Part 5

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You looked down at the calendar, seeing the date Doc and Paul had been arguing about for the last nine hours, the graduation party for the singer's son. Paul looked back up at you with a worried look on his face, waiting for your response. You took a seat beside him and picked up the pen again, waiting for direction. The singer stared at you for a minute, making your face heat up under the gaze before he spoke again.

"So, as you've heard, Evan is going to be graduating high school in three weeks. I've been wanting to plan this party for him as a congratulation and farewell. He got accepted to a music program in New York at NYC. It has to happen on this date because Evan leaves two days later." Paul said,

"Have you tried to tell Doc that? Maybe that will make him relax a bit about the gig." you replied.

"I think when one of us tells that man no, there shouldn't be any further conversation about it. Y/N I was dead serious when I said I don't like people pushing my buttons to find my pet peeves, yet my manager of over twenty years seems to love to do it." the singer said with a sigh.

"Well Mr. Stanley, I'm here to help, so tell me what's needed and Ill get started tonight," You replied.

"You can call me Paul for now, unless you fuck something up. I actually need to talk with Evan's mother tonight to find out what all my boys might want there." Paul said,

"Oh, you and your wife haven't talked about it?" You asked.

The singer looked at you for a moment and then started laughing, putting his head down on the table to catch his breath. You looked at him with your eyebrows raised, wondering if you were working for a madman instead of the lead singer of KISS. After a few minutes, Paul wiped the tears from his eyes and cleared his throat. You tried to patiently wait for him to explain what was going on.

"When they said you knew little about our band, I was shocked, but it's true you don't know anything. I have been single since 2001. You better go check in with Heather and remember if you're going to drink coffee try to be here before me, or my dry cleaner will hate you worse than the last assistant." the singer said, looking at the clock.

"Yes, sir. Try to enjoy the night with your family. Coming from a divorce family, the best thing in the world is seeing your parents get along, especially with big milestones coming up." You said.

Paul looked at you emphatically before waving you out the door without saying another word. As soon as you closed the door, you let out a deep breath, thankful you had succeeded on the first day, even in the chaos. You started digging through your purse, not paying attention to where you were going, as you searched for your badge and car keys. Feeling yourself collided with someone before you landed on your ass.

"I'm glad you didn't have coffee in your hand. That would be an even worse way to end the day." Gene said, holding out his hand.

"Oh, my god. Mr. Simmons, I am so sorry about that. Are you okay?" You asked, taking his hand.

"Besides hurt feelings, I think Ill be okay. Where are you headed? I'm surprised by Mr. Perfection. Let you leave on time," the bassist replied.

"Oh, I have to go see Heather to go over how today went. Do you have any pointers that will help Paul not hate me too much?" you asked, swiping your badge.

"Have dinner when you are done with your meeting, like you agreed to. Then I will tell you everything you need to know to stay on the prick's good side. Deal?" Gene asked, holding out his hand.

You looked at his hand and then up at his face, seeing the cocky smirk dancing across his face. The words Paul had mentioned most of the day about the bassist, his girlfriend, and being fired because of sexual harassment. Coming back another day to work with Paul and keep him pleased made the bassist offer seem like winning the lottery. You shook his hand as the elevator doors opened.

"Don't worry, this will just be our little secret. Just text me when you are done and I will shoot you the address." Gene replied.

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