Part 14

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"A favor to who, Tommy or the one that just walked out of the room?" You asked.

"You mean Paul? The man isn't fucking Lord Voldemort, you can say his name and I'm sure with what he's thinking he wouldn't mind if you said it loud, proud, and multiple times in a heated fashion," Eric replied.

Eric laughed as you looked back at him with your mouth hanging open. You slapped him and reached for your water bottle, feeling your throat suddenly go dry from the drummer's comment. Slowly you sipped your water and looked at the door, wondering why the singer hadn't just asked you the question himself. Eric began drumming on the desk, pulling your attention from the door, as you grabbed his hands and held them still. He looked at you and grinned, making you roll your eyes and release his hands.

"Okay, so why didn't Mister Tough Rockstar just talk to me himself?" You asked, looking back at your computer.

"He really isn't that big of a dick, Y/N. He went through a lot with the divorce. In fact, I never saw him that low. It scared all of us and if it wasn't for this band and his son, I don't know where he would be. Can you do me a favor? Can you please just keep an open mind when it comes to this date? I know it's only your first week here, but Paul sees something in you and hasn't shut up about you for the last hour and a half. Give him a chance unless you have someone already." Eric replied.

"There's never been a boyfriend, Eric, and I promise to give it a chance because he seems like he could be a sweetheart. It's just that what if Gene makes a bunch of noise about this? Paul threw a fit over him dating staff," You said, with a sigh.

"Oh no, he did that because Shannon will go psycho on you, and he hates that Gene has no respect for women. Now before Paul texts my phone asking me what's taking so long, let's get down to these questions, shall we?" Eric replied, cracking his knuckles.

"Please ask away my friend," You said

"Alright, favorite type of foods and movies," Eric replied.

"Movie wise I'll watch anything as long as it's not horror, and food wise it's a toss up between Mexican food and Italian." You replied.

"Well, that was easy. I thought I was going to have to take notes or something." the drummer said

"I'm a pretty simple and easy person," You replied

"Maybe I should write that down," Eric said, reaching for a pen

"Not easy in that way, you asshole," You replied, as you smacked the drummer's arm.

The two of you laughed as Eric rubbed his arm from where you had hit him. You wiped your eyes and went to turn your attention back to your computer when the drummer's cell phone rang. The two of you looked at each other, and then the drummer looked down at his device, rolling his eyes at the name on the screen. He stood up from his chair and walked toward the door, turning to wave goodbye to you, before he answered his phone. You shook your head and leaned back in your chair, wondering what the singer could want with someone like you. You reached into your pocket and pulled your phone out quickly, searching for your best friend's number. Pressing the call, you tapped your fingers on your desk, waiting for Megan to answer her phone. After multiple rings finally a tired voice came across the line and you smiled to yourself.

"This better be very fucking important," Megan mumbled into the phone

"Well, my boss wants me to go on a date with him, and I'm not sure what to do about that," You replied

You pulled your phone away from your ear as Megan screamed into the line, making you chuckle slightly. Leaning back in your chair, you listened as your best friend started throwing multiple questions at you, barely taking a moment to breathe between each one. You looked back at the door and wondered if the singer was getting the same type of torture from his best friends as you were. 

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