Part 22

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(Reader POV)

A Few Hours Later

You were putting the finishing touches on your makeup when the sound of your dog barking caused you to jump and cuss under your breath. You walked out into the hallway hearing a faint knock on the door as Budrow continued to knock on the door. Rolling your eyes, you picked the dog up and opened the door, finding Paul standing there with a huge smile on his face. You waved him inside the apartment and shut the door behind him, looking the guitarist up and down. He was in a simple black v-neck t-shirt and black jeans, with silver converse tennis shoes on. It was very different from the normal office wardrobe he normally wore. He turned and looked at you, his smile growing wider as you felt his eyes drift up and down your body looking at the white t-shirt, blue jeans and red sneakers you had on. You sat the dog down and hugged the guitarist, feeling him tense around you.

"Sorry I would have been ready sooner but someone was pissed off that I was gone all night" You said, pointing at your dog

"You look great and if you need some more time I'm in no rush." Paul replied, pulling away from you

"Okay just make yourself comfortable. I just need five more minutes.

You smiled as you watched the singer take a seat next to your dog, and Budrow instantly climbed into the singer's lap begging to be petted. Quickly you turned on your heels and jogged the hallway toward the bathroom and finished applying your makeup as you listened to the guitarist talk to your dog making you laugh. After a couple of minutes you put all of your makeup away and sprayed on your perfume as you checked your appearance one last time in the mirror. Walking back into the living room you found Paul talking on his phone with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"I'm sorry Gene I have plans today, I don't want to come over and have dinner with you nor do I want to go looking for chicks." Paul said into the phone.

"Uh oh he doesn't know about this" you whispered pointing at the two of you.

"No and it's better to keep it that way" Paul replied

"I think I like sneaking around and hiding from people. It makes it so much hotter" you whispered again, as you grabbed the singers phone and ended the call

Paul looked at you with his mouth hanging open making you chuckle slightly. You pushed the guitarist down on the couch and took a seat on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grasped your waist and put two fingers under your chin, pulling your face closer to his. The two of you stared into each other's eyes before Paul closed the gap and kissed you, sending a shiver up your spine.

You threw the singers phone down on the couch and kissed Paul firmly, pulling his hair gently as you adjusted your position on his lap straddling the singers waist. Paul moved his hands under your shirt scraping his nails down your sides. You nipped his lip making him chuckle slightly before he swiped his tongue across your lip asking for access, which you immediately granted. The two of you fought for dominance over the kiss as both of you explored each other's mouth. You broke the kiss first gasping for air as you looked at the singer seeing his dilated pupils.

"We should stop, I'm sorry I got carried away" you replied, as you leaned forward to kiss his forehead.

"You are gonna be the death of me, sweetheart! You are right though I don't want to rush into something too fast and make it weird between the two of us at the office." The singer replied

"So on to this date you planned?" You asked as you got off his lap

"Yes hopefully there will be no more calls from my bandmates today" Paul replied

You checked the house and made sure the dog had enough food and water for the afternoon, before grabbing a light jacket, your keys and purse making sure your cell phone was in there. The light flashed catching your attention and you pulled out the device seeing fifteen text messages from your best friend. Laughing you read through each message looking up to see Paul tilting his head to the side with a small grin on his face.

"It's my best friend wanting the details from last night" you replied

"Ahh you got a friend like Gene, why don't you save the messaging for later so you can give her part two of the date?" Paul asked

"Yes sir " you replied sticking the phone back in your bag.

Paul let out a groan and shook his head making you laugh again as you walked out the door feeling his hand smack your ass before he snaked it around your hips. The singer pulled you close to him as he whispered in your ear making shivers run down your spine.

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