Part 2

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Alia and Meera met at the orphanage, Alia's mom had given her to the orphanage at the age of two, so there is not much she remembers about them, and Meera had been there since birth.

A week after Alia's 8th birthday she was sitting by a tree sad and upset because she was yet to be adopted out of the orphanage and everyone knows that the older you get the less likely you are to be adopted when suddenly she felt a stone pelt her, but when she turned around there was no one there. Again she felt another hit and that time she turned around fast enough to catch the culprit.

It was none other than Meera, Meera was the orphanage resident trouble maker, all the care takers were scared of her because she was always pranking them. When she realized she was caught, with a bold smirk she said "hello, dry those tears, if you get adopted out who will be here with me, you and I both know no one will adopt me because of my naughtiness"

Alia cracked up laughing, leave it to her best friend to cheer her up no matter how bad she was feeling. A moment after that Meera said "no matter what you will always be my family, I will not leave you; so what if none of those rich snobby people want to adopt us, the aunties here take very good care of us.

You always say we are going to be lawyers but what if we get adopted and they turn us in to engineers or make us have arranged marriages. Just think, you will have to move and we won't get to see each other."

After a minute Alia said "there is nothing wrong with arranged marriages, I will make my daughter marry your son" and at that they both laughed. From that day forward the besties did everything together, growing up in the orphanage there wasn't nothing much to do but study and thus both got scholarships to university where they fulfilled there dream of studying law.

Meera met Anand while she was interning at his father's company and they became friends, there was something about him that made her think he was perfect for her best friend and her being Meera convinced Anand to take Alia on a date, and she was right they hit it off.

When Anand told her he was going to propose to Alia she had one request and that was Anand and Alia had to live close by her as Alia was her only family. Meera joked a lot, but he could tell she was serious, and as such he promised.

Anand and Alia got married and came back from their honeymoon pregnant with Anjalie. When Meera found out she couldn't help but laugh "Such sharp shooter you are Anand, first shot and bang" Anand smirked while Alia ran away blushing. Everyone was happy.

2 years later Meera was returning from a Business trip when she met Kabir on the flight, and Meera being Meera, she proposed him, " hi I'm Meera, you are cute and I'm cuter if you are single I'd like to take you on a date, here's my number. I'm looking for a husband, so don't call if you are one to play around" Kabir could not believe what he had heard, he looked at her shocked but soon recovered.

It was love at first line for him and 6 months later they got married. Around the same time of the wedding Alia found out she was pregnant again and 9 months later came Arnav Singh Raizada.

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