Part 34

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(Reader POV)

Three Weeks Later

You woke up and felt the room spun as you quickly threw the covers back and ran toward the bathroom. Pulling up the toilet lid, you threw up last night's dinner into the bowl. You pulled away from the toilet and leaned against the wall, trying to catch your breath for a few minutes. Paul and you had not had much contact with each other since the party and it was the night of the acoustic set in vegas. The two of you were supposed to have a nice getaway weekend to talk over the move, but over the last month, you had been feeling sick. An idea sparked in your mind and you rushed back into the bedroom and grabbed your phone, opening your period app and checking the dates.

"Oh, my god how did I miss this! A month late since we had sex! He is going to kill me," You cried

The phone began to ring in your hand and you saw the singer's name dance across the screen, making your heart race faster. You looked at the app and then back at the phone call, trying to decide rather or not to answer the phone. After a few seconds, you swiped the talk button and pulled the phone to your ear.

"Hey Paul, what's up?" You asked.

"Hey baby, I'm glad you finally decided to take my call. Is everything okay? We haven't talked much since the party," Paul said.

"I'm sorry I woke up sick this morning, but I'm about to get ready for the trip. Can we talk then?" You asked.

"You've been complaining about being sick for the last month. Is there something you're not telling me?" he asked.

"I dont know if this is something we should talk about over the phone. Can you go to the drugstore, though, and pick me up a pregnancy test?" You asked with a sigh..

"Oh, my god are you pregnant?" Paul asked.

"Can you please just go get the fucking test and come over? I dont know because I haven't taken one! Just be over here in thirty minutes," You replied, before hanging up the phone.

You sank down on the bed and started crying, feeling your dog slide up beside you and began licking your face. It shocked you that after having sex with the guitarist twice, you could be pregnant with his child. You got off the bed and wiped your tears away before grabbing a change of clothes and climbing into the shower, hoping to wash all the misery away.


30 Minutes Later

(Paul POV)

The singer stood at your front door with a drug store bag in his hand filled with test as you requested. He could feel his stomach turn upside down as he knocked on your door and waited. The thought of being a father for a second time at sixty years old was frightening, especially since the singer couldn't get you to commit to him and be in a solid relationship. After a few minutes you came to the door looking pale in the face as you held the door open for him and waved him in.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling now?" Paul asked as he wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Sick and scared. I thought you were careful?" You moaned.

"Stop whatever you are going to be fine. We will be fine if you are pregnant. You can move in with me and Ill take care of the two of you." Paul said.

He grabbed you and pulled you tight against his slender frame before kissing your lips tenderly. You moaned and wrapped your arms around the singer's neck, kissing him back. Paul pulled you to the couch and down to his lap as he continued to kiss you. You broke away and moved your lips to his neck, nipping and sucking at the tender spot. The singer groaned and pulled away, grabbing your chin and bringing your face back up to his.

"As much as I have missed you and doing this with you. You need to go take this test to see where we are at," Paul said.

"Fine, but don't think you are getting off the hook that easily," You replied, taking the bag from him

Paul paced back and forth for a good five minutes as he waited for you to pee on the stick. He thought about how Evan was already eighteen and away at school, and what a new baby would do to his life more than Pauls. The singer knew that he would have to ask you to be his wife, even though the two of you had only been with each other for two months. You walked out and held the test out with tears streaming down your face.

"Oh, my god" Paul said as he read the test

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