Part 20

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(Reader POV)

Paul held your hand as the two of you walked up the stairs to the second floor of his mansion. Your eyes fluttered to all of the different art pieces that hung along each room. The butterflies were building in your stomach with each room of the house the two of you past. Finally the singer stopped infront of a bedroom door and turned to look at you, with a faint smile on his face. You could feel the blush flushing across your cheeks as you attempted to hold his gaze for a few moments. He placed both hands on either side of your face and kissed your lips slowly making you sigh.

"I'm just as nervous as you are, but I promise I will be the perfect gentleman. This is our guest room I keep different sizes and styles of clothing and swim suits in here for anyone. Hell if you're too tired to drive later you're more than welcome to crash here. No strings attached." Paul said

"Wow, thank you Mr. Stanl.. I mean Paul" You replied

"Good girl, now come and find something to wear, while i go change" the singer replied

You smiled at him and opened the door to the room taking in everything for a moment. The room was painted light blue with white lien on the bed. Everything about the room seemed innocent and pure, making you chuckle slightly to yourself as you thought about how you and the guitarist had been all over each other minutes before. You ran your hand across the soft bed spread as you walked toward the closet, finding everything Paul had mentioned before. All sorts of bathing suits lined the closet from one piece to bikinis.

"He thought of everything" You whispered to yourself

After a few minutes of scanning through the dozens of swimsuits you landed on a dark red two piece, and immediately pulled it out of the closet. Snickering to yourself, you held the garment up in the mirror against your body making sure it would look semi decent on you. You knew the bikini would more than likely send the singer over the edge but it was a risky game you were willing to play. Everything about the night had gone above your expectations. You changed quickly struggling to tie the top of the suit when a knock sounded on the bedroom door.

"Come in" You called, still trying to tie the top

Paul pushed the door open slowly and looked at you with his mouth hanging open. You looked the singer up and down seeing he was in a pair of black and red striped trunks. He moved into the room, not taking his eyes off of you for a moment . The singer ran his hands down your arms before reaching behind you and taking the straps into one of his hands. Paul looked at you through the mirror and moved his face so that his chin laid on your shoulder.

"You are a very beautiful woman, did you know that?" Paul asked

"I'm sure you say that to all the girls" You replied, rolling your eyes.

"Actually I don't thats why you should believe me. Do you know how hard it is for me to try and behave right now? You've been driving me crazy since the minute you walked into my office." He whispered

"What happened to being good tonight?" You whispered as you felt the singer's lips on the side of your neck.

"I'm good at being bad, Y/N, I wont cross any lines that you dont want me to, but I'm kinda hoping you give me a chance to show you how I feel" Paul said.

"Lets just see where the night leads us, okay? Lets go swim before the pizza is done" You replied, turning to face him

Paul let out a frustrated groan and tied the back of your suit quickly before pulling you to him. He wrapped his hands around your waist and moved his face closer to yours until the two of you shared the same breath. You ran your hands down his hairy chest scraping your nails gently down it, as the singer pressed his lips against yours. The two of you exchanged slow passionate kisses between each other as you both wrapped your arms tightly around the other. Paul lifted you up as he swiped his tongue across your bottom lip. The singer wrapped your legs around his waist as the two of you fought to dominant the kiss and explored each other's mouth.

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