Part 26

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Khushi was beyond excited for her first day of Uni but was nervous at the same time. The night before she had gone through everything in her closet trying to find the perfect outfit but nothing was what she wanted to wear. Meera had tried to help her, but everything she suggested Khushi refused.

Meera spent an hour trying to help her and then gave up. Meera told Khushi that she would call  Arnav over to see if he could help because it seemed as if khushi wouldn't get any sleep that night.

When Arnav came over he was yawning and rubbing his face because he was already asleep when Meera had called him. Seeing his actions khushi found it cute, and instead of being focused on the clothes she was focused on him. She left her closet and went to him wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her head on his chest.

Meera had realized when she suggested Khushi's favorite outfit and she didn't choose it that the clothes wasn't the issue rather it was Khushi being nervous and upset that she wouldn't be spending as much time with Arnav after school start.  khushi hadn't realize, but all she kept talking about was Arnav.

Arnav felt his shirt getting wet and realized that Khushi was crying. He picked her up and walked to sit on the bed. Khushi refused to look at him and kept her head buried in his chest. Khushi took several deep breaths inhaling Arnavs scent, a habit of hers since childhood. Arnav patted her head giving her time to calm down.

After awhile Arnav started talking. He told Khushi that though they won't be spending a lot of time together he would make sure to see her every night before bed even if she is a sleep.

Khushi said okay and calmed down. Arnav looked around the room and saw the mess khushi had made but he didn't say anything. He picked her up from his lap and tucked her into bed. It was already late and he knew khushi needed to sleep. When khushi fell asleep Arnav cleaned her room and organized her clothes in the closet then left.

The next morning khushi woke up feeling better, she had her bath and when she went to her closet to get dress she saw that Arnav had set out her close for her. He left a note on it telling her that he liked the way it looked on her and she'll be the prettiest girl to in Uni and he will see her later. khushi smiled, took the note and added it to her box of notes that he had given her over the years.

After khushi was finished getting dressed, she grabbed her stuff for school and went down to have breakfast. When she got to the dining table she saw her parents already eating. She walked to Kabir kissed his cheek then walked to her mom kissed her cheek, sat on her lap and started eating from her plate. 

Kabir smiled at both of them, he never got tired of that scene. When they were done eating Meera walked them both to the car. Kabir had asked that he be the one to drop Khushi to school in the mornings so he could be able to spend time with her, khushi agreed since Arnav would be busy.

When Khushi came back from uni she was telling telling the parents all about what happened. It was just like her first day of school. Everyone was just smiling watching her being a kid again.

Just as dinner was about to start Arnav came home and Khushi ran to him and jumped in his arms and again started the story of her fist day. Arnav sat with her in his lap, listening to her and feeding her in between talks. Everyone was looking at them, but they were lost in their own world.

Ever since Khushi was small she had the habit of choosing to talk over eating when she was excited so Kabir or Meera had to feed her. Seeing Arnav feeding Khushi made Kabir smiled to himself knowing that his baby would forever be pampered.

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