Part 21

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(Reader POV)

The Next Morning,

You woke up in a room you didn't recognize, making you feel anxious as you began to look around. The room was light blue and you noticed the closet door open making you remember you were at the singer's house, in his guest bedroom. You turned to the side and found the bed empty making you feel both relief and sad all in the same moment. The two of you had been super close all night until you passed out during the movie. You looked over at the end table seeing a piece of paper folded with your name written on it.

"Y/N if you get this before I get back from the gym, you clothes are in the dryer and i will be back with breakfast. Please don't leave until we talk. -P.S.

You smiled down at the piece of paper before moving the blanket off of you, finding yourself in an oversized white-shirt. Shaking your head you made your way to the bathroom splashing water on your face as you examined your features. You ran your fingers through your hair trying to get it to look half way decent before you made your way down the stairs. The smell of fresh coffee grabbed your attention and you made your way to the kitchen finding Paul in spandex biker pants and a black muscle shirt. It took all you had not to jump his bones right there on the spot.

"Good morning, Y/N," He said, looking you up and down

"I was going to get my clothes but the smell of coffee caught my attention. I see you already got you workout in" you replied, as you took a seat at the breakfast nook.

"Yeah I try to do an early bar class then a weight lifting session. Your clothes should be ready soon though, so how about some coffee and I whip up some breakfast?" He asked

"Why are you so nervous? Did something happen last night?" You countered

"I'm not use to having a beautiful woman in my house the day after a date. It's been seven years almost." Paul replied, as he poured another cup of coffee

"I can always leave if you're uncomfortable or decide you don't want this" you said as you took the cup.

Paul passed you the sugar and cream with a smile on his face as he leaned against the bar never taking his eyes off of you. You quickly doctored up your coffee and took a quick sip waiting for the singer to say something about the night before. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feet,making you raise your eyebrow at him. The singer pulled you over to the couch and took a seat patting the spot next to him. You shook your head and flopped down beside him, sitting your coffee cup on the coffee table in front of you.

"So to answer your question I'm not uncomfortable I'm just trying to be a gentleman as I promised you last night. That's why you woke up in a different room than beside me. I wanted to see if maybe you wanted to spend the day with me, go shopping and grab some food . We can even work on Evans party if you would like" Paul said

"I would love that but I do need to go home to change and check on my dog" you replied

"That's fine I can pick you up around noon, that gives you two hours if that's enough time ." He said

You nodded your head and grabbed his hand giving it a tight squeeze. He chuckled at you and ran his free hand through your hair and down your face causing you to take a shaky breath. Paul cupped your chin with his fingertips and moved his lips to hover above yours. The two of you looked at each other for a moment before you closed the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips against the guitarist's. Paul let out a deep sigh and kissed you back gently, the two of you exchanging small kisses back and forth for a moment until the singer pulled you to his lap.

He ran his hands across your stomach making you tremble under his touch. You wrapped your arms around his neck and ran your hands through his jet black hair. Paul ran his tongue across your bottom lip silently requesting access which you obliged. He moved your legs to straddle his waist as he moved his hands up to cup your breast. You gasp and broke the kiss pulling away from the singer for a moment.

"We should stop before we do something we regret" you replied

"I'm not gonna regret anything and I promise you, that you won't either. I'm told I'm quite good" Paul said with a smirk

"I wouldn't know what's good or not. I've never done anything besides a small kiss here or there" you replied moving off of his lap

"Wait you mean you're still a virgin" he asked, as he grabbed your hand

"Yes I'm sorry I'm sure you want to date someone with more experience to fit your needs" you replied standing up

"Oh baby girl you've got me all wrong. I want to date you because I like the person I'm getting to know. Your sexual experience doesn't matter to me. I can show you when you're ready and if you want it to be with me." The singer replied

"You're serious?" You asked

"As a heart attack, now go get dress so we can go on our second date. I want to find out more about you" Paul replied as he swatted your ass.

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