Part 29

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Reader POV)

Later That Week

You and Paul had very little chance of seeing each other outside of work, as you were both being pulled in twenty different directions. You were trying to get the final plans set for the Evans party and the singer was in grueling rehearsals for the acoustic show in Vegas that up coming week.

Looking back at your computer, you saw you were just needing the singer to approve the present for his young son. Quickly grabbing a few pictures of watches off line from a local jeweler's store, you emailed them to Paul, feeling his eyes on you.

The sound of a dinging pulled the singer's attention off of you for a moment. You pulled up google and searched the assignment the guitarist had given you via text. Taking a shaky breath, you typed in hard and soft limits. You scan down the screen; you reached across your desk and grabbed a pen with paper. Quickly you jotted down questions for Paul and your own likes and dislikes, feeling embarrassed since you had little experience in the sex department, like your boss.

"That's some interesting questions," Paul whispered into your ear

You screamed and covered your mouth before turning around to face the singer. You wanted to slap Paul across his smug face. He grabbed the pad of paper off your desk before you even thought about hiding the notebook. The singer tilted his head to the side before bringing his finger to his chin as Paul lightly stroked the growing beard on his face. Paul leaned over you, making your body tremble. The guitarist wrapped his hand in your hair, pulling your face up to look at him as his mouth hovered above yours.

"Kiss me please," you whispered

"Not until tonight. I'll see you at 7 and bring that notepad with you," Paul replied as he stood back up and fixed his jacket

You let out a frustrated groan as you watched the singer walk out of the room before you reached for your bag, grabbing your cell phone and clicked your best friend's number for FaceTime, taking a deep breath as you waited for Megan to answer. Suddenly, after a couple of seconds, your best friend's face appeared, making you jump slightly. She laughed and arched an eyebrow.

"You called me and I scared you? How does that happen?" She asked with a chuckle

"I didn't think you would answer so fast," you replied as you shook your head

"Anyway, what up aren't you working for Mr. Hard Ass?" Megan asked

"Yes, and watch your mouth. He could walk back in! I think tonight is the night," you said as you looked up at the door.

"Well, days do turn into night, so if you called to remind me of that I've had the concept down for a few years," she replied

"No, idiot, the night he and I do the deed," you said

"No fucking way!" She screamed


(Paul POV)

Paul ran into Eric's office, seeing Tommy sitting on the couch, both men looking at the singer with a raised eyebrow. The singer turned around and shut the door before taking a seat in front of the drummer's desk, letting out a shaky breath.

"Did you kill Gene finally?" Eric asked

"Yeah dude you look like you've seen a ghost," Tommy replied

"I need your guys' help with a date tonight. It the big one," Paul said.

"Dude, it's been two weeks. You can't ask her to marry you!" The drummer yelled.

"What? No, the night we finally do the deed. She's never done it, and I want her to feel special." The singer replied

"Well, don't bring out the whips and chains yet or you will scare her away," Eric said

Paul picked up a pen and threw it at the drummer, causing all three men to laugh. Tommy handed the singer a notepad before pulling a chair up next to Paul. The singer smirked at the two men before putting the pen down and rubbing his face with his hand.

"I'm just as nervous as she is. It's been a long time for me too," Paul replied with a chuckle

"It's like riding a bike dude, you just go through the motions making sure you both enjoy it," Eric said

"She's twenty-two and I'm falling hard already for her. Am I making a mistake?" Paul asked

He looked at the two men as they stared at him, making the older singer a tad nervous as he waited for their response.

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