, this time swiping his tongue across your bottom lip. You immediately opened your mouth, letting the guitarist explore your mouth as you did his.

The two of you ignored the sound of the machine taking your photo, both of you lost in the kiss taking place. You moved your hands to the singer's shaggy black hair and pulled it gently as you felt his hand run up and down your thigh. A few minutes later, the two of you pulled a part trying to catch your breaths as you smiled at one another. Reluctantly, you got off the guitarist's lap, trying to ignore the major bulge in his pants. Paul quickly turned around and readjusted himself before taking the photos out of the dispenser.

"Aww, look at this! We make a beautiful couple." Paul said.

"That we do. I just hope I don't disappoint you," you replied.

"We've got a lot to talk about at dinner, sweetheart. There's a lot about my world you don't know about yet and I'm a little nervous to show you the other side of me. Will you give me a chance to explain everything?" Paul asked.

"Of course, Paul," you said, as you felt your stomach flip-flop.

"Come, let's go get food and get to know each other a little better," Paul replied, as he took your hand

The two of you walked in silence toward the parking lot as your mind raced with ideas of what all the guitarists had to tell you about his personal life. He stopped you as the two of you approached the passenger side of the car and nuzzled you up against it, taking your breath away for a moment.

"Please don't overthink this, okay? It's not bad we'll at least not to me, anyway. I don't want to make things weird between us as a couple or as boss and employee." Paul said.

"I promise I will have an open mind and heart unless you tell me you want nothing serious right now then I'll end it now," you replied

"Oh, baby girl, I want you and only you. Scout's honor." He whispered before kissing your lips.

He pulled away and opened the car door, letting you slide in before shutting it and running to his side of the car. The two of you threw on your sunglasses before Paul peeled out of the parking lot and headed downtown to the local buffet.

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