Part 8

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(Paul POV)

Paul sat in his home office, looking through the hundred of emails people had sent just that afternoon. Most of them are about meetings on new merchandise and the tour, plus upcoming interviews. He added all the dates and times for everything to the calendar, quickly forewarning the information to your email.

"Looks like her first two weeks will be a make-or-break type situation." He said, shaking his head.

The singer looked down at the desk calendar, sitting under a picture of Evan and himself at a movie premiere for Lilo and Stitch. Paul chuckled and leaned back in his chair, remembering how nervous his son had been at eight years old walking down a red carpet. The guitarist was still trying to accept that his little boy was almost eighteen.

"Dad? Are you here?" A voice called from the kitchen

"Yeah, in my office, I'll be right out," Paul said,

Paul looked down at the calendar, seeing the days remaining before graduation and the teenager's birthday. Letting out a sigh, the singer shut the lid on his laptop and walked toward the kitchen.

Evan leaned against the counter, holding a bottle of water in one hand while running his hands through his curly hair. Paul grinned at the younger man and remembered the times he had traveled to different neighborhoods for straighteners to get rid of the curls. Evan seemed to love how it set him apart from everyone.

"What's up, son? I didn't think you were coming over until Wednesday for our usual dinner." Paul asked

"Actually, I'm going to be staying with you this week. Mom's driving me crazy over, moving away, and how unsafe New York is, etc." Evan replied.

"Did you let her know you were staying here, or am I going to be getting a frantic phone call?" The singer asked, seeing the boy's cheeks flush pink.

Two minutes later, the phone started ringing, and the teenager made a dash for the stairs. Paul cursed under his breath and picked up the phone immediately, hearing the fake sobs of his ex-wife. The singer tapped his foot, waiting for the yelling to start. Paul knew in some magical way he was going to get the blame for Evan leaving her house with no notice.

"Pam is there a reason you're calling your ex-husband crying," Paul asked sternly

"Is Evan with you? He just stormed out of the house and won't answer his phone." Pam replied.

"Yes, he's here. You know that boy always comes to my house if you and he have it out. I wish you would leave him alone about going away to school. Evan is going to be eighteen soon and wants to spread his wings." The singer replied.

"New York is so dangerous Paul, that's why you moved out to L.A. remember," she said

"Yeah, that's partially it, but New York also helped me get my foot in the door and become successful. Start trusting his judgment on things. We raised him right, okay?" Paul asked.

"I just don't want him turning out to become a womanizing musician like his father. He doesn't need the Tish program at NYU to follow his dreams." Pam snapped.

"I'm pretty sure the reason you have all those fancy things in your new home is because of his father," The singer snapped.

"Yeah, money doesn't buy love," Pam replied

Paul drew a deep breath, trying his hardest not to go blow for blow with the mother of his only son. She had always accused him of being a cheater, even though it was the other way around. The singer being on tour most of their marriage and away from his son was a punch below the belt Pam always hit him with.

"When he calms down, I will talk to him. Evan will call you when he is ready. Don't forget about getting together to plan his party, and before you say it no, we aren't doing a separate one. Goodbye!" Paul said, hanging up the phone.

Paul ran his hand through his shoulder-length black hair as he stared back at the phone. After eleven years of marriage, the bitch still knew how to light the fuse to his temper. The singer walked toward the stairs as the phone rang again. Paul looked at the kitchen and then at the stairs.


The singer leaned against the railing, listening as his son made his way to the top of the stairs. Paul folded his arms in front of his chest, watching Evan stare back at him with the same brown eyes and pencil-thin frown. The phone was still continuously ringing in the background, as Paul raised an eyebrow at his son.

"Fuck" Evan mumbled.

"You better go answer that. I'm not taking another ass-chewing from your mom. It's already been a bad day dealing with your uncle and training a new assistant." Paul said.

"Can we go to dinner first? I can't handle her when I have an empty stomach. Plus, it gives me a chance to talk to you about what she and I were really fighting about. You can vent too, so all three of us win," Evan said with a smirk.

"You are definitely my son. Go get your keys, but I mean it. You will call your mom when we get back." The singer said.

Evan leaned over and hugged his dad before turning and running up the stairs again. The singer watched him until he disappeared. Walking back to his office, Paul grabbed his cell phone and jacket, seeing a message flash across the screen from Doc. The singer let out a deep sigh and opened the message, feeling the anger already building up as he read his manager's words.

"Meeting at 9 pm at the warehouse with the whole band. Big things to discuss that promoters need an answer to tonight on,"

Paul looked at the time on his phone, showing it was a little after seven. Knowing that Evan had a lot he needed to get off his chest, Paul wouldn't be able to make the meeting in person. The singer dialed the older man's number and waited impatiently for him to answer the phone. After what seemed like ten minutes, the helium-sounding voice came across the line.

"Hello?" Doc asked

"Why didn't you bring all of this up today? I have my son with me tonight and would like to spend time with him. Tell the promoters they can talk to us tomorrow." Paul said.

"No, you've pushed this off long enough. We will see you at nine," Doc replied, hanging up the phone.

"Motherfucker," The singer replied, pulling on his jacket and shutting off his phone.

The singer walked out of his office with a million thoughts hitting him. Doc and Gene had been on his ass for over two months about this deal, even after Paul had told him that there was a conflict because Evan leaving for school. He wondered if there was more behind the situation than just the tour, the singer's thoughts drifting to you and how the bassist had treated you. Leaving Paul as always to put his best friend in his place.

"All hell is going to break loose and I've only had a new assistant for one day," Paul whispered as he walked out of the small room.

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